Check out the famous disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle ~ Wikipedia
Other instances:
http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/html/lost_ships.html - Lost Ships
http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/html/lost_aircraft.html - Lost Aircraft
In 200 words or more:
What is the Bermuda Triangle?
Why you believe the Disappearances occur?
The Bermuda Triangle is an area where there is three points around the tropical zone. The three points consist of the places Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. Many people think it’s a black hole, but my opinion is that there is no such thing. It’s really a mystery how things just disappear but there is no trace of nothing. I believe that there is something that may cause this but at the same time I don’t. People that don’t believe such thing have a reasonable explanation why they don’t believe on it. They say that people go through the Bermuda triangle to start a new life and use the area as an excuse for their disappearance. I understand this point and somehow it could be true, but a lot of ships and other devices have disappeared…I’m pretty sure not everyone wanted to start a new living. And its really weird because there is no trace behind…this stuff is scary…it’s like one of those cases that you don’t know what to believe…there is theories that say its fake and theories that say this really happen and people really disappeared. This tale is just going to have to be kept as a mystery until a piece of information or evidence comes about.
Period 1
This Bermuda Triangle stuff is a hoax. I honestly believe that this is not true because I don’t believe nothing like this can happen. All of these stories I believe are just to please the eye. These stories are just to create something and make people believe that these types of things can really happen. If I could I would want to take a plane there myself to see what would happen to me. If something would happen while I was there then that would be the only way I would believe something like this. All these things about black holes and ghost ships are not true. I do believe that some people might make up stories like this so they can start a better life for themselves and they can forget about their past. People may really do this kind of thing and honestly that is something I wouldn’t want to do either. Now lets say that this Bermuda Triangle stuff is real, I would really be scared. I don’t understand how something like this could happen in real life but if it would be true, I wouldn’t even want to begin to understand what is the cause of all this nonsense.
In my words I would say that the Bermuda triangle is a giant magician. .In other words I would say that it is a place where people just disappear and are never found again. But it’s not just people, ships aircrafts and even a bouncy ball if you threw it in there. To me the triangle is just a place to disappear from your old life. To get away from all the things you have done in your past. Also it is to get rid of your old life and start a new one with an entirely new identity. I think these things happened there because people just didn’t care and went were they wanted to. Or they happened because the triangle is a giant man/machine/wood eating monster in the fog that just reaches out and takes you away form this world and takes you down to the underworld. Deep in to the bowels of earth were only the gods of the underworld led Hades can set you free or keep you as there butt monkeys for the rest of eternity. Mwhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahah. HA. That is what I think about the Bermuda triangle and its wonderful mysteries.
By: Andrew, Period 1
To tell you the truth, I think it’s magical. I do believe in magic. I don’t care if you say that it’s childish or whatever, there a magical portal to another place. Or possibly a worm hole in there. It can’t be a black hole because; a black hole sucks up everything so the whole planet would be sucked up in it. But it could also be that it was a normal ship wreck and the ship sunk and the passengers and their things got eaten up by the various sea creatures. And the planes would crash because of magnetic pluses then various sea creatures would do their thing. There are many things that are possible and I believe them to a certain point. I also think it’s possible that, that area is God’s (or whoever you believe in) area of judgment and He judges people for their actions. That would explain why some people go missing and some don’t. And may be it is a hoax. Who knows? There are some many thing that could possibly happen and without any proof or idea, I just have to accept them all as possible reason for this thing that is called the Bermuda Triangle.
I am not really sure what the Bermuda Circle is. I find it amazing, but also scary, that both aircrafts and boats have disappeared into thin air. It makes me wonder what happen to the people, since no one knows what happened to them either. If I had to guess, I would say that I agree with the people who think that it is a Black Hole. I think there are cyclones in the water quite often. The cyclone sucks the ships and aircrafts underwater and takes them so far under water that the water pressure crushes them into splinters that just glide in the water. I also think that the remains of humans become food for sharks, dolphins, whales, and other aquatic life. How do the airplanes end up in the water? I suppose that there are really horrible storms and the wind blows so hard that they can not fly so either they try to land, or they are just blown down out of the air. When they hit the water, the cyclones suck them in and the same thing that happens to the ships also happens to the air planes. Whatever happens to them, I know that I would not want to swim or fly across this area; it would give me the creeps.
Adrian Period 1
I believe that there is a natural reason for the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. With so much of the land mass of the Bahamas in the Bermuda Triangle it seems that if there were a major force behind it there would not be much life left on those islands within. It seems possible for people to have ventured in, in hopes of attaining but there have been too many disappearances to validate it. Methane hydrates, and magnetic disruptions seem likely claims as shown in this Wikipedia article. “An explanation for some of the disappearances has focused on the presence of vast fields of methane hydrates on the continental shelves. Laboratory experiments carried out in Australia have proven that bubbles can, indeed, sink a scale model ship by decreasing the density of the water; any wreckage consequently rising to the surface would be rapidly dispersed by the Gulf Stream. It has been hypothesized that periodic methane eruptions (sometimes called "mud volcanoes") may produce regions of frothy water that are no longer capable of providing adequate buoyancy for ships. If this were the case, such an area forming around a ship could cause it to sink very rapidly and without warning.”
Daniel Period 1
The Bermuda Triangle is an area of world that people go and just sometimes never come back. I think that some of the people that don’t return because they don’t want to be found and want to start a new life. Also it could be to get away from thing that may be putting hard times on their life and the cannot pay or deal with life. All this stuff about the triangle could be a myth to keep outsiders out because there are too many people invading their space. Maybe there are traps for military planes and ships that suddenly sink ships and bring planes from the sky to just stop and fall. It could just be that in that triangle there are just natural things that happen that just cause thing to just go crazy and also kill people. I mean there could also be pirates in that part of the would and there just capture people and make them disappear or maybe kill them. Personally I don’t believe that there are 47 ships that sunk and so many planes that fell from the sky. I just think they are all stories to keep people away or just to scare people off.
