Barack Obama Wins 44th Presidential Election.
How does this change the world?
How does this change the world?
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Look at the above "Teachable Moments" images and watch the CBS video then answer the following question in 200 words or more.
How has this election changed the world?
This election has changed the world because it shows that African Americans, who were thought of to be illiterate and ignorant, are able to achieve anything that they put their mind to, just like White-Americans. Barack Obama is the proof that anything can be done and he is an inspiration to minorities around the world who are discouraged to live their dream because of the color of their skin. Obama was raised by a white mother and an African father. When he first started running for president, the first thought people had was that he was going to fail because he had more pigment in his skin then the people running against him. No one looked at the fact that he was very intelligent and knew what he was talking about. He had to prove himself in debates again the fiery Hillary Clinton and speeches he made talking about the all-American hero John McCain. He proved that he was capable president by hitting all of McCain’s weak spots hard and never giving up until he won. When he was elected, he was very humble when it came to thanking McCain. No matter what people did to keep him from winning, he never bad-mouthed anyone and he stayed calm and respectful; he acted as if nothing could hurt him or distract him from what he was up on that stage to do. Now, he had to prove to America that he can make a change for the better. Barack Obama has changed the world because he did the impossible—he got the white man’s vote in a country that believed people of color were nothing but animals, in a country where people of color had to fight for an acre of land, in a country where a black man would be murdered for raping a white woman even though there was only proof of the exact opposite, a country called the United States of America.
I would say that the election has changed the world in many ways. It has made lots of people feel a lot better about how the world is about to take a major turn in events. I think that this past election has made so many people nervous and excited at the same time. It has caused so many people to become interested in politics and to actually care who we put in as president. I would say that for the world this has been the toughest election for them ever. This election has made a big difference in many people’s lives. So many people feel as if they have gained something bigger than freedom or things of that sort. So many people feel like they have been given new life or something like that. I would say that this election has changed the world because it has given people hope in the world that they can do what ever they want to again. This election has given people the chance to go out and be something again. That’s what I think. That is just my opinion though. Now I there is other reasons why the world has changed thanks to this election but these are the only ones I can think of right now.
By: Andrew, period 6
The year of 2008 has been the start of something new for this world. It has been a great turning point and a huge change. The election of the 44th President has been a miracle to many people around the world. Barack Obama is the first African American President and this has become history. People have been paying attention to this election because an African American has accomplished something big. For many years people have been making racial remarks and treating people from another race unfairly. Finally we have a President that would defend the minorities and prove that we can accomplish just as much as anyone. We have an African American as a leader and this is the biggest thing accomplished in the life of this race. He is restoring the dream of our Martin Luther King Jr. This changed the life of many people because now minorities will have more opportunities and they will be viewed differently. He has raised the dream of many people out there in the world and he proved that you can be someone and change the world. He has marked the life of minorities and raised people’s spirits. Obama will be people’s role model and more minorities will follow his example no matter what color or shape you are.
This presidential election is going to change the world forever. Barack Obama, an African American is now the president of the United States. This change I believe is something this world needed. By a black man winning, this gave many people hope. Many people have doubted people because they are not of the dominate race, but now this shows everyone that you don’t have to be white to be successful in life or become someone important. This will give people hope and make them feel good. Barack Obama is the proof that anything can happen as long as people don’t give up and they fight for what they believe in. Now, it doesn’t matter what race you are, where you’re from and if you are rich or poor because this shows no matter who you are, you can make a change. Barack Obama is what this country needed. Obama did what many thought was the impossible; he beat a white man for president and made history. Obama got more white people to vote for him than their own kind. I don’t mean to sound like this but this is the truth and sometimes the truth hurt. Barack Obama is now my president and I am proud of it.
