November 22, 1963 JFK Assassination
History.com Video
Picasa Web Album
JFK Speech
In 200 words or more please answer the following questions.
In your own words what does it mean to be a leader? What does it mean to lose a leader? Some people are saying that Barack Obama is the next JFK what would it mean to you if he was assassinated?
In my own words I would say that to be a leader you must have many qualities. One of the main qualities you must have to be a leader is that you must have courage. Under that you must have bravery and honesty and you must be a true person. You must be willing to do what you need to do to save others. Also you must we willing to sacrifice your self to help others in need. To loose a leader it means that some people will be devastated. Loosing a leader means that some people will loose hope in life and give up in there life. Loosing a leader is not a real cool thing to do. If Obama was assassinated then I think the world would go into chaos and things would just become hectic and everybody will be very upset. Also if he was killed by an assassinator I think that that man would be taken out as quick as possible. That is what I have to say about this situation. I mean that’s all I can think of right now. That is all I can say about this because it was a long time ago and I really don’t remember much about John F. Kennedy.
By: Andrew, Period 6
A leader needs to have integrity. They must have a deep understanding of business. You can't fake it. People will know. While you don't need to know every detail, you do have to have a good grasp of the business. They need to consistent. While keeping things fresh is important, leaders cannot change direction frequently. They will lose people’s confidence. Leaders need to be willing to admit a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and if you’re not making any, you’re not doing your job right. They need to be outspoken, but also need to be willing to listen what others have to say. Leaders must create a positive atmosphere, avoid arguments, lead by example, and have humility.
If Barack Obama was to be assassinated, I would feel like his hard work was for naught. To lose a leader {someone you look up to} is devastating. Although I’m not close to him, I would feel a void in my heart. It would make me feel like because of my ethnic background, people would want to persecute me if I accomplished anything they thought I couldn’t.
To be a leader means not only you have the respect and trust of your people, and know what choices to make, but to know what choices to make in a very compromising position. To be able to make decision that will help the majority your group even if you have to sacrifice some. To be a leader you don’t have to be fearless, but you can’t let that fear consume you. You have to be able to look at your decision and say that it was for the best and the right decision. And for the group to lose a leader should mean mourning for the whole group and maybe a little chaos. If they do this, that leader was a great leader. If the group moves on really quick, that leader messed up. If Obama were to get assassinated, I am getting a five-finger-discount at my local mall. But seriously, people are going to riot because not only did most of them skip work to go and vote, but their vote helped him win and they already celebrated and are still celebrating. If he were to die now, people would get pissed because all of that time they spent following the campaign could have been used for something else and it was all for nothing.
Being a leader mean that his/her opinion is a big deal for many people. He/she should be able to lead people to the right way and keep things in control. To loose a leader that has inspired many people mean losing a figure that is look up to, much like a family member. It was difficult to let an assassination like John F. Kennedy be forgotten because he was a role model for many citizens. The griefs of many people prove that John F. Kennedy was a good leader and a good person. I have heard rumors that Barack Obama would be assassinated once he is president and I thought it would be the worst thing that would happen to the world. If Obama would be kill then that proves that the world is not ready for a colored man to lead. However, I disagree because I believe that we are ready for a color man to lead because we have overcome many difficult situations from the help of many color people in our history. And because of our history it led to today. I would be very devastated if Obama was assassinated because he is one of the greatest role model for many citizens. He changed life as we know it.
To be a leader means not to be a follower and do what is right. You walk by faith and not by sight. It means to make a change regardless of what others may believe in. Leaders are focused in making a difference and creating peace. Leaders also lead other people into coming together and raising the bar in communication and success. They also put everyone in its place and keep it from getting out hand. When you loose a leader everyone comes out of hand. It feels as if there is no one to look up to at that moment. Everything will seem confusing and you will ask yourself the most random questions that you would never find the right answer to. There will not be any hope at that moment because a great leader in which people depended on will no longer be around to make a change. If Barack Obama was assassinated it will really shock me. The person that made history and that was determined to make a change will no longer be with us to help us reach a stage of freedom and equality. It will make many citizens sad and it will cause great chaos because Obama now is one of the most important people in history.
Adrian Period 1
If a person is a true leader, that means to me someone who is able to meet several standards. They are a person who is able to convey authority when presented, a person who is able to speak to the public eloquently, and has the intelligence to lead. As well as someone who is not afraid to make the correct decision for those they may lead. To lose a leader such as a President, a leader that is able to lead with great skill and carry the favor of the people they lead is a terrible thing. Very few people are able be a proper leader, and with the loss of good leadership there is disorder. Obama is very similar to the leader that JFK was seen as. A leader averts war, brings America out of difficult financial times, and works on race relations. These issues are what many Americans see as essential in these times to our success as nation. With the loss of the person who would bring this about would be crushing to the spirit of the people. If something tragic such as an assassination were to happen, I would extremely disappointed, but it does not help anyone to think events such as those would take place.
To me, being a leader is leading lost people out of a hole that they are unable to climb out of. Being a leader means taking care of yourself as well as others. Being a leader also means having your priorities strait and getting what you need to get done over with. In addition, being a leader also means that you do enough that people look up to you and want to do good things just like you have. When you lose a good leader, you automatically feel discouraged. You feel discouraged because that person was helping many people, including myself, to be successful and to understand what kind of country America’s forefathers truly dreamed of. Lately, we have not had a good leader; we had a horrible leader. Bush did not lead us out of a hole that our government dug us; instead, he dug us deeper. Our economy is horrible, our taxes are unbearable, and our leader was friends with the people who bombed our twin towers. What kind of country is that? We were not led by a good president. He did not become president to make our nation better, he became president to help out his close friends and family; that is NOT a real president. If Obama is assassinated, that will mean that he actually was a good president because John F. Kennedy was a good president and he was assassinated. It will also mean that racists are intimidated by his presidency because they know that he would make a change in this country for the better. It will also mean that there is another chance for a president like Bush, the worst president in America’s history.