I think the Bermuda Triangle is a spot where technology does not work and all connect is lost. I think that because if there was any connection then we would have located the missing boats and planes already. I think it is a way to get to another destination not to another dimension. I think the ships that went missing probably crashed and drowned into the Atlantic Ocean and were never found because it sunk to deep into the ocean. The planes probably lost connection and couldn’t find their way back. I think the plane went out of the triangle and just went straight to another continent. I don’t believe that there is a black hole or anything that is ridiculous because you can not just make something up that is not proven true. I think the whole thing is ludicrous because things just can’t go missing without evidence. I also think that the people who tries to go there and went missing is brainless because if you knew that things were going to go missing then you should already know that you will then be missing too. There should always be an explanation to a mystery and usually those mysteries can never be solved. So I think the Bermuda Triangle is the mystery that nobody can solve.
Claudia/ Period 1
I think that the Bermuda triangle is a myth and that maybe it was just that the incident of the lost planes was just an accident and that maybe there was something wrong with the planes. It is suggested that due to the magnetic anomalies that affect the compass readings and that’s how airplanes and ships get lost in the Bermuda Triangle. They say that in the Bermuda Triangle there are often hurricanes and high waves. I think that people have made the Bermuda Triangle seem as something horrible when it might only be something that people through history have made look as something out of normal. I feel like there is nothing to fear about the Bermuda Triangle because no one has the guts to go over there because everyone around the world is scared to even get near on purpose. This myth is something that may get bigger and bigger as the year pass because of people’s beliefs. I probably wouldn’t go to the Bermuda Triangle because I would get really scared and because I wouldn’t even think about it. I don’t think that anyone in the world but a complete freak who would be up to anything would make it there.
Suryawan Period 1
Bermuda triangle’s area is at Atlantic ocean, starting from the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean island area and the Atlantic east to the Azores; and up to Gulf of Mexico. Bermuda triangle has also taken a lot of ships, planes, and even the people who are in it too. It is just a myth that no one is able to solve and come up with an explanations about the Bermuda triangle. I believe that it is because of Freak Waves that had sunken ships, which eventually made a whirlpool out of it which took all the people in the ship along. For the planes, there should be unexplained things that all of the sudden took out the plane’s energy or all electronics, which eventually made the radio connection lost. All the above explanations, is just my opinions, which I think it is what happened to those who were the unlucky ones. Even till now a day, people still believes that it is true, and flew or sail around it, to prevent unwanted incidents. Well, it is supernatural. I wanted to go there to explore and investigate, but, I have this fear that I would never come out alive.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded by Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Miami, Florida. I believe that the Bermuda Triangle is a dented trapezium in which things disappear in some mysterious black hole. There’s no other explanation for how the ships and people are lost without a trace. Maybe natural disasters occur and people go missing. But there’s no reason for the massive ships to go missing. I actually believe the occurrences of the Bermuda Triangle are mythical, paranormal, and inexplicable. I’m baffled, because the Titanic remains were found, but the ships of Flight 19 and other missing ships just….magically vanished. I have a theory. I think an explanation for the ships and people to go missing without a trace would be by advection. Somehow, a horizontal movement of mass fluid caused the ships and people to go missing, to some mystical place.
Period 1
I believe the Bermuda Triangle is a place where aliens abduct planes and ships. I think this because there have been witnesses that have talked about seeing dancing lights. For example, Paul Vance and Doug Gerden claimed that they saw a flashing white light go into a cloud and come towards their sailboat. Another encounter happened to Bruce Gernon. Bruce Gernon and his father were flying a plane to the Bahamas and they got stuck in a cloud. They said that the cloud seemed to come up from the surface and form right in front of them. While they were in the cloud, they said that it got dark and they started to see flashing white lights. They kept flying, trying to find an exit but they couldn’t get out. They estimated that the cloud was about ten miles. After a number of minutes, they found an exit in the cloud in the form of a hole. Finally, they had gotten out of the cloud. They looked back and they could see the hole that they just went through spin and close. In conclusion, I think that aliens are the reason why planes and ships have been disappearing in the area known as the Bermuda Triangle.
I think the Bermuda Triangle is a certain section in the ocean that is used for travel and trade. But as I read the links that were on the blog and read some articles that people wrote I am beginning to think it is some kind of haunted mystery. I read that there were 47 ships that vanished and were never seen again. Then it said that the people who were on those ships and planes were no longer seen or heard of. Now how crazy is that? Is there a piece to the puzzle I'm missing? What I want to know is if they all were on a similar journey. Truthfully I think that all the unanswered questions are linked. I think that the stories have something to do with each other. If people knew that a lot of the quests are failed and lost attempts then why would they continue to try? What was it about that triangle that makes crazy things like this happen? Where were the ships going? The main question is why were they going to where ever they were going?
Lexi Pd 1
Period 1
The Bermuda Triangle is something I believe in according to the things that happened in this area is too real and constant. I never really knew much about the triangle but I did hear that it had a lot of accidents and stuff like these ones. In detail though I couldn’t tell you but finding this information out I deeply believe in it. I guess you can call me superstitious. After reading the information I really couldn’t tell you why I would think this stuff happens in the Bermuda Triangle because I honestly don’t know. If I had to take a guess I would say the triangle is evil like a black hole something like in outer space. Like it takes you to a different universe my aunt passed through the triangle when she went to the Bahamas I was scared for her. I remember her talking about it saying stuff about the things that happened there and stuff but she only went through a piece of it. Everyone has there opinions. I have more questions then comments or beliefs behind the triangle. One question would be what’s really there. I hope one day we find out what really happens in Bermuda Triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area of sea off the coast of Florida. The space forms a triangle between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Ships and planes have been disappearing in that area for hundreds of years. There is so far no proven explanation of why they are disappearing. Some believe that these are coincidences, but many people believe there is something more. One popular theory is that there is a subterranean race of intelligent beings that protect their existence by sinking any vehicle that passes by. Another suggests that it is a popular spot for aliens to abduct humans. One of the stranger theories is that the triangle acts as a portal that transports people across space and time. Some even believe that there is a secret military base there that eliminates any threat to its secrets. The most scientific explanation is that there is some form of magnetic force field that functions like EMP. It shuts down any electronics, causing ships to get lost and sink after hitting coral reefs. I do not particularly support any of these theories, but I do believe that there is something supernatural happening there. I do not believe that coincidences happen. Something or someone causes these things to happen. I don’t think it’s a magnetic field, something like that would always cause equipment to malfunction. I love to think of someday meeting an extra-terrestrial, s that is probably the theory I most support.