Obama winning the president election was of course a big deal for America. After 8 years of Bush, we do need a change. First thing that need to change is the economy. He has plans to fix the economy, get us off the drug called oil, and health and also education. We had to watch and hope that he was going to win because he want change just as much as we do. And the rest of the world, why would they not watch it also. It affects them to. The United States of America does a whole lot of importing and exporting to and from other countries. And most of it is importing from other countries. And the fact that they wanted Obama to win so bad that some cried when he was elected only means that he will help bridge gaps with other countries and cultures. Maybe he will have everyone in other countries hating Americans and America. We have to have good relations with other countries. The only person I see him hurting or setting back is the racist and the Ku Klux Klan, also know as the KKK. And who really cares about them, not me. HAHA.
Adrian Period 1
The historic of election of Barack Obama as the United States’ 44th President, has an impact larger than the United States. Firstly, with the election of an African-American President, it further demonstrates that anyone is capable of reaching that position through hard-work and increases hope in those Americans who were forgotten. In making this achievement it also establishes in the minds of minorities and those of the majority that if you have a dream, never lose it. To the world it displays that America is capable of being progressive, and we are not satisfied with the cowboy diplomacy of the past eight years. The world sees that they will be impacted through a President who wishes to deal peacefully with everyone, and help empower other nations. In the last eight years, our nation has ruined our image before others, and through institutions in this country has brought the world into a recession. The world knew with his election he would help reverse these crises, as he was willing to campaign from other major countries. Speaking with the world’s leaders before his election presented another image to these nations. They saw something different from America, and like those in favor of this man in America those overseas were also inspired.
On November 4th, 2008, history has been changed. Barack Obama, an African American was elected as President of the United States. Never before in the U.S. history have we had a black president. This election would change the world because the United States would be lead by a person that is not white. In the history of America, a black man was once a slave, now the history is different because a black man is in charge of America. I believe that Obama is going to be a great President because his perspective on the world is amazing and to know that he won the election made people believe in miracles. I also think that it made people care more about where our world is going. I’m sure that having an African American as president would make this world a lot different. Barack Obama inspired people to do what they were not allowed to do before. Obama is supported by many people in the U.S. because they knew in their heart that they are ready for a black leader. To many people Barack Obama would be like Martin Luther King Jr. because they both made a difference in history and it will/did affect the outcome of mankind.
Laquietta Braswell
Mr. O’Neal Period 1
November 7, 2008
How has this election changed the world?
This election has changed the world in so many ways. First I just want to say that I am happy that Barack Obama won the election. He is our new and first black president. That’s making history right there! Obama’s view on this world is the same view that the people of America was trying to tell some of our past presidents. Obama know exactly what’s wrong with the world today. He doesn’t want to make the situation worse. He wants to so the right thing for his people and the world itself. I still can’t believe that we have a black president. I wouldn’t say that everyone who voted for him was voting because he was black. More than just blacks voted for Obama. Whites, blacks, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Indians, several more races all voted fro Obama. They voted for him because they knew he was able to do the right thing. As Maya Angelou said “…..He has common sense…..which is…im sorry to say is uncommon”. People always said that we would never have a black president. Well all of those who said that were wrong because “we” proved them wrong. Obama has influenced so many people and we only can hope for the best. Now that we put him in the white house, he is reasonable for us. Let’s just see what he does but I have a real good feeling that Obama will not let us down!
Claudia/Period 1
I think that these elections were some of the most important because finally a black man was one of the presidential candidates and everyone knew that he was going to win because he the people liked his plans to change the country and to improve the economic situation. Barack Obama showed that it wasn’t impossible to get to the presidency being a minority. What made the people elect Barack Obama for president was that they could relate to him and because he stands for what he believes. I feel like after this historical election the whole way of looking at the United States is changing for good. I really expect Obama to do his best and put everything he’s got into changing the world because that will open doors for after him more minority presidents in the United States. Barack Obama now means hope for those who feel rejected because of their race, color, religion, etc. At times we think that because we are different than others we won’t achieve even the greatest things in life just because someone has made us inferior to them and the ones like them. This elections to me meant Martin Luther King’s dream fulfilled because Barack Obama will change the issues that we all have.