Some qualities that make a good leader are mainly having leadership skills. You have to be able to say what you mean and back it up. You can’t tell someone you will try and lower criminal rate and then do nothing about it! A leader has to be honest, whole hearted and understanding. Having a leader who tells you they are there and turn around and not care will cause conflict amongst people. You have to be truthful with every thing you do or else it will back fire. A good leader also must show traits such as outstanding quality, educated, and brave. A leader also must be unique. The best way to be a leader is to have you own personal vision. To lose a leader is like losing guidance. Without a leader you have to start over basically. Someone new is going to come in and try to pick up the slack but won’t anything come close to what the previous leader had to offer. If Barack Obama was to be assassinated I would be so mad. That is plain right disrespectful, rude, and ignorant. I would be ready to kill someone if it happened. I really don’t see the meaning of doing it because karma comes around and will bite you two times harder. Its not possible to get away from it.
Lexi Period 1
Daniel Period 1
A leader is someone that has other people following them. The leader of the group are people that make the right decisions all the time and try to convince others to do the say. Also a leader is one that knows what to do in a time of grief and is a spilt decision maker. To loose a leader means a lot. It means you have lost sense of how to hold your self and your country has the potential of falling apart. Also it means you are missing the heart of the operation. Someone else has to try and step up to replace a leader. All the group can think of now is the plans the leader had for the group before their death. I also think that Obama is the next JFK. I always said that he had the possibility to be assassinated because he was a black man trying to change the world. Also I think that if he doesn’t get assassinated that he is going to have a rough time trying to run the United States. People are just going to be expecting more from him because of the things the world is going through. But if Obama get assassinated I think I would be kind of mad.
Period 1
Being a leader is being an independent person. A leader is not afraid to fight for what they believe in and stand up for what is right. A leader is someone that everyone looks up to and appreciates them. Anyone can be a leader; it’s not hard at all; although you have to have good qualities as a person. To lose a leader is very hard. When John F. Kennedy was assassinated, many people were hurt and sad. Many people felt horrible when that happened. Why would someone kill who only wanted the best for everyone? Now people want to say that Barack Obama is the next JFK. Honestly, I don’t believe people should go around saying that about him. If Barack Obama was to be assassinated I really would have a problem with that because he doesn’t deserve to be killed. Just because he is African American doesn’t mean that he should be killed. I would hate to see anything happen to Obama because I believe that he is a good person at heart and he only wants what is best for our nation. He sees everyone as an equal and I believe that is how it should be.
Period 1
To me, being a great leader means that you are willing to take charge of something and lead it to greatness. When you lose a leader, it affects everybody differently. For example, when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, most people were extremely angry. However, there were people that were happy. They didn’t like JFK because he was Catholic, was good friends with Martin Luther King Jr., and was trying to stop war. If Barack Obama gets assassinated, I believe the United States will be even worse than it is now. I think there would be a lot of riots and violence because for some people that is all that they understand. For many people, the solution to violence is more violence. I also think that there will be a lot of hatred. The people that assassinate Obama will be hated by the majority of the United States. I really hope that Barack Obama does not get assassinated. I don’t believe anybody should be murdered unless they are truly bringing evil to the world. Therefore, Obama definitely shouldn’t be assassinated. The only thing he is doing is trying to make the United States of America a better place. By making the United States a better place, he would make the world a better place.
Laquietta Braswell
Mr. O’Neal, Period 1
A leader is someone who does the right thing, makes a good impression on others, and someone who is a good person in general. However, there are many more definitions on being a leader. You could be a leader by helping others. You could be a leader from getting good grades in school and several other ways. I can honestly say that I am a great leader for my personality skills. I like to have a good quality influence on others. If I were to loose a leader I would be very much upset. I would be upset by the fact of loosing that person’s citizenship and helpfulness. In my mind, Barack Obama is the next JFK. They are similar in various ways. Each of the men wanted and wants a change for the world. Neither are racism and they are both leaders to this world. As for JFK he was shot by a racist individual on November 22, 1963. He died and a few years later Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated as well. Now a lot of people are worried that it Obama will be assassinated because he is the first elected black president to proceed in the white house. To this day there are still racist citizens in the world. If Obama were to be assassinated then I know this world would come to an end. Millions of people would be EXTREMELY upset from this action. I would very disturb myself. I just pray fro his safety and hope that everything goes well.
Claudia/ Period 1
To be a leader means that you will always stand for what you and your people believe no matter what other groups of people may think about it. A leader is someone who wants to improve the conditions of everyone around them as well as the situations that they are facing. To lose a leader is like losing the way to an expected place by everyone. When a leader like JFK is lost then all of the people who relied on him lost hope of the change that was promised and needed. I feel like for a president who was very loved by the people like JFK was he needed to keep caution on everything he put out here for the people to know because just like his assassination it would all be used against him and his family. I really don’t think that Barack Obama will be the next JFK because now everyone knows what could happen if another president was assassinated, maybe now everyone will try to accept Barack Obama. If Barack Obama would be assassinated I would feel like all those people who voted for him didn’t really want him in the presidency because otherwise he would’ve been protected by all of them.
Period 1
Too me a leader is a person who takes the lead without fear. A leader is a person who stands up for what they believe in. When no one else is ready to take charge they are. When you loose a leader it could mean your loosing direction. A leader is someone who helps direct a follower in positive or negative ways. So if you loose the front of your operation or the person you stand behind your not going to know where to go at first. Some people are not inclined to lead so if you’re that kind of person you’re going to need to find a new leader. Or someone is just going to have to stand up and be the leader to direct you and the people following. Barack Obama can be considered the next JFK because a lot of their views are the same. Simple because Barack Obama is a black man and at one time a black man even running for presidency wasn’t likely. JFK was assonated because he wanted to help the civil rights movement and let every man be free. And that’s among other things that the country at that time wasn’t ready to see happened so quickly. There are still a lot of those believers still out there who feel outraged Obama is president. You could say Obama is the new JFK because he has a big possibility he could be assonated. Obama killed would be an depression for me but I wouldn’t loose total hope for this country because I saw change happen and I know it’s possible.