Patricia Bell
Pd 2
The Bermuda triangle is a triangle that is formed by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico which means everything inside of those areas is the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda triangle is a body of water that people cross to get to the other side. The Bermuda triangle is a region of the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean in which many boats and planes have gone missing. I believe that the disappearances have occurred because of paranormal things. I think maybe it is cursed or something. I even think that it could be certain things that may end up having the planes or ships crash or just disappear. It is very strange that some planes and boats go down and not all. It is also strange that your compass starts to mess up and doesn’t tell you the right direction. I think it is very weird because there is no way to call for help because that area is a dead zone. I think it is cause by paranormal things because of all the strange things that happened and is obviously not on the inventions because the most recent crash was in 2002 and it is only 2008 and technology has changed that much for it to be a technology problem.
Carlos V.
Period 2
The Bermuda triangle is a area in the world where crazy things have happen. Lots of disappearances have happen from either flying through it or from sailing through it. The Bermuda triangle is like a triangle but some say that it is like a trapezoid. There have been lots of ships that have disappeared. But there have been even more planes that disappeared. They fly through and never come back. In some websites, they have the list where all the boats and planes that disappeared. Some say that it is because the different magnetic field or because of the belief that it is the Devil’s Triangle.
The disappearances have occurred maybe because of poor skill. For example, they rely on the compass for the direction. They could have just known in their mind the direction; they fly north, so they should keep flying north till they are out, instead of turning. Another reason why the disappearances could have occurred would be because the boat or plane could have malfunction. And maybe crashed or something alike. Anything could happen while flying or sailing. Not just because people call it the Devils Triangle. That is what I believe happen, and why it occurred.
Joseph Period 2
My opinion on the Bermuda Triangle is when most stuff goes through it they most likely will come out safe. But me I believe that there is a upside down tornado that will suck what ever is in that Bermuda Triangle at the time the Tornado that will occur. I also believe there is something that has some kind of weather condition that causes the plane or ship to go under. The first plane that was ever recorded to go down was in 1942, which was called the TBF Avenger: after leaving Cheery Point, NC on patrol. The last plane to be recorded was in 2002 was called the Piper Pawnee.
In a way I did not believe in the Bermuda Triangle now that I did a little research on it in 2005, then I really believed in it. I also believed it because my uncle went to the Bahamas, but before his boat got inside the Bermuda Triangle he seen another boat that was being suck down, around 1999. He said that when the sailor and everything seen that happen that they just turn the boat around and went back before they got into the Bermuda Triangle. That is what I believe and know about the Bermuda Triangle.
Period 2
Brianna said ..
The Bermuda Triangle is a spot that is shaped in a triangle that is cut from Miami, Puerto Rico, and the Bermuda. Is it said to say that anyone who crosses in that path is never too been seen again. Some pilots even fly around it and so do some ships. I actually do not believe in this whole bizarre thing because I went through it to get to Puerto Rice twice. So no I’m not to worried or even believe that. I mean yea there are giant squids and maybe swirl pools but I definitely don’t believe when they said giant squids took the ship down because I don’t believe there are squids big enough to drown a ship that big at all. If anything it’s all made up. But I’m guessing if the don’t come back then something did happen or maybe they were captured by people on small islands that they crossed I mean no one can really say what happened because they don’t know. And maybe the plains crashed I mean did anyone look or try to find the missing things. So yea I think the disappearance occurred because something went wrong not because of no curse or nothing I mean things happen with the technology.
Period 2
A Bermuda triangle is also known as the devil’s triangle. It is located in the northern Atlantic Ocean. Lots of planes and boats have gone and never found. People are killed and are never found. Experts view it differently; some says it is shaped as a trapezoid. It covers some land in Florida, the Bahamas, and the whole Caribbean, the Atlantic east of Azores. This place is well known for the disappearance of 66 airplanes and ships. The famous disappearance is flight 19 said Chris. That ship was lost 30 years ago and was never found since then. The Bermuda triangle is between 80 to 90 degrees west and 30 to 20 degrees north. It is a windy and sunny place. The temperature there is usually 60 to 100 degrees or higher. It does not have a specific season. The wind there is 20 miles per hour. The boundaries of are not exact. It has no eaten all the planes and ships that come near it but it has taken 66 already and no one knows how many more it wants. I think that all these disappearance have taken place because there is a large magnet under the sea that attract the planes and the ships.
Period 1
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared. It’s a whole bunch of story’s going around about how they have disappeared but nobody knows really what happened. I’m thinking that maybe like a whirlpool had happened and they sink them down into the water. Or maybe they hit something in fell into the water, I mean really does that sound right they just disappeared and nobody knows how they disappeared out of nowhere, so there must be some explanation for this case. This is my first time every hearing about this incident and I want to know more and learn more about this. Maybe they were all killed on the ship and he decided to sail another route and is hanging out in Mexico. I really don’t have an idea of what happened and I can’t get an image in my head of one, I mean its a couple accidents that happen around that area so something must be going on, it just doesn’t make sense to me that nobody knows what happened. I mean why is it called the “DEVILS TRIANGLE”? Did the find the aircrafts, and the boats that sinked?