Suryawan Period 1
It has changed the world in a very great way. The Election Day which falls on November 4, 2008, has changed and shocked the world at the same time. Barack Obama, the 44th and the first African-American president has changed the way world viewed races and United States of America. People now view the world in a different way, where anything is possible, and miracle can happen, regardless of races, religions and beliefs. Especially, it has changed the view of those who are racist. They were just being stupid from the beginning, judging somebody based on the color of their skin. They have no idea that someday, sometimes in the near future, colors don’t matter anymore in this world. United States is a land where everybody lives and comes in pursuit of freedom, opportunities, possibilities, security, peace and harmonies are. People around the world now understand that being racist, prejudice and haters is just a dumb thing to do, because who knows one day, may be one day, their president is someone who they once chain, sold, and viewed as less than a human. Some people might not be very glad and hard to accept the fact that their country is run by African-American, but just face the truth, he was chosen by most of Americans, who have the same right as you all do.
The election has changed to world in ways that I still can’t take in. To have a black president is overwhelming. November 4th 2008 will go down in history. If it was McCain it will still be history but Obama’s success and victory is the TRUE history. This election has changed everyone all around the world as much as it has the United States. For people around the country, they have witnessed the almost impossible, possible. No one would have thought that an African American would become president. I don’t think they doubted the possibility, I truly believe that they wouldn’t see the day. At least this early! For the people who live around the world, next years history books will be updated. It’s like people never see that dreams really do happen. Barack Obama just proved that you can do anything, no matter the race! At the beginning everyone thought that he had a slight chance to beat Hillary. Then when he proved everyone wrong they doubted that he would make it into office. We see differently. I don’t know why but I can’t even write this blog the right way because I’m still dumb struck. I know the first thing that people tell their young children and grandchildren and great grandchildren that in 2008 they elected an African American as their leader of the United States. We should be proud and truly grateful!
Lexi Pd1
Daniel Period 1
This election has changed the world in many ways. It has showed all blacks that they can make it in the world by having a black president. There is more to live for now. Also the world has changed because on November 4 2008 the U.S. made history. That was history for the better. Obama is supposed to change the U.S. in the best ways. This historical moment gave people a lift. Also helps to say you can be what you want to be. No one will ever think the say. We can tell our children that on a day we had a black president and hopefully we can tell them we had a woman president also. I think this changed the world and the way that everyone thinks about life. Also for the elder people that went through the great depression and the segregation is a great break through because they thought that they would never see a black president. Some cried and some just was very surprised and felt bigger inside because they know they lived through had times and this is the far most good time in their lives because their president is black. I think it’s amazing.
Daniel Period 1
This election has changed the world in many ways. It has showed all blacks that they can make it in the world by having a black president. There is more to live for now. Also the world has changed because on November 4 2008 the U.S. made history. That was history for the better. Obama is supposed to change the U.S. in the best ways. This historical moment gave people a lift. Also helps to say you can be what you want to be. No one will ever think the say. We can tell our children that on a day we had a black president and hopefully we can tell them we had a woman president also. I think this changed the world and the way that everyone thinks about life. Also for the elder people that went through the great depression and the segregation is a great break through because they thought that they would never see a black president. Some cried and some just was very surprised and felt bigger inside because they know they lived through had times and this is the far most good time in their lives because their president is black. I think it’s amazing.
Period 1
How has the election changed the world?
The election hasn’t just changed the world it showed how much the world has changed.
From the election you can also tell how the world is going to be after president-elect Obama takes office. From the election and everybody coming together and voting for change shows how much more united the election has made us. So the election brought us together as a people and that means our country is going to be a lot stronger. The election showed that the United States maybe even the world is ready for change and with an open mind like that we can only progress as a nation. In a ways the election has changed the world is many. The greatest is the idea of anyone having equal opportunity in this country. This shows our country at its best, a great example to world, and living up to its own hype. As a human being you’re promised a lot of things in America but yet some things never happen and this is one of those things that opened doors for a lot more possibilities. American is known for a lot of great things now its known for more.
The election has affected people of all ethnic backgrounds in various ways. It has affected blacks, because now we know that if Barack Obama can be elected as President, then we can do something to change the world. Some people say that one person can’t make a difference, but that’s how it all started. If it wasn’t for that one person; Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and etc. there probably wouldn’t be an African-American president today.