Suryawan Period 1
A leader means that you have to be strong, able to convince people to go in your way, thoughtful, diligent, intelligent, wise in making decisions, have lots of opinions, great in giving orders, peaceful, and doing the best you can. A leader will give orders and make important decisions. He or she has to be strong and believe in what’s best. At the same time too, he or she has to let people gave him or her opinions. Sometimes, others opinions might be better than yours. Nothing else is more important to him other than the position he or she is in. He or she also had to be responsible in what he or she is doing. Plus, he or she had to think of the consequences of their decision. Loosing a leader is not easy; everybody will not know where to go and what to do. Especially, if it is a sudden one, where there isn’t any warning and caution. Everybody will be panic; they had put all their hope and trust in that specific person, now they are gone. What are we going to do now? If Barack Obama is going be assassinated I think people of United States of America will be the one who will mourn the most. I will be very sad, he is the first and only leader I would choose if I had to.
To be a leader means to lead others towards a better future. There are leaders for nations, states, and even something as simple as sports teams. For even the simplest tasks, leaders are necessary. To lose a leader causes panic and hysteria. Without someone to lead, everything falls apart. If Barack Obama was assassinated, it would mean that our president was dead. If we kill our own leader, then all that does is push America apart again. Before 9/11 there was a lot of internal conflict and hate. But, because of what happened on that day, our nation became closer than it has ever been. It is unfortunate that all those lives were sacrificed for that unity. But if President Obama is killed, then all those lives will have died for nothing. We need to try harder to get along with each other. We can’t focus on something one person said or did. We must focus on our nation and the people in it.
Patricia Bell
Period 2
To me a leader means when you’re in charge but you don’t take things for granted. I also think that a leader means that when someone is in a higher position than anyone else and they can make rules and enforce them. I also thing that a leader means when you are respected a lot more than others and when people have a lot of expectations out of you. To many people loosing a leader is a very dreadful thing and to others it may seem as a new change. If we as people would loose a leader we would be very sad and we probably wouldn’t have hope again. I think that a lot of people would try and find the killer and kill them but I think if it was over a natural cause such as heart attack, diabetes, etc… that most people will loose hope in most things such as change. If Barack Obama was assassinated it would hurt a lot of people and it would show that as African-Americans were not getting far. It would also make a lot of people very sad and it would tell people that change isn’t coming and probably will never come.
Joseph Period 2
In my words to be a leader is someone that takes responsibility. A leader is also someone that will help anyone that needs that help. I believe I am a leader myself, because I do all the things that a leader has to do. To be a leader is something kids do hear all the time, to always be a leader not a follower. To me of to loose a leader is something like another Bush. I say that is because it is to me that a loose leader is someone who is supposed to be a leader and does not do his job as a leader. A leader is suppose to do there job for what ever it takes. That is what Gorge Bush did not do when he was in the office, which is why he is not in the office. To me if Barack Obama was assassinated it would mean a lot to me and a lot more other people. To me it would mean that our world would probably never be changed at all, because Barack Obama is a man that wants the world to be changed as well. That is what it would mean to me if Barack Obama is assassinated.
Period 2
Brianna said ..
In my own words I think that a leader is someone that can help people and not only think about themselves. They will lead a country to victory and try to think from everyone’s perspective. A leader doesn’t even have to be some type of a political type person or even someone on that type of level a leader can be someone’s hero or could be someone in your school or an older brother or sister or parents or anything like that. When we loose a leader I think some people will be affected and some won’t because if you had a lousy leader it really won’t matter because some people would be happy they weren’t there anymore. I mean no one deserves to loose their life by trying to help others. If we were to loose the man who is our new president now I think that most of us would be very upset because we would never get the chance to see what wonders he has in store for us. I mean I would be very upset if he got shot because the way he talk and carries himself I know he’ll do good for us and not let us down in any type of way.
2nd Period
In order to be a leader, you must have character. You must have charisma, courage, leadership skills, the ability to love your enemies, common sense, and intelligence. You must be willing to lead. A leader is a strong person and be a strong character. Losing a leader could be like losing sight of your goals. Leaders are role models; they are there to help and guide you and take charge. Once all of the inspiration and guidance is taken away from you, then there’s a chance that you could be lost, mislead, and misguided. I believe Barack Obama could be the next John F. Kennedy. They both share the same leadership skills, and they both share the same will to bring change to a group of people, and a great country. Obama and Kennedy are alike in many ways. If Obama were to be assassinated, then I believe that the country would become chaotic. I see Obama as my role model, and as my inspiration to continue to do the best I can do at everything. If he were to be assassinated, and removed from the face of this earth, it would be heartbreaking and a great loss because of the potential that he has to lead this country in the right direction.
Tayania Brown PD2
A leader is a man on a woman that would take the reasonability to be in change of something that can be a same or big organization. That one person is willing to go above and beyond to do whatever they believe is good to do and maybe what the people think that they should do. They will try their best to do whatever it is so the people know that they are a good leader and that they should be their leader. When loosing a leader it can mean that bad things can happen. Depending on whom the leader was it could bring bad things to the world and their family will be very devastated that their loved one is gone. When loosing a leader you may loose your pride as well because you could have looked up to that leader and they could have been the ones that would help in any way possible. That one leader could have been a role model for you and without them you may think that you can not do things because they were always there to help you. I think that if Barack Obama was assassinated it will bring more problems to the world because the people that was for him would be upset. I also think that the things that he wants to get done will not happen and that things will not get better in the world.