Taiwan Period 2
First, the Bermuda Triangle is made up of Miami, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas. In this area between those locations, some very weird unexplainable things have happened. From 1942-2002 there have been 90 incidents of just planes disappearing. Theses planes varied from jets to 2 C-133 Cargo masters. The weird thing about these incidents, are that after the disappearance, there was absolutely no trace of the crew men or their planes. This is what I think happened: Every time a plane will be passing through the Bermuda Triangle, it will be shot down by a bunch of pirates, and all their remains will float down to the bottom of the ocean. Now, planes weren’t the only things disappearing. Since 1780, over 47 disappearances occurred with boats. So, you see that this is a very serious issue, and should be taken in consideration when traveling through this are. If you go through the Bermuda Triangle, YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! So stay out. Now, with the boats, here is what my theory is: A boat will float by and giant squids will pull the boat down, and just like the air planes, the boats will float all the way to the very bottom of the ocean.
Tayania PD2
The Bermuda Triangle which is also known as the Devils Triangle is located in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. The Bermuda Triangle connects Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda together and within that triangle there are islands. Also, The Bahamas is also located in the triangle. The Bermuda triangle is mostly ocean and in that area there are mysterious things that happen throughout history. Planes and ships mysteriously disappear and they do not know where they went. There are various reasons why the disappearances occur. The can be things such as that there is something that is within that triangle that makes people disappear. I think that it is strange that there are places that are within the triangle and that there are people who live in those places. I wonder if the people are ever scared to live in those places sine there are things that say that when planes and boats are in the Bermuda they disappear somehow. I also think that they may not fear of what happens because they may not believe it. The other things that could happen is that maybe something went wrong a few planes or boats, but that could have happened all the times the people had disappeared.
Bryce, Period 2
The Bermuda Triangle is the area between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Miami. It is not on land. It is part of the Bahamas in the Atlantic Ocean. It is known to have the nickname of “Devil’s Triangle.” It was given this moniker because so many people have tried to go through the Triangle, but “suddenly disappeared.”
I suppose “suddenly disappeared” is fake. Although I consider it is stupid, I won’t fly over that area or get in a boat because of all that I heard. The movies that were made and the documentaries that were broadcasted on television were just made for entertainment. I imagine that maybe those people went to the Bermuda Triangle to get away from everyone else.
I feel that while the rest of us live our normal lives in our cities, they are relaxing in their island or islands enjoying a permanent vacation. If this was found to be the real occurrence, I wouldn’t be shocked one bit. All these other “possible beliefs for the reasons or reason of the Disappearances,” are more stories that were made to throw off the real reason. I seriously assume that those guys just wanted to get away from the life that they were living in the city and the Bermuda Triangle accounts were just a distraction.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area near the Bahamas where ships and planes disappear. I believe that this could be an extra terrestrial problem, or it could be the problem with the magnetic field in the triangle. One of my theories, the extra terrestrial theory, may be possible. When planes and ships travel through the Bermuda Triangle, they are captured by extra terrestrials, and left no trace of their disappearance for the extra terrestrial beings to test on and feast upon. Another more logical theory is the magnetic field being in a disarray, and north becomes west, south becomes east and the ships and planes get lost forever. The only question is, if they become lost, then wouldn't they leave some sort of trace behind? This suspicion can tie to the extra terrestrial theory also. There is also the theory of time travel. There have been reported sightings of strange swirls, silvery clouds and strange colors and such. This may mean a less logical answer of time travel. Does time travel exist within the limits of the Bermuda Triangle? No one really knows... But all of these theories are very possible. Extra terrestrials, time travel, and misdirection within the magnetic field are ALL possible in my mind [=
Enya- Period 2
The Bermuda triangle is a triangle connecting Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and Miami. It’s a big mystery because all throughout history several boats and planes have disappeared in the Bermuda triangle. The last time someone/something got lost in the Bermuda triangle was in 2002, it was a small plane. No one actually knows how, or why these planes and ships disappear. Many people think that it’s because of aliens, more reasonable people think it’s because the Bermuda triangle has a different magnetic field, and so planes and ships can’t use their compasses because they are spinning around like crazy. Others think that time travel occurs, and that planes and ships get sucked either into the future, or the past. There have also been suggestions that giant whirlpools occur and they suck down the ships that go through it. For planes, it’s suggested that they get struck by lightning and they crash into the ocean and then get sucked into the whirlpools. There are a lot of reasonable, and unreasonable, theories as to why planes and ships disappear in the Bermuda triangle. Several are supernatural, like, some think that it’s the entry way to heaven, and some are more scientific, like a messed up magnetic field. But either way, the Bermuda triangle is still swallowing up planes and ships and innocent people.
Isaiah, pd 2
The Bermuda triangle is the area of three places. Its between Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. And the Bahamas is right in the midst of the mayhem. When planes and ships go through the triangle it’s a dead zone. Meaning that it’s no service, compasses are thrown out of whack and no one can tell where their headed and they can’t call for help. In the Bermuda triangle many ships have vanished. Airplanes that have flown through have evaporated. No one really knows what happened to the ships and aircraft. Some people think they sunk. They think a giant whirlpool just sucked them down. Some think are being hijacked by pirates and the ships hidden. But then the question is where some of the remains are. As for the aircrafts some think they crashed, but there isn’t any debris. Others think that they the airplanes are warped back into time, or forward into the future. I think the airplanes and ships keep disappearing because of crashes. And since it’s a dead zone even if they survive they can’t contact anymore.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area that connects Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami. As for the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, I believe they are all coincidence. Boats and all kinds of vehicles crash or fail out all the time. Its not that had to believe, that boats might sink in the middle of the ocean. Seriously, it’s the ocean, it’s big, deep and quite vast. Things could get lost very easily. Also, with the whole plane thing… yea, a lot of planes have gone “missing”, but with the whole magnetic variation, technology could easily fail. Also, it’s very rare that any crafts do go missing. Only about 3 to 5 crafts go missing every couple of years, and the latest one to go missing was in 2002. A lot of the theories that exist are quite hilarious, aliens, pirates, time travelling, seriously, I have an imagination but those are a little extreme. I feel that, more natural reasons are the causes. Whirlpools, giant waves, dead zone kind things, not extra terrestrials or anything like that. The Bermuda Triangle is interesting, but it is not the Devils Triangle. Nothing mythical or magical goes on there, just natural disasters/accidents that a few humans are caught in.