I think having an African-American president opened a door for everyone. I actually believe “change” doesn’t mean having a black president, but having people from different ethnic backgrounds to run for president.
The election has also affected Caucasians. Some were for Obama, but the ones who were against him because of the hue of his skin were in for a show! Blacks were thought of as insolent, undeserving, and other derogatory things. This proves that Blacks are capable of doing things that Whites are able to achieve.
This election has affected me because I know that if I put my mind to something, and envision it, then I can succeed in life.
The election has affected the world, because whatever happens in the U.S. affects those around us. The U.S. is like the leader, a lot of people look up to us. This affects them because of Foreign Policy. Our President determines what happens within our country and its relations with other countries.
Now that Barack Obama is president anything can happen. This is a monumental step towards world equality. Fifty years ago, no one would ever have believed this was possible. African Americans were still hated and thought to be less than a white person. But today, for the first time in history, we have an African American president. This election has shown how much America has changed and improved. Who knows, maybe in another fifty years racism will be completely gone. If we continue to improve at this rate, than anything is possible. If Barack Obama can become president, then there is no telling what will happen in the years to come. I hope that President Obama can help this nation to become better than it ever was. America is slowly entering a new era of equality and internal peace. It is my belief that we will soon achieve equal pay and treatment for everyone, regardless of race or sex. America can finally become the great nation the founding fathers dreamt it would.
Bryce, Period 2
If you asked me how the 2008 Presidential Election has changed the world, I wouldn’t be speechless. Before this election, I used to hear about 43 other presidents who were Caucasian. Now, every time I look at all the Presidents of the United States, I will see the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. It doesn’t matter about the color of his skin, but it is about what matters most: politics. Furthermore, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be proud if he was still here. Malcolm X would be celebrating if he were here. Seeing a Black man leading our country is the start of Martin’s Dream being fulfilled. This is what the Civil Rights Movement was all about: Blacks wanted to be equal to Caucasians, they wanted to earn what they earn, they wanted to integrate and live without hate, and they wanted to stop being discriminated against. Even though there is still hate and racism, there isn’t much discrimination and a Black man is going to make our country’s decisions. President Obama will live in the White House and rule just like those past Presidents of the United States. The world has changed for the better, no matter how much some people may hate seeing change.
Patricia Bell
Period 2
This election has changed the world in both negative and in positive ways. I say this because most African-Americans are probably extremely proud of their race and how far they have came to be able to say that they have their first African-American president and their the way that it happened. However, other people may not be so happy just because he is African-American and because of other things that they were searching on such as his religion and his family but it will be a very big change for everyone. It also will be a big change because many people well be depending on Obama keeping his word on saying he was going to do. I think it will be a change for people to show that they have a chance and to show they can do any thing that any one else can. I also thing that it will change the world on more of a race thing because people will start to see that you can be any race or color and still can achieve things that others can. I think that this election has made an extremely big change for every race and colored person to shows them that they don’t have to black, white, Chinese, etc…. they can do what ever their mind is set to.
Tayania PD2
There are so many ways that the election has changed the world. It changes the world in ways that the people can think for themselves. Since, Obama won the election there are children around the world that know that they can do what ever they want as long as the put there mind to it. The world will have other people that will step up to the plate to do things that they want to do, but they may have been scared to do it because they thought that they would not be able to achieve. As long as you put your mind to something you will be able to do it just like Obama did. By electing Obama you can tell that the people was ready for a change and the first step was to elect a president that wanted change things that they say was going wrong with the world. It may take a while for change to happen, but it will happen because I believe that any one can do anything to help change things in the world, we just need someone that is willing to help the world change in ways that we my not think are possible to happen. It also shows that African Americans are able to do things that they may not have think that they can see themselves every doing because of the color of there skin.
Period 2
The election that just happen just changed the world. We have the first black president that the United States has ever seen. The election of a black president affected that world. People from all over have experienced history in the making. Some people think that it is the best things that ever happen. Then there is some that think it is a mistake. I would think that people from all over would be happy about this, but some just isn’t Personal, I think that it is great that we have a black president. I think it is a great change. Now the world can see how this change is going to turn out. To see if he lives up to what he said.