Taiwan Period2
What does it mean to be a leader? This is a question that we as students here all the time from teachers and other adults. In order for someone to be considered a leader, they have to step up to the plate, and take responsibility for the job that is put in front of them. They have to be brave and able to make good decisions in the time of danger. They have to always think of what is best for the people they are leading. A leader should not have a group of people of whom which he or she always makes their decision benefiting that group of people. They should be able the make the decision, that will benefit the people the best. To loose a leader is a very horrific thing to happen. The leader can be shot, or just is not capable of making the right decisions. If Barack Obama was to be assassinated, I truly believe, that people will go nuts. I think that, yes, things will result to violents. I believe that the person who assassinates Obama would have the same fate as the person who assassinated John F. Kennedy. As for me, I do not believe that I would be very happy.
To me a leader consist of a person that leads their followers in a good direction. Also making sure they are aware of everything that is going on within whatever it is that they are leading. When you lose a leader many different things could happen. I think it depends on why you lost the leader as well. When a leader such as a president is lose because of the anger a citizen or citizens have towards them because of the way they decided to run the country is hard for the American people to coop with because its like losing hope, change, and the promises you were made while they were presidents. If President Elect Barack Obama was assassinated I think it would be hard for the American people to deal with just because I think he is likable by a lot or the majority of the citizens that live here. I think he being killed would outrage a lot of people and could possible start riots and other crimes. I think if he were to get assassinated it would not only hurt the United States but other countries around the world because they too believe that he can make a change not only in America but the World .
Tazjare, Period 2
Fatima Neal
Being a leader, is a hard task to lead other to the right path. Leading someone means to have a good personality, helping hand, and follows everyone on the right path, a role model, a big/sister or brother someone’s that wants you to be something in life. To loose a leader means that we lost change, someone that’s wants to make a difference in life. We need more leaders in our community and some people hated when someone is doing better than them so they try to pull them down right along with them. To me Barack Obama is not the next JFK, There two different people that are from different generations. If Obama was assassinated I think the whole would be crazy and out of control. It’s going to be a lot of murders and killing in the world and the person that killed Obama would have something coming for him. I think I would cry because he gives me hope and made a change in my life.. OBAMA IS THE MAN that gave us all a dream and it would be devastating if someone came and tried to take that away from us. It would change the whole world if Obama was killed.
Period Two; *
To be a leader, it means to be there. As in “there” I’m implying that you must hold the qualities of a leader; qualities all ranging from patience to bravery. Not too many who hold these qualities are willing to stand for others, but the few that we do have aren’t appreciated as such. When we have a leader whose only intentions are to better us, not all accept him/her as he/she comes. To lose a leader is very devastating and tragic. Although you may have not known that someone personally you made a connection with them and believe in them. They took the time to come forward to benefit the lives of not only you, but for everyone around as well. When their gone, you may find it hard to believe again and/or trust another after them. Set standards that you had no longer seem reachable and you just want to give up. After losing JFK, many felt as previously described. They had high hopes for seeing JFK bringing once a departed nation, back together as one; but after his murder; not mattered anymore. This was the turning point acceptance of foolishness. Many, many years wasted and blind that should’ve never been. But we now have hope and can reach high again. We have a smart, wise, and understanding new leader. He is the new-coming and is here for us all. To lose him, will only set us back to what we’re trying to build out of. It’s just history repeating it’s self, and hopes decreasing by the years.
Bryce, Period 2
A leader is a man or woman that a whole bunch of other people are willing to follow or are forced to follow sometimes. For instance, since some people voted for him and some people didn’t, we, the United States, had to follow the leadership of President George W. Bush. There are good leaders, bad leaders, and in between leaders. A good leader would lead people out and away from trouble. A bad leader would get into trouble and never get out. They would leave their post and make the next person in their position fix their blunder. Depending on the type of leader, losing a leading could be the best thing that could happen. Or, losing a leader could be the worse thing that could happen. Also, no one deserves to be killed. No matter what type of leader it is, they shouldn’t be murdered. Still, a leader is a humans being. They have people that will miss them when they leave. As for Barack Obama being the next John F. Kennedy, I hope that it doesn’t happen. Even though their situations are equivalent, I don’t want the same result to occur. If Obama was assassinated, it would be a sad day in history and my life.
Period 2
To be a leader, it means a lot. I say this because it’s a big responsibility. Everyone will follow you and be behind you with what ever you do. So you can’t go in the wrong direction. Only if they think it’s the right way to go. To loose a leader, it could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing. I know to me, losing the president is a good thing because we have someone better coming in. That person is Barack Obama. Now everyone is looking up to him to try and fix things that we need done. We all need a change in this world. And this change is what can help us. This leader has changed history and put everyone’s hopes high.
If Barack Obama were to be assassinated, the world would be crazy. Because someone would have just assassinated the first black president. And that would tell me that the world still needs a big change. Some would say because of the racism. Well that is what I would think. Some people don’t like that fact that we have a black president. And that would drive them to attempt this. Not because of the way he would want to run the country.
Being a leader not only means leading but following as well. You have to be respectful, responsible, a good listener, making sure that your people’s voices are being heard. You have to be able to be sure that the decisions you make are good for everybody and not just yourself. A good leader isn’t a dictator who tries to make decisions for people but allows them to have a say in what happens in their country. A leader should also be relatable; someone people can feel like they’ve been through a lot in their lives so they won’t forget to make decisions that help the people that come from where they’ve came from. To lose a good leader would be hard. Especially if you’ve become accustomed to how they do things. If President Obama was assassinated it would say a lot about our country. It would mean that they weren’t ready for the change of having an African-American president for the first time in history. It would also discourage so many people who feel like well if Barack Obama can become president then I can do anything and be anybody. He pretty much set the standard for anybody who grew up struggling and says that they can’t do anything, because he made the changes for himself and decided that he would be somebody, and not let where he came from define who he would be in future. Obviously change doesn’t happen overnight it took 219 years for this country to be able to get here and I think we are ready and we can handle the change.