Period 2
The Bermuda triangle also know as the “Devil’s Triangle” is a region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean where ships and planes have disappeared without any trace. The triangle is said to be between the Atlantic coast of Florida, San Juan Puerto Rico, and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda. This area has been thought about for many years due to its disappearances it is also thought to be imaginary. Most of the incidents have been thought to be along the southern boundary around the Bahamas and Florida Straits. The disappearances do not happen all the time just at certain times. The last plane that disappeared was in 2002, which was only six years ago. I think many things happen in the Bermuda Triangle. One thing that I think that I think happens in the Bermuda triangle is that the ships and planes experience some sort of turbulence such as shaking. When that happens I think something takes over the pilots controls why they can’t maybe turn around or attempt to go straight threw the other side. Another thing that I think may happen in cruise ships is the navigation system starts to go crazy and the people experience a whirlpool in the water which drags them down.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area where things such as planes and ships have disappeared and have never been recovered. The three points of the triangle start in Miami, Florida , San Juan, Puerto Rico , and the country of Bermuda . It is also nicknamed the devils triangle because of the unexplainable things that have occurred. More than 50 ships and 20 aircrafts have gone missing during the past century . I think the disappearances happen because of the energy that this particular section of the ocean gets and pulls in the ships and aircrafts. I think that this probably only happens during a certain time period but no one is show when it happens and why. I think that scientist need to research more on what happens when things go through this particular spot. I think that maybe it is a whirlpool in the middle of the triangle pulls the ships and aircrafts into the whole and that’s why there is no trace of where the objects went. I think that this would happen less if we could figure out what is happening and then after that they can possible come up with a solution that could save people from getting sucked in and being killed .
Tazjare Period 2
Period Two; *
The Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious area located between the three points known to be Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda where many travelers and their crew has disappeared. It is called the “triangle” because of the location’s shape and where the crew and their craft allegedly disappeared. More than 200 reported planes and ships have disappeared, which doesn’t include the ones that weren’t recorded. Although it seems to be true, I really don’t believe in these disappearances. Why aren’t there any people keeping track and/or sending experiments through it. With all of the new technology now days, you can monitor almost anything. Is it that bad that if you send a monitored ship through the Bermuda Triangle, you won’t be able to see anything? To me it all seems to be a huge fake. Where on earth can the craft go without any trace at all? Unless they’re being attacked by pirates and all evidence is burned away, where else it is? It may be possible that the “triangle” sends them the wrong way by messing with their compasses, and without them reaching their destination, they were never heard of again, or just never got back to the commands back from where originally left. I just don’t believe it. Maybe if it was similarly mentioned in the Bible I would believe it, but no.
Bermuda Triangle is also known as the devil’s triangle. Many people believe that this are does not even exist. The Bermuda is part of the Atlantics Ocean. The northwestern. People believe that the disappearance was because of human’s boundaries or nature. Many aircrafts and ships disappeared in this area. the civil aircrafts disappeared between 1964-1977. Christopher Columbus was the first person the say that there was something strange about the triangle. The shape of the triangle is said to be a trapezoid. Coving the whole Caribbean island and Atlantic east. I think that this is a very weird place that no one should visit. I think that it is crazy how things disappear for no reason and then some things just pop up after the disappearance. The are some books that were publish due to Bermuda Triangle. The last boat the disappear was in the year 2001 and the first was between 1780 and 1824. The boat that disappears in 1812 had and affect on one of the wars.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean where over the years airplanes, boats and people have disappeared. Christopher Columbus was the first to report strange activity happening on the horizon. He said there were dancing lights, and flames in the sky. He also said there were bizarre compass bearings. I don’t think there is an absolute way to explain the disappearances. Many people say that the boats disappear into whirlpools I think that would be the most realistic way to explain it. The aircrafts I think that maybe the area does something to the technology of the plane and in falls out of the air and into the same whirlpools as the boats. Natural explanations are hurricanes, freak waves which are very large unexpected waves, and methane hydrates. There are also supernatural explanations. I wouldn’t be sure which explanation to believe because anything is possible. The most logical explanations would be the disappearances by nature, but if they’ve never found any parts of the planes, boats, or people I think the disappearances are supernatural.
Vincent Pd 6
The Bermuda triangle it a big mystery to the world and people always wonder why. There are many different beliefs but I think that it has to do with the moon and under sea rocks. I think that the tides are affected by the moon and because there are all of those islands in the way of the waves I believe that the waves hit the islands and so the water is lower in parts of the Bermuda triangle and so then I think during those times that boats are going across the waves are hitting the islands and so the water is lower. I think there are huge sea rocks in shallower parts of the water and are covered by water all of the time but when the water is lower than they are closer to the surface. I think the boats hit the rocks and than sink. The boats can’t drift away because the rocks are in the way and they sink. I have no proof of this and that’s just what I think and as far as the planes go my dad said that there could be something that affects magnetism like a big rock magnet and it could effect plain controls and cause it to fall and hit the rocks and sink like the boats.