Blacks can now be happier then ever because of all that they went through. From being in slavery to becoming president. This election has changed the world. Not a lot of people can really see how big this really is. But then there are some who don’t really care. For the rest thought, it has changed there minds. Now, really anything is possible. This president gives a good look on future now. If you put your mind into it, you can become anything you want.
This past historical election changed the world because America is know as the wealthiest country in the world, but for the past eight years most of the world has seen America at its possible lowest point. I think by electing Barack Obama the world is seeing that the American people aren’t an ignorant group of citizens but we’ve learn from our mistakes of election President George Bush in 2000. I think many other countries are happy because now we have a understand but strong leader that can help change the world and fix the mistakes and clean-up what the last president has created. I think the American people that are for Obama and believe in what he is planning on doing are excited because he is offering a new kind of change that I don’t think anyone has worked for or try to use. Although many of the young adults might have only voted for him because he is of African descent, they still made the right choice of voting for him because I think that he can clean-up and fixed what has been broken for the past 8 years. I believe that President Obama will make a difference and a great improvement with the problems our country faces.
Tazjare Period 2
Enya- pd 2
This election has changed the world in so many different ways. The election of a black man elected to be the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world, the U.S, has literally broken down forever the walls of limitations to what someone of a non-Caucasian race can do! Barack Obama has now opened up the doors for anyone of any race to be president. Whether it is Hispanic, or Chinese American, or even Native American. The presidency is no longer limited to only old, white, men. I’m not saying that anyone can be president. But just that anyone that is intelligent enough, and fulfills the requirements of being president, AND is not white, can be president now. There have been a lot of firsts for blacks, but I agree this is by far the greatest and most important. And what is amazing is that Barack Obama had not only the support of his voters here in America, but the support of people around the WORLD. In Europe, in Asia, even in RUSSIA, and CUBA. This election has greatly changed the world I think. It has given hope to everyone that maybe we CAN all get along together in peace. And that Barack Obama will be the one to start the journey. I know that he can’t do everything he promised to do in a year or two, much less one term. But I hope that he will start the process, and that the president after him will hopefully continue it. I think this moment is one of those, “always remember where you where” moments. I think everyone who was alive during this will remember in the future exactly where they where, and just exactly what they where doing. There’s no limits now, when someone says “you can be ANYTHING you WANT to be” it is finally true.
Period 2
This election has changed the world in so many ways. People have a hope of a better life for the future. Obama has changed History. He accomplish Martin Luther king dreams. People hope that he will end the war and help the poor. I believe that a world will be a better place with the help of each individual. America can be depended on again. The value of the money will increase in other countries. People are happy for the changes he’s offering on the issues. For the first time in History that an African American man is elected to be president of the United States of America. I believe that Obama will bring peace in the nation. He showed that anything is possible. You can accomplish anything no matter the color of your skin or your background. Obama will help the poor so that they can also accomplish something for themselves. For once I believe that the White house will be call a “Mix house” Some people are still is shock and in disbelief by the reality of the present time. Things will improve for migrants and everyone else. I truly believe that Obama is the “new” savior of this planet. I hope that he will accomplish everything he promises to do.
Obama winning president has change the world in many ways. This has change the world in good ways and also bad ways. I think that is has change the world in a good way. The reason why I say this is because it’s history that ways made. No just because Obama is a black man but because after more that 44 years Martin Luther King’s dream for us to come together as one nation is at a start. This is just the beginning. Many people in the world was very happy and overwhelm when they found out that Obama won. It took everyone to make these possible, Black, whites, Asians. We all made one decision and that was to make Obama the first African American president. I didn’t even think that I would believe that I would still be alive to witness something that is so amazing. In a way I think that this isn’t such a good thing to the people who strongly believe that a black man can not be president and there are some negative people in the world that just might do some crazy things. All there is to do is just have hope that this event that will go down in history will turn out to be the best choice the “us” as a people made.