Isaiah, pd 2
A leader is someone that is a role model. A leader leads the way. But a leader doesn’t always lead people down the right path. They can lead the path-way to success. Or they can lead the path-way to failure. A leader is not a leader without followers. You can’t lead if no one is following you. A leader does not follow and he isn’t a follower. He makes his own choices and opinions. He paves his own trail. A leader is a trendsetter. Every one looks up to a leader. To lose a leader means a lot. That means people are going to be lost, and wouldn’t know who to follow. That’s where the saying, take away the head and the body will soon follow. They would be devastated. To lose a leader would anger many people. They would want to get revenge on the lost of their leader. People are saying Barack Obama is the next JFK because he is the next people’s president. He is very family oriented just like JFK was. If Barack Obama was assassinated, many people will be furious. They would want to avenge the president elect, and many problems across the world would arise.
To me to be a leader is someone that people can look up to. Some one that can change the world to something that than it is. I leader will have others following in their footsteps every day. When u looser a leader it makes you think about where will we go from here? Who will take us to the place to that good leader was going to take us. People saying that Barack Obama is the next JFK means a lot to me and I know to other people. I think that this would affect a lot of people and that who ever would do something’s like this be put behind bars for life. This is history that Barack Obama made and to have all the hard work that he did token away would hurt his family and his citizens. This is a dream that started from many years ago and now we have began to accomplish it. Or at least to start it and I don’t feel like anyone has to the right to end a dream. I think that people should just face the fact and to give him a chance and see what he will bring to this world of ours.
Enya period 2
To me, being a leader means being someone that people can look up to and trust. A leader should have good morals. They should be, not perfect, but they should send a good message and be a really good role model. And to loose a leader that has all those qualities, and more, I think is pretty devastating. When you loose a leader that was one of the best you’ve seen in years, I think everyone feels this sense of unfairness. This sense that gives a more true meaning to the saying “all good things never last long”. I know that if Obama was assassinated before he even had a chance to be inaugurated, I would be truly upset. And I think that it would just be 2 steps backwards to our one step forward. But at least, if Obama is being compared to JFK, it means that people will expect him to be a great leader. I certainly hope that he is. And I hope that there isn’t someone so hateful out there that would even try to kill this great man, because that would just show that we still have extreme bigotry out there in the world. And that’s something we could all go without.
To be a leader, means to be able to have people follow you, because you made wise decisions that lead to prosperity, or to being a leader, would mean being responsible for all those people’s lives. To be leader, is to be a father or mother. To lose a leader, means to lose a mother, a father, and a hero. Even if you were not a supporter of that leader, you have juts lost someone who could’ve changed your world for the better. If Barack Obama were assassinated, I don’t believe they would see it as losing a leader like JFK, I believe they would see it as someone assassinating a black w=man who was elected for president. Hey would see it as racism, though some might see it as losing a leader who could’ve changed your world, some would not. I’m sure, that deep down we all hope Obama really can be the next JFK, in a positive light, not in being assassinated, but in the things he can do for our country. We all hope that he can pull us out of this economic mess, we all hope he can do what needs to be done. All in all, let’s hope Obama can be remembered, not as the African American president who got assassinated, but as the people’s president who can change our country forever.
Period 2
Obama represent the dreams of Martin Luther King. He also has so many similarity of President JFK work. To me, a leader is someone who put themselves last. He put others people problems before his. He has a connection to his people and is trying to help everyone. He is motivated and responsible. He has a good understanding when it comes to others people issues. To lose a leader means that some hopes for others are gone. It also means lose organization in a group. I will not be that surprised if he get assassinate. As we all in our conscience, everything black person that has try to go up got put down. I don’t wish that Obama get assassinate. To me if Obama get assassinate, it will mean no tax brakes for my family and probably no money for college because it is so expensive. It will mean that going back to Bush way of life. To others if Obama get assassinate, it will mean no brakes for health insurances. Lower pay jobs and fewer jobs in the United States of America. If Barack Obama gets assassinate, it will be part of history. His death will also change the way people think and live.
Kaitlin Period 6
To be a leader is something really special and important. To be a leader you have to have a lot of potential and you have to understand a lot of things and you have to be willing to change and make change. If you are a leader you have to make sure you are making the correct choices because others are looking up to you and they will follow whatever you do and they will also trust you to steer them in the right direction. If you loose a leader, it would be bad and no one would know where to go or what to do. A lot of things would go wrong but then there will be others trying to be the new leader, some will work and some won’t. If Barack Obama was to be assassinated that would be very sad because he made history and he is trying to make change and set a new and better path for others. I wouldn’t like it if he was. But now we have a black president, people are really angry and it will make them want to assassinate Obama even worse. The government will need extra security everywhere so that he is not killed.
bianca period 6
To be leaders are something everyone should aim to be. Even though to be a leader can be hard and sometimes people may not like you because of what you stand up for. To be leader you have to have courage you have to be strong believer, and you have to responsible and beware of your actions. Leaders are not afraid to stand up for what they believe and they always make sure their voice is heard. When you loose a leader is can be hard because sometimes the words or leaders actions can all go away when they die or it could possibly make everyone finally see what he or she was trying to teach and tell the world. I believe Obama was assassinated that would mean all hell would break loose. I believe that this would separate our nation again because a lot of things would fall apart. Things would defiantly turn loose if a white person killed Obama because then whites and blacks would be in it again. So I in my own mind I believe that everything and people will start to separate between blacks and whites and different races. This would be a horrible event.
Vincent PD 1
To be a leader is to not only make good decisions but to also have people believe in you. If you are a good leader than you can make the hard decisions and still have people behind you. If you were the president and you needed to make the choice to go to war and even after saying that people are still behind you would be a good leader. I do believe that Barak Obama is the next JFK. I don’t believe he is like him because of he’s ideas but because of the way he is. As I said to be a good leader you must be able to stand up and make the important decisions and still have the people behind you and JFK was that kind of person and so is Barak Obama. If Barak Obama got assassinated it would be a great lose for America. Not only that but some people would view as a step back for America because it could also be caused as a hate crime. If Obama was assassinated than I don’t know what would happen to America but it wouldn’t be good. I really hope that Barak Obama doesn’t get assassinated.