Jose Ramirez 12-5-08 period:6
The Bermuda Triangle is the Triangle that is like in a way very mysterious. By what I hear the Bermuda Triangle is a triangle in the ocean .Not a real triangle but a shape of it in the ocean where Ships and Air planes disappeared. NO one knows what happened to the people but they know that they didn’t find nothing left of them. When they disappeared they were like eating alive and people just find that very scary and mysterious. Some people think its squids that kill and eat the ships and air planes. Other people think is just a big whirlpool in ocean that is doing all this. Some people think its waves and other things in the water. Even sea monsters or creators that are disappearing all this people and objects. In my opinion this is all lies and they don’t really are real explanations. Besides that I believe that things just disappear because storms that might have cause all this. ON the other hand this seems that everything that has disappeared is like something that humans invented and was important inventions. I really can’t say that its not true but the only person that can tell whether something is true is you and your opinion.
Sasha Period 6
The Bermuda Triangle is an invisible triangle in which many things just disappear. It connects Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda in a triangle form. This is where most of the islands are and it is very close to the United States. Matter of fact it is in the United States. Yes I do believe is the disappearances because if they have documents that state that certain ships and planes left but never return where could they have gone. Also because when I went on a trip to the Bahamas my cell phone was acting crazy it was telling me it was October 16, 1955 at 6:30 in the morning when it was like 10 at night. They couldn’t have landed because the destinations would have records of the landing. Also if they would have crashed there would be debris in the ocean but there is nothing there. I wonder how they did disappear. I want to interview somebody that was on a ship or something that survived. I want to know what was going on and how they survived. Some people say that they were sucked into a big whirl pool but that can not be true, because when they searched the ocean it would have showed up. It is just a big mystery everybody has theories but no one has answers.
ericka pd 6
It’s a place some where in the ocean. It is known as the devils triangle. I think that thing disappear because there is a big sea creature that eats planes and ships. It is bigger than a whale and it’s an unknown creature not on record. I think it is all alone so it eats a ship whole so he won’t be all alone. I think it’s a perfect place for it because it’s a place in the ocean where it is will not be killed because everyone is to afraid to enter the area. He will eat anything that will land there that is why there are no traces of planes and ships. He is meant to be not messed with. I think that some things are better left alone. I think that god put his home there for a reason. So we should just leave it at that. If he wants to be discovered then he will come out to the main land. So I think we should wait till he comes eats us all. He might even have a wife and kids so we should beware of them all. They will one day they will do a family attack.
Period 6
The Bermuda Triangle is many things. In my opinion I call it the triangle of death. The place of no return. Some people call it the Devils Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is a little spot in the ocean where nothing can pass through. Not even a 2009 airplane. This certain triangle is a dead zone for all who pass through it. For some reason we can’t pass it, by air or by boat. Some people call it the Devils Triangle because nothing can pass through it. There is no way if you go in are you garneted to come through it, alive that is. Other people think that it’s a giant squid. This so called Squid is supposed to be able to drag planes that are flying in the air down to the ocean above, but my problem with that theory is that no animal, even a giant squid can jump of reach into the air that high and bring down any plane. Now I know that it’s possible to sink a boat, but that’s all. Some people think that it’s a whirlpool. That because the water is turning in a circle that fast that they air above it is pulling the planes down to the ocean and sinking the ships. Now that theory I can believe because it is possible to make the wind so fierce to bring down a ship. But that doesn’t explain why the planes and ships are so moved around in the inside. The engines and motors are so not where they are supposed to be. The whole thing looks different. I guess we will never really know what the Bermuda Triangle is, but we will always have great theories as to what it is. So for now the Bermuda Triangle to me is a Angle of Mystery. I am not sure I can even get close to the right answer or even guess why theses disappearances are happening. It’s a mystery that will never be solved unless we really have the mind to go into the Triangle and experiment. The Bermuda Triangle is a mystery all its own!
In 200 words or more:
What is the Bermuda Triangle?
Why you believe the Disappearances occur?
Todd pd.6
The Bermuda Triangle is an area that is in the Atlantic Ocean. I heard that it was also known as the Devil’s Triangle. There were many reports of missing boat and air crafts that have been in the Bermuda Triangle. I believe that the disappearances occur because there might just be constant heavy storms that may cause bad signals for the air crafts. Therefore that can throw off the air crafts signals and causes the air crafts to crash. The storm, in my own opinion might just cause the boats to crash from the heavy force of the waters. I am definitely not sure what exact could have happened to the air crafts or the boats. But I do know that it is kind of scary to know that there were so many disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. To see how may air crafts and boats went in to the Bermuda Triangle is scary as well because it’s crazy how there are n traces of them and it makes it very difficult because how can you not trace all those missing objects that have flown or sailed in there.
Lance Wilson Pd 6
The Bermuda Triangle is a space between that connects Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. It has many of myths and explanations to why things happen when people enter the triangle. Many people died and disappeared because of whirlpools and storms and many other myths that people couldn’t prove cause they never lived to tell the story. I really don’t have a clue to the reason why things occur. It could be a lot of reason but no one will ever no. People have went through the triangle saying nothing happened but then people went through the triangle saying there phones started messing up like the date or time. When I think of the triangle I think of something supernatural that occurs. I want to go through it one time. The last time something happened in the Triangle was in 2002 when a plane disappeared and never heard communication ever again. Some people say its just an act of nature or human error. Other people say it was a colossal squid or giant blue whales that come out of the water to terrorize the planes and boats. I always thought the Bermuda Triangle was just a myth itself but its real.
The Bermuda triangle is a triangle that is near the Bahamas. It’s in the middle of the ocean. Many ships have gone across and have never come back. I think this is a very interesting topic. I think that when there is too many problems that lies underneath the water. I think that there are electrical problems that lie under the water. Many people have said that every thing was opposite than it was suppose to be. This to me is very strange. I think that most of the ships went missing because they didn’t have the technology we have today. I think that many ships also had complications with their gears and other parts of the ships. I think this is a mystery that scientist need the figure out as soon as possible. This triangle is very crazy as it seems. The triangle is a very strange topic and I think that they are in good process of fixing the problem.