I have lived in a household where even though some of us were lighter then the rest (like me) our African heritage and history of our slavery was never ignored. My father who is a lot darker then I would sit me down to read all about the injustice the world held for minorities. I would feel up my head with big stories and dreams of one day proving everyone who challenged me because of my race, wrong. I dreamed about the people just like my family having to try harder then other people to prove all the stereotypes wrong all the stories false. I loved to learn about a black or Hispanic man that invented things, made history. It seemed like so many people could do things even though they knew they would never get the credit they deserved. When I was younger I used to get mad too though when every year they would try to shove the same story of slavery down my throat. It seemed like the teachers felt it was their duty to teach us the whites were bad and that our people suffered a lot. I was upset because even though this was true and tragic I never learned about the strength that came from those bad times, the people who rose up above everything and survived. Slavery is a huge part of history but it hurts to see only that, to only see the bad when there is so much good to look at. I remember people said we could do anything we wanted and a lot of kids wanted to be president. Mind you I went to public school all my life where the majority of the children were miniorities. Well I would look at the teacher’s pained faces as they said that yes of course we could be president. It seemed like just a silly child’s fantasy like it would never be. When they announced that Barack Obama won the election my childhood, my classmates, every student who uttered those words, every teacher would sadly respond came crashing down on me. It was possible, there was hope. Every day as time flies people bond, and ignorance is destroyed the world grows a little warmer a little safer. This man this won man broke every doubt there was, so that now all that’s left is hope. Hope and the promise of a MUCH brighter future.
This election really affected the rest of the world. People in Japan were even cheering, they don’t even live here, but there so moved by this historical day in history. Our presidency is no longer, a white man’s land. Now, for the first time in history, we have a black president. Colored people all across the world should be rejoicing, but not just colored people, everyone should be rejoicing, (except me). America is this huge, overwhelmingly powerful country, and now we have a president with new views and ideas, that may help us. People in Iraq should be happy, because now they can bomb us without us being there to stop them. Also, our troops won’t be there to interfere with Iraqi citizens’ daily lives. Obama may be able to good things for our country and the world, maybe he won’t be able to do good things. Maya Angelou was proud and she can be one to respect and share the views of many people throughout the world. Through this election, people showed that “still we rise”. Obama at first, was seen as though he couldn’t win, but he did, and people throughout the world can hope for peace with our new president, so they have changed through their happiness and their new hope.
isaiah, pd2
This election has changed the world so very much. Not just America. Everyone around the world gathered on the November 4 to see who won the presidency election. They want change. The world doesn’t want to deal the problems that the past president has brought about for the lat 8 years. It made people that never voted before register. It made people that never were into politics, get into politics. The black people in the world are so proud to have a leader of the same race. They hope things will change for the better. The other countries want to deal with someone they can get along with. The countries that are at war with America hope it will come to an end. People can’t help but be happy. They are happy for the new world that will soon become. Everyone was so into this election because of the history that could be made. Everyone in the world knows that America is the wealthiest country in the world, so they want the leader to be good with dealing with other countries. Knowing the impact Obama has with other races, everyone in the world knows this presidential run will be like no other.
Taiwan Ferrell pd2
How has this election changed the world? Well, this election not only changed our country, but it also changed the history books. The United States of America has had forty four presidents, and out of all forty four, all was white except one, Barack Obama. Barack Obama is the first African American president, and that is causing a lot of controversy both good and bad, not only in our country, but also in other countries. Some people in other countries are taking it better then the people that live over here. People here are outraged at the fact that Obama has been elected. In Texas, people set fire to Obama posters, and have fought over the fact that he is now our new president. Others have made racial slurs, by hanging nooses on trees and what not. I have seen a few races advertisement boards about Obama. There was this one saying vote for Obama, with a picture of a monkey eating a banana, symbolizing that Obama is a black monkey. As far as the world goes, this very important and historical event just proves, that America is in fact the of opportunity. That is how this election changed the country, as well as the world.