Jose Ramirez Period6 11-22-08
To be a leader is something special that every person wants. To be a leader it just means that you’re in a way different and have something new. To be a leader you’re the one who stands out all the time from any one else. And also, means that as a leader you’re the one who is or have wisdom and your just much better then anyone else. For many reasons cause you’re not a follower and you’re the one who makes your own past to your future. On the other hand loose a leader just means that you lost some important. And that is not bad but a fresh being for another leader out their. For many reasons theirs is not only one leader. In the world who can be a real leader. In opinion what it means is that Barack Obama is just for the people. Barack Obama seems like his a man of his world and will do what he said he would do. Barack Obama is the next JFK means that Barack Obama is just the news leader that was back then. Obama is the new leader who people see. Obama is the key to a better day in history.
A good leader is someone who knows how to take charge without being to rude. They have to know what they are doing in order to run anything. I think that a good leader is an all around good person. I think that any one can be a good leader if they try hard enough. I also believe you should have to demonstrate good leadership qualities. I think that a good leader has to be a good listener. If they aren’t a good listener then they won’t be able to hear other opinion and statement. I think that if Obama is the next JFK then the world is headed in a good direction. I think if he did get assonated I think the whole world would be in chaos. Not just the US but the whole world. The whole world was happy when he won. I think he will change the world in a good way and many people will still not like him. I think they will not like him but I hope and pray they don’t assonate him. I think they will really truly regret it.
Lance Wilson
Pd 2
In my own words is having your own views and opinions without following anyone else and setting there own trend. A leader has a good command on the people and listens to what people have to say. To loose a leader would be like losing a mentor cause after all they taught you know there gone so they cant teach you anymore. When you lose a leader you have to find someone to fill the void of that leader. Someone you envy but not follow is a leader. They point you in the right direction for you to succeed. When people say Barack Obama is the next Jfk I can see why they say that because he has the characteristics of a people president who listens and doesn’t assume. If Barack Obama was assassinated to me it would mean that out dream was taken away from us. The dream that we worked on for years and years would be gone. All our happiness would disappeared. When I say our I mean the blacks and the people that people voted for him. Blacks more though because of the fact that he was black. It would especially hurt the young people because history in the making would be gone.
Period 6!
November 21, 2008
In your own words what does it mean to be a leader? What does it mean to loose a leader? Some people are saying that Barack Obama is the next JFK what would it mean to you if he was assassinated? A leader is someone that leads. That helps set paths for others to follow. A leader is someone who is a determined person and that has goals or aspirations. A leader is a person that has a mindset of achieving and does not follow after other people! Being a leader takes a lot of work it is not just all fun and games! Loosing a leader is hard on everyone. Loosing a Leader means loosing a role model and someone to look up too! I do not think that Barack Obama is the next John Fitzgerald Kennedy because of course they are two totally different people and different race! I would say that Bill Clinton would remind me of John Fitzgerald Kennedy more. But I do not know exactly why but I know THAT IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF THERE RACE. I THINK THAT BARACK OBAMA REMINDS ME OF REVEREND DR.MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. MORE THAN ANYONE!
Sydnee PD6
To be a leader, you need to be on top of your game, to have people believe and you can persuade them. Also, being a leader will allow people to look up at you, as a role model. We had/ have many great leaders in the past and present, we are lucky people to have change throughout the world and US. To loose a leader is a terrible and sad thing. That person had accomplished so many things for us, and has to look on the TV or in person to be sad and crying. For instance, JFK (John F. Kennedy) he was one of the best president’s we had had. He was a democratic, that the African-American’s loved. He was for the Civil Rights. He and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was close friends many people did not like that. Like I heard people are comparing Barack Obama and JFK, which is a good because Barack is a good leader, so as JFK. But the bad thing about is, is that JFK got assassinated. If Obama got assassinated then the world will be sad, because we had plans on the new future as Obama as the leader. But without him in the US white house, we will be sad and disappointed.
Period 6,
It means a lot to be a leader. To be a leader you have to do all the positive things that you can possibly do. I say that because when you are a leader, kids look at you and if they are looking up to you. If they see you being bad in class or anything negative, they are trying to be like you so they will be bad in class and do things negative. When you loose a leader and you like that person, it is really hard to recover from the loss. If he is a very great leader like former William Clinton and you loose him, people will cry and be very sad for an amount of time. To me, Barak Obama is the next John F. Kennedy to me because they are trying to be a difference maker to make the country better. Also, they both are about living their life equal and ending the wars. If Barak Obama was assassinated, it would be a horrible country for a very long time. People wouldn’t be the same because American citizens knew that he would be a blessing to this country. If all that just went down the drain, everybody’s self-esteem would go down.
Period 6
To be a leader is to know when enough is enough. To know how to handle tough situations and problems. To be a good leader means to know how to listen as well as give advice. To lean when it’s time to stop and make peace. A leader means to be on top of everything. To know what you’re doing at all times. To be a leader you have to have the courage to stand up to people who don’t like you. To be your own person and don’t care who’s watching you. To be a good leader means that you have the strength to carry the burdens of other as well as yourself on your back. To loose a leader to me means to loose a great person. It means to loose someone who changed the world for the better. Unless of course if they weren’t that good of a leader, then they wouldn’t be missed so much. They would only be missed a little, not a lot. The only people who would really miss then would be they’re family. To loose a good leader is like loosing someone really important. It’s like loosing someone close to you. Like loosing your help in life. If Barack Obama was assassinated then the whole world would turn into ciaos. This would be because so many people voted for him and wanted him to be the president. If he was assassinated, people would go on a rampage to find the man or woman who did it.
Tyenne Pd.6
On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. It was one of the saddest days in history. Many people in this world have the qualities of being a leader. A leader, to me, is somebody who is in charge of something but does it nicely. Presidents are examples of leaders but they are not always good leaders. To be a good leader you have to have good leadership skills. You need to have a sense of humor but also know when to be serious. To me, Barack Obama is a wonderful leader. To lose a good leader is really sad. You wonder who could do such a horrible thing like assassinating them. You reflect on what they did and wonder what they could have accomplished if they were not dead. I think people saying that Barack Obama is the new John F. Kennedy is a good thing. I hope and pray he does not get killed like JFK though. If anyone killed Barack Obama I seriously think the world is going to come to an end. All the Barack supporters are going to lose their minds. He is a hero to so many people. So many people believed in him. If they ever found out who killed him, the world would torture that guy.