Period 6
The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States of America, which is noted for a supposedly high incidence of unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft. The apexes of the triangle are generally believed to be Bermuda; Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The US Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name. The US Navy does not believe the Bermuda Triangle exists. It is reported that Lloyds of London, the world's leading market for specialist insurance, does not charge higher premiums for vessels transiting this heavily traveled area. I really think that there was something inside of the ocean that sucked the ships and planes. I feel that it would be an animal that eat a lot of things and ate transportation and the riders. The riders were probably killed instantly of freight or when the animal hits the boat the humans get hit by the transportation. If that happened that would be so crazy that an animal can eat a lot boats, planes, and people like that. I am glad that I wasn’t on that thing, but the scariest thing is that all of it just disappeared. Like nobody couldn’t find a trace on it and that is very weird.
Marcus Period 6 12-5-08
In 200 words or more:
What is the Bermuda Triangle?
Why you believe the Disappearances occur?
The Bermuda Triangle is a devil triangle that is in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Many aircrafts have disappeared. Some people have claimed that these disappearances fall beyond the boundaries of human error or acts of nature. People said that they think that it has been suck in the water and other things. Its crazy how that all them ships, boats and aircrafts have disappeared I want to know how they never found any thing. They say that a lot of things happen in the triangle lots of crazy things I would not like to go through that crazy. I’m not sure why the disappearances occur happen but I think that there is a little problem with that area. I think there is a sea monster lol but I’m not sure what is going on in that triangle of the evil. I don’t know what to say about the little triangle I know that what I learned about it is scary and sad. The Bermuda triangle is spooky and we will never find out why those ships disappeared. Hopefully we will in the near future.
Damian Rexroth
Period 6
The Bermuda triangle a region between Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. There have been instances where planes, boats, and etc have disappeared. No one really knows exactly why this happens but many people have disappeared over it. Many people are scared to fly over it because of all the stories. My dad was telling that he flew over the Bermuda triangle before and he said that something weird happened to his phone I don’t remember what he said. Sasha said that when she went over it her phone said the date was something in the 1900’s. I would like to go one day but I would want to land a couple miles before we hit the Bermuda triangle. I would then get closer to see what happened and I would most definitely want others with me. I would need to be tracked of every step I take so if I disappear they will know where I was last. I don’t know much about the Bermuda Triangle. Some people think that the planes and boats just get thrown to space or that there are aliens there living in that region. I believe the disappearances because there have been many instances to prove and no one can find any evidence about it.
Trinity Period 6
What is the Bermuda Triangle?
Why you believe the Disappearances occur?
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared or are alleged to have disappeared. I think that this is just so crazy that when you pass certain stuffs starts to act stupid. What I think is happening is where ever this is happening there must be some kind of tower blocking different kinds of electric waves. So what happens is that people think that the Bermuda Triangle is the cause of this. It takes a lot for me to believe things like this. People who have to show me some type of paperwork that says this is the cause of what is happening in this site. I don’t know people call it a triangle they don’t even know what kind of shape it really is. Who would want to be caught near a place called the devils triangle. It would be so crazy if someone knew what was going on, and they set all this stuff up. I think that many people believe in superstition and I don’t. So for someone to tell me that in a specific area of the world strange things happens.
Kaitlin Period 6
The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the water where ships and aircrafts could not get past. They would send all different types of transportation there and they would never come back. It’s like they never existed. The people that were sent there never were found and they couldn’t even be linked to what happened. No one has ever come back alive to tell the story or what really does happen in the Bermuda Triangle. They have been sending them there for 25 years. Some people say it was many different things that happened to the lost ships and aircrafts. But I think it is a big water whole that sucks everything into it without a trace to be found. It can suck everything into it without leaving anything behind so that way no one will know. I wonder if one day someone will actually see what happens so that way they can tell the story because I am really interested in it. This story is actually kind of creepy if you ask me. I would be really scared if I ever went near it. I don’t think I would actually. But I heard that strange things happen when you go near it. Even a class mate told us.
bianca period 6
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is the triangle where ships and planes and people have disappeared. The Bermuda Triangle is located between Bermuda, Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle began in 1950. A small article came out talking about the strange disappearances of ships and planes. The area was given the name The Devil’s Sea because it seemed like whenever someone will go there they would never return. In a feature in 1964, Vincent Gaddis christened the area the Bermuda Triangle. One of the most famous disappearances occurred in 1945. Flight 19 was a squadron of five naval bombers. All five planes supposedly disappeared while flying over the Bermuda Triangle. The two planes that set out to rescue Flight 19 also disappeared and were never found. Naval ships such as the USS Cyclops and the Marine Sulpher Queen also disappeared without a trace. Another disappearance was that of Donald Crow Hurst, who was attempting an around the world voyage. True fully I have no clue how these things could happen. Nothing is good explanation, I have no idea what could cause and do all these things.
Milira Hill
Period: 6
The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic Coast of the United States of America. It is highly known for incidence of unexplainable disappearances of ships and aircrafts. The apexes of the triangle are made up of Bermuda; Miami, Florida; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The Bermuda is also known as the Devil’s Triangle. It has been inaccurately claimed that the Bermuda Triangle is one of the two places on earth at which a magnetic compass points towards true north. Normally a compass will point toward magnetic north. The difference between the two is known as compass variation. The amount of variation changes by as much as 60 degrees at various locations around the World. If this compass variation or error is not compensated for, navigators can find themselves far off course and in deep trouble. Although in the past this compass variation did affect the Bermuda Triangle region, due to fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field this has apparently not been the case since the nineteenth century. There are many people who believe the Bermuda Triangle does not exists; suck as the US Navy. The most famous US Navy losses which have occurred in the area known as the Bermuda Triangle are the USS Cyclops; in March 1918 and the aircraft of Flight 19; in December 1945. I don’t really believe it’s because of the Bermuda Triangle that ships and aircrafts are disappearing, but anything is possible. Maybe It is really hard to sail out there so it ends up sinking every ship that runs through there.