Period Two; *
Barack Obama becoming the first African-American presidential elect has not only changed the world, but it also shows how much the world has changed. Never, would it have crossed the minds of American citizens that one day; one day the president will be Black. By Barack Obama winning the 2008 presidential election, he gave to all around the world hope and joy. For filling the dreams of many from today’s generation, all the way back to five generations ago; he is the answer. Speaking words of wisdom and intelligence, he will work to bring not only the United States back to victory, but also the less fortunate countries of the world. To all around who’s hope are crushed daily and discouraged, Barack Obama has provided that everlasting hope in their hearts. Looking back on his background, he came from a long rough road; but pulled through it. Giving to others, all the faith and dedication needed to survive in this cold world. Also bringing many back to God Almighty by trusting in God with every decision and thoughts. He’s fair, humble, honest, and is exactly what is needed in the world today. Although America isn’t in the best condition right now, and we as an economy is struggling; with the wisdoms he contains, change is coming indeed!
Period 2
The past election has changed the world in many ways. It has shown that African-Americans can overcome everything and beat the odds. This changed the world because Barack Obama beat the odds of any and everyone who doubted him. He has broken many walls to racism due to him being the first African-American elected into the presidential position. Barack Obama has also given African-Americans the strength to stand up and say “yes I can do this.” He has also helped African-Americans always remember to put there best effort out and never settle for less. This also will change the world in the future because Barack Obama will help to bring the economy out of the deep ditch that it is currently in. Barack Obama being the 44th President has also shown that African-Americans have a mind of their own and can excel once they put their minds to it and never back down. With his intelligence, determination and drive will help mold the country from an ice sculpture that is slowly but surly melting to a sculpture made from diamonds. Barack Obama has not only changed the U.S but also changed the surrounding countries because he has great ideas that will help the surrounding countries rise also.
2nd Period.
Change we can believe in. The entire meaning of this election was based on change, and that’s why I support Barack Obama. I believe that in America, change will come because Obama has values that most Americans believe in and the values that America needs the most. With Obama being the first black president of America, even after all of the suffering that America has given to that race, there will be a tidal wave of hope for the better, and hope for people that are still suffering. I really hope that people against Barack will have a change of heart because I know that they are upset… But once Barack is in office and starts cleaning up America and everything that Bush has made a mess, America can be wholesome and unified, and live up to its name of a great country. This is even a world-wide issue, and I know that people can see America is suffering of hatred. People around the world are more than happy that Obama has won the election, and I know that I’m glad. Obama isn’t perfect, and everything he does won’t be perfect, but I’m more worried about our homeland security than anything and the issues within our own country instead of creating more issues and war in other countries. I believe that change is coming soon… I can feel it.
Period 6th
Novemeber 4th, 2008 is the day i will never forget. The day i never
thought in my life would happen and it did. Barack Onbama is the first
black man to become the president of the united state. i am thankfuk to
be living to see, breathe, and hear about this historical moment. This
would go down history. i believe the changes obama will provided for us
and i believe that he can put us and our voices out there. Being known as a first black president is a big accomplishment. This is a hug changes to the world some people are still shock that a black man is a president. He did everything in his power to win and be on top and never give up. Now we've proven that doesnt matter what you are or what skin your in when you want something you go do it. Now I remember when people think only white have the rights but look at us now that a hug impact in our nation. He will change the world and lets just hope that we are ready for them changes. Like he said "Changes we believe in". Our 44th President is Barack Obama.
Kaitlin Period 6
When Barack Obama won the election for president it has changed the world. That was one of the most historical days to remember for the United States. We now have a black president and that is something very important because there was never a black president before. Obama I think is a very lucky man and he should be very proud of himself because I know if I was him, I would be too and I think I would kind of be shocked. Now that he is president I think a lot of things are going to change and people are going to be very happy, and the others will be really mad. I know the racist people aren’t happy at all. I think Barack Obama will be assassinated because I know a lot of people are upset. I am not sure how it will change the world because I really don’t know what he was willing to change because I am not into the politics like that so I wouldn’t know. The world has changed because people are inspired because of Obama and he is a great leader and he probably encourages others to go out and do things that they think they cant because they think they are not going to be able to succeed.