In your own words what does it mean to be a leader? What does it mean to loose a leader? Some people are saying that Barack Obama is the next JFK what would it mean to you if he was assassinated?
In my own words the definition of a leader is someone who can be able to lead others. Leaders can be known for good reasons and also for not so goo reasons. A leader is some body who can lead numerous amounts of people in a positive or in a negative way. When you lose a leader, some times you felt you lost some body that could provide you with advice on what is going to be happening. It would very hard to explain how I felt if Barack Obama was assassinated. It would be a devastating moment to all American’s who continued to stand with him and vote for him. It would go down in history, probably one of the most terrible tragedies to ever happen in American history. His assassination will be known all across the world, to all the countries. I believe it might be on the news for at least a month.
Todd Pettigrew Period 6
Trinity Period 6
In your own words what does it mean to be a leader? What does it mean to loose a leader? Some people are saying that Barack Obama is the next JFK what would it mean to you if he was assassinated?
Leader; a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group. I think that a leader is someone who sets example where every he/she goes. A leader is someone who is on top of there game. They do not slack on anything. When a leader is lost I think that it means that they may have done something bad that was not representing leadership. I also think that leaders are aloud to make some mistakes as long as they admit it and they learn from it. That is one good quality that a leader has being able to except and learn from their mistakes. I am not going to speak any negative things into the air about anyone getting assassinated. That is what people want for someone to say that Barack Obama is going to get killed. If people want the same 4 years of the last then go on and kill him. If you want change then give him a chance you never know what you will like and what you will learn. I think that the world is not ready for what is about to happened. It has not hit me yet that we have a black president. I just don’t know why, but I think that I am dreaming.
Sasha Period 6
When you are a leader a lot of weight is put on your shoulders. Everyone is looking up to you. They watch everything you do and the first time u mess up they blow it out of proportion. When you are a leader you have to think of every ones situation, you have to be able to understand that something small that only affects some people in a small way might be major to other people. When you lose a leader it can be tragic because they are the ones that kept everything together. A lot of times after a leader are lost the have to make immediate decisions and they are not always good for the people because they can’t fill the shoes. They say the he is the next JFK because he is a lot first like the only biracial president, also he is a family man and he is for the people. He wants to make decisions that will help everyone. If he is assassinated I think a lot of people will be unhappy and I think all chaos will break loose. But I think that we would learn to deal with Biden thinking that he is Obama’s running mate so he should have the same amount of views.
ericka pd6
A leader is some one who stands tall. Some body who is there and will make sacrifices. Leaders must create a positive atmosphere, avoid arguments. A leader is some one who is smart and intelligent. The leader is strong and is not all about his or ego. They know the right form wrong. They are not up tight but they and kind of lenient. Losing a leader can be very painful. Its so heart breaking it can be the person you look up to. Some leaders are so good that when they are gone the make you feel like you lost a part of yourself. If he were to be to be assassinated I would feel so mad. It’s like I lost all hope in having a good future.
It’s like they took away my dream. They would be all lost. What is the point of having a good leader if you’re just going to kill him in the end it so terrible. Its so dump I’d cry and cry. I just would not understand why
They would do some thing like this. It makes me so mad. I think that is just not right though it would make the blacks go mad. To see there black leader die
Anyea Period 6
To be a leader to me, you have to be able to react quickly and know how to come back at people with the truth or the correct answer to their wrong one. Also a leader has to be courageous, a giver, and intelligent. Because if there is a leader somewhere, then they need to be willing to give it all away for whatever they need. They need to be willing to give and not expect to receive anything for giving and the need to be smart enough to know what they need to do and what they need to do to get it done. To lose a leader, means to lose a very influential person who everyone hoped would be the person to turn around the nation. To lose a leader means all your hopes and dreams go down the drain because you don’t have that inspiration that you once had while your leader was still the leader. To me, if Barack Obama was assassinated, it would mean that I wouldn’t get to vote to keep him as the leader and that everything I thought that would happen once he was elected president, more than likely won’t happen if her is killed.
In your own words what does it mean to be a leader? What does it mean to loose a leader? Some people are saying that Barack Obama is the next JFK what would it mean to you if he was assassinated?
I think to be a leader means that you are trying to make a change and trying to help out others. To do everything it takes so that people will take up for you and make your life a little better. I think it means that if you loose a leader you will lose a lot of special things and that you have to start over. I think they might be true when they say Barack is going to be the next JFK because he is a leader and Barack is trying to follow the same steps. I think it would be a big problem because he is trying to bring a change to the USA. I think everybody would be sad and depress. Sometime I try to be a leader to people that is younger to me. Barack is going to be a very good role model to everyone he is a nice man he may be the next JFK.
Damian Rexroth
Period 6
To be a leader you must responsible and know how to handle things. They must be able to keep their cool in the mist of anything. A leader is a good role model to everyone. The type of leader I look up to is a good leader because their can always be a bad leader. For instance Hitler was a bad leader and he made lots of people suffer for no good reason. He was the reason that millions of jaws were killed brutally. Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr., and Abraham Lincoln are just a few names of good leaders. A good leader should be a visionary to know where the world will be going in the future so that they can lead us in that direction. When the world loses a leader it is heartbreaking because you wondering where do we go from here. They seemed to have mapped where we were going and we trusted them and followed but we lose them we at first seem to have lost our way. We will find our way eventually because apparently we have. I would be very upset that blacks as a people have waited for so long for a change like this and it is all thrown down the drain in just seconds.
Trinity Period 6
In your own words what does it mean to be a leader? What does it mean to loose a leader? Some people are saying that Barack Obama is the next JFK what would it mean to you if he was assassinated?