Alissa-period 2
The triangle is a place on the ocean where strange places take place. Ships go down and people disappear and no one seems to know why or how. I believe honestly that while unusual the disappearance occur due to a sort of black hole affect. The ships get sucked in and are gone for days on end not to be heard from ever again. Since the ships are just taken under there are no survivors or any ships left. I find it weird however that no one has been reported in the water or found. Could they really be alive? Could they just be living in another world due to the vortex sucking them in? I feel it is possible just highly unusual. Although there has been no recorded proof that other world and time period reoccur it has been proven that black holes are. Black holes have never been ventured and never been pursued through so I find it highly unlikely to doubt there is more out there then we would considered normal. I believe that people are going out to the waters either for the thrill or for an average day and being sucked into the grasp of this black hole and taken to a different place. Whether they live is another story completely. Yet it is odd that they all just well disappear. Or the more common and logical reason (which is what a sane person would say) Is that they simply go under, die, and their ships are shredded to tiny pieces which sink down to the depths of the ocean.
*ha-ha made me think of Wonder Woman
Sydnee PD6
Bermuda Triangle
What is the Bermuda Triangle?
Why you believe the Disappearances occur?
The Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious event when planes or ships go by the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is a mystery. No one can prove how the incidents happen. If a plane or a ship wonders through there, they wind up broken into pieces or vanished away. Bermuda Triangle is located in the southeast of the Atlantic of the United States. But another name for Bermuda Triangle is the Devil Triangle. Why? Because many (over 500) people died from crossing/ in contact with the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is a strong ocean current called the Gulf Stream. The Bermuda Triangle is one the craziest disappearance event. Some people don’t even know how the people died, or disappeared. There was over 500 ships and planes that crashed trying to get through the Bermuda Triangle. My friend Sasha was close to the Bermuda Triangle and she claims that her cell phone was acting weird. I guess when you’re in the Bermuda Triangle than your signals and connections start to act weird and funny. Just in case your going somewhere by the Bermuda Triangle don’t go. If you do go there then you might as well write your will of death.
Tyenne Pd.6
The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. It goes from Miami, to Puerto Rico, to Bermuda. It is also known as the Devil’s Triangle. It is called that because many deadly, mysterious things have happened there. When boats or airplanes go through the Bermuda Triangle, they can vanish without a trace. The people in the planes or boats will vanish too. Even military boats have vanished. Christopher Columbus was the first person to record the happenings. I did not think the Bermuda Triangle was real until this year. My friend went on a cruise through the Triangle and she said that her cell phone started acting up. It got random service connections and then the date on her phone said a date that was way in the past like the 50’s. I thought that was really weird. Luckily, she did not vanish. I now think that it is possible for people to vanish but I still don’t know how. I would be scared out of my mind if I had to go through the Triangle but I would be excited to see what happens also. I think our scientists should do more experiments with the Bermuda Triangle. They should sent unmanned ships and planes through and see what happens. They have to be equipped with cameras and sensors so we know what is going on.
Neriah Pd. 6
The Bermuda Triangle is a place where many people, ships and planes are said to go to the black hole to disappear. They use this reason to start themselves a new life. I think that the Bermuda triangle myth is not real. I think that it is just a fable that people made up to gain interest. A part of me kind of thinks that the disappearances have occurred. I just think that there is a better reason for them disappearing. Although many people think that it’s not real, like me, there is always a slight chance that it is. Magic is unknown. Although many people see magic as something indescribable, if you really think about it you will see that there is always a reasoning behind the magicians trick There’s always a secret way that they make it happen. I believe that people make up these stories though to keep people attentions and/or forget about there past.
Tarik blount
Period 2
The Bermuda triangle a place located between the points of Puerto Rico, Bermuda and Miami. There are many theories that surround the large number of documented disappearances of numerous aircraft and ships, but the explanation lies in a combination of two theories. The electronic fog theory and the rogue wave theory. The electronic fog theory explains why there are so many documented cases of electronic devices functioning erratically, specifically compasses and the devices used to check altitude. There was a study done on the electronic fog theory, and their proven hypothesis was that the Bermuda triangle is inexplicably a location with abnormal magnetic pulls. These magnetic pulls are the forces that create the technological and ecological anomalies that occur in this region. There is also the rogue wave theory concerning this region. This theory suggests that the triangle’s abnormal magnetic levels are the reason for the rare but documented anomaly of rogue waves. Rogue waves are tidal waves that are virtually unseen until it’s too late and they are too close to change course. This explains the disappearance of ships in this area. The combination of these two theorized anomalies, are powerful and deadly enough to capture the lives of even the most experienced seamen and pilots. There are many documented cases of pilots and seamen reporting failed electronic equipment or freak tidal waves both of which have claimed these brave souls together and apart, but the combination of the two are enough to foster fear of the location out of the ignorance of the travelers.
Anyea Period 6
What is the Bermuda Triangle?
Why you believe the Disappearances occur?
The Bermuda Triangle is an area between three points on the Atlantic Ocean/coast. They are Bermuda, Miami, and Puerto Rico. It is allegedly said that anyone or anything that goes in this "triangle" disappears and is never to be seen or heard from again.
Well to me, it is a pretty wierd coincednce that those boats, and planes went missing while they were going through the triangle is kind of suspicious. When i first heard of the Bermuda triangle, i thought it was some type of hoax for people who want to sort of escape their old life so they go through the Bermuda Triangle and that's it.
But then it started getting to the point where too much stuff and people has gone missing. I figure that it must be something going on or there would be a logical explanation for the disapperences. Plus there is no trace of any of the things that have gone missing anywhere near the triangle.
So until someone goes through the Bermuda Triangle, with a video recording of them, and the whole trip and they come out whole, in one piece then I'll always believe that this is some type of conspiracy.
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