Leader; a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group. I think that a leader is someone who sets example where every he/she goes. A leader is someone who is on top of there game. They do not slack on anything. When a leader is lost I think that it means that they may have done something bad that was not representing leadership. I also think that leaders are aloud to make some mistakes as long as they admit it and they learn from it. That is one good quality that a leader has being able to except and learn from their mistakes. I am not going to speak any negative things into the air about anyone getting assassinated. That is what people want for someone to say that Barack Obama is going to get killed. If people want the same 4 years of the last then go on and kill him. If you want change then give him a chance you never know what you will like and what you will learn. I think that the world is not ready for what is about to happened. It has not hit me yet that we have a black president. I just don’t know why, but I think that I am dreaming.
Sydnee PD6
Barack Obama Wins 44th Presidential Election.
How does this change the world?
This changes the world because Obama is president, and everybody is happy, because when Bush was in the house that was a mistake, he would rather be across seas then his own country. People know that Bush should have never been president. George Bush would have rather been at Iraq then to tend to his own people (Hurricane Katrina). The people around the world believe Barack can actually bring change to the U.S. and maybe the world. That’s why people are excited that Barack is president. Thank Goodness!
Obama is the first African- American to be president. Besides having the same president twice in 12 years, we have a person that can make change to the white house. Everybody is excited, and happy to have a different kind of president in the house. People believe that Obama can and will be change to the white house. The thing about that situation is that many people that a black person shouldn’t be president…but hey! We have a black president and the world is going to change. At first we were this close to not have a black president the first time. BUT WE DO!!!! EXCEPT IT!
Neriah Pd 6
I think that a true leader is some one who stands up for what they believe because they feel as if it’s right, not because they expect others to follow. A true leader is someone who wants the best for others. You must put others before you. A leader owes up to his mistakes, and understands they might not always be perfect, but still have there followers best interest at heart. To loose a leader is always devasting, weather it’s in your country or simply in your household. I think that even the fact that people are saying that he is the next JFK is wrong. I think that is mean to make a statement that implies him getting shot. I think if he were to be assassinated would be devastating to everyone across the world. I think that if he were killed many people would see there hopes and dreams flash right in front of there eyes. It would be sad because a lot of people put there hard work into helping make him president. They had all these ideas for him, and truly devoted there life to seeing him in office. I my self would be hurt to see Barack not be able to fulfill his full term in office.
To be a leader you have to be a person with organization skills, you have to be able to work well with others, you have to be brave, you have to have a great personality, and have great ideas. Being a leader is not an easy task because you are trying to also lead and set good examples for others around you. Also you have to be cautious of what you do say and how you do it. Loosing a leader is a very bad thing. Loosing a leader whether it is a class leader, community leader, city leader, state leader, or country leader would show how people do not like to see other people in the right directions. People are saying Barack Obama will be the next JFK and that he may be assassinated due to his skin color but if this were to happen it would mean the racial barriers are not all torn down yet. Loosing Barack Obama as a president would be a bad look for the United States because a lot of people would began to retaliate such as maybe starting riots, fighting, arguing for no reason, etc. This would also break the country down even more.
Alissa period2
Being a leader is all about being a person full of honest and determination. You have to be willing to give your life to help those who admire you; you have to lead them into a right path. Kennedy in my opinion was one of the greatest leaders of our time. He led his people with respect and honor and was kind to most people. Yes he had many faults like any other human being but his faults just made him even more lovable. He saw himself as imperfect because he knew the nation was also. He set new standards and did more for the people then many thought even possible. To lose a leader is not only horrible thing but a tragic thing. To lose someone you look up to and admire is like a stab at the heart. To know that the people that do so much good can die because others misunderstand their kindness for weakness is sickening. I wouldn’t say Obama can be compared to Kennedy just yet but I do believe he has the potential to do great things. What Obama has to watch out for is that he made certain promises he has to keep like the promise of change. To change ones mind is an easy thing but to change the mindset of an entire nation is not. The responsibility is huge and it is at its climax lately. This nation cannot afford another hit or disappointment because it will fall along with the loyalty of the people. If Obama is killed I would be heartbroken just as every other person who is a minority. To know that our first leader was killed for his race or views would devastate me because he is an ideal for so many people. He is the peak of inspiration for the future so he should be able to finish and show that not even hate can over come this time in history.
Milira Hill pd:6
A leader is someone who leads. A leader is a guiding or directing head. Leaders are figures that are looked up to; however we are not born leaders. Leaders are made by the choices that we make. Being a leader means recognizing passion, and making wise decisions. The choices are personal choices, not simply what we come to know by studying about leaders or leadership. Being a leader means knowing who you are at the deepest level. I believe you can’t be the next person. You can however follow on someone’s legacy. I think that president Barack Obama will be his own person; not the next JFK. He will be a great leader since his leadership qualities are good. I would be devastated however if he were to get assassinated. As African Americans we just made history and for that to happen would leave this nation at disarray. Losing a leader is hard. It would hurt you emotionally. It’s just like losing a family member if you really look up to your leader. A leader inspires people and to know that your leader is gone will erase all inspiration. However I believe it would motivate you to do better and follow in you leader’s footsteps and one day become a leader just like them.
Tarik Blount
period 6
A leader is one who has resolve in stability. He is cool calm and collected when everybody is losing their heads. He would be open to suggestions but confident in his decisions. He would be the voice of reason to a people losing their minds. But in the absents of that said leader we as a people would morn but we would have to wholeheartedly support the new leader and not hold him to the standards or preconceived notions that we had for Obama. We would have to come together as a nation and stand up for ourselves, and not rely just on the leadership to take care of us. If Barak Obama died I believe it would be greeted with the same sadness that martin Luther king’s death did. But just like martin Luther king’s death I believe it would inspire the people and force them not to let his death be in vain. The African American community would become strong again with the strength that made our people advance this far. I would become more of an activist and inspire people to do the same. For the bulk of my life I would reference it just like many artist do for martin Luther king today.
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