Bianca Period 6
This changes the world in many ways. For one we never ever had a black president before. Seeing a black person run our country is something black folks could have never imagined. Before we couldn’t even look a white person in the eyes and now we are running the country. This is a big advantage for black people, now black people feel as if we can do anything. Black people have overcome so many things and now we can create bigger dreams. Now that a black president. Barack Obama, is our president now it can either make people realize that really blacks are the same and can do the same jobs if not better. This should open the eyes of others not only the people in the United States but in the world. This should send a message around the world saying that everyone is equal and no one should be treated as if they are worth something less then they are. Color shouldn’t have anything to do with being anything in this world. For real this election should tell you that if the segregation and discrimination would stop it really truly could be a better world and a better place to live.
This election has changed the world because it shows how anything is possible. I think this is a ground breaking moment when he won. I think it show that they will one day who believe they could win. I think they know Bush is bad no matter where you live. Obama is different then any other president and he has to be involved with him no matter what. He has to deal with other country just as well as the U.S. I think that he will show that the world is change and to expect the unexpected. I think they people in other country are just as important as the people here because our president does affect the world. I believe they think that they will show that the happiness will one day be them.
Vincent PD 6
Barak Obama wining presidency changes the world. It changes the world because America affects the entire world. There are hundreds of people coming from other countries just to be in America because America means freedom. America does trading with many different countries and so America greatly affects other countries. Having Obama win shows that America is one step further to being free from discrimination. America is in a bad place right now and every country knows that. They watch us all the time because we were and still are the most powerful country in the world and so everyone watches us. America is the country of freedom and change. If America does badly that the world does badly because we are major traders and buyers. Having Obama as president is a big deal to some people in other countries because it gives them hope that America will get better. The president makes major decisions and controls the most powerful country in the world so some watch us in fear and some watch us in hope. This effects other countries because America has been having financial problems and even a war. This is why I think that Barak Obama wining president changes the world
Jose Ramirez Period:6 11/7/08
Barak Obama wining is like people seeing the end of discrimination against black people. When Barak Obama won the world was shock to see that finally the USA come out all the unequal and discrimination against African American people. This is also, is history because Barak Obama is the first like person who is not White. He is considering being the first black president in the USA history. Also, the world was in a way impacted cause like Barak Obama said he will try end war. Also, he will try to bring back the troops from Iraq back home. In my opinion the Obama changed the world cause their will be change like Obama said. I believe that Barak Obama wining really made people see that the nation has change since back when African American people were called Negros. And now they aren’t because they are equal and have all the right of a white person. This in tells us that now by Obama wining that things have change indeed. The election changed the world because it changes how the world viewed the USA. And know everyone knows that the USA is truly the land of freedom and equality. This in my opinion is important to all the people who use to think that the USA government had some kind of hate group against African American people.
sydnee pd6
Barack Obama Wins 44th Presidential Election.
How does this change the world?
This changes the world because Obama is president, and everybody is happy, because when Bush was in the house that was a mistake, he would rather be across seas then his own country. People know that Bush should have never been president. George Bush would have rather been at Iraq then to tend to his own people (Hurricane Katrina). The people around the world believe Barack can actually bring change to the U.S. and maybe the world. That’s why people are excited that Barack is president. Thank Goodness!
Obama is the first African- American to be president. Besides having the same president twice in 12 years, we have a person that can make change to the white house. Everybody is excited, and happy to have a different kind of president in the house. People believe that Obama can and will be change to the white house. The thing about that situation is that many people that a black person shouldn’t be president…but hey! We have a black president and the world is going to change. At first we were this close to not have a black president the first time. BUT WE DO!!!! EXCEPT IT!
Period 6
Barack Obama even running for president made a change in the election this year. Once he started running he showed us that anyone can become whoever they want as long as they don’t give up. Obama had a lot of up’s and down’s while he was running for the 44th president. One of them of course was his formal pastor. Though out all of his up’s and downs, he stayed strong and ready for what ever was to come in the future. Barack Obama who is now our 44th president changed everything when he was announced the 44th president of the United States. People started crying because they know that now there was going to be changes. So many people were surprised when they first announced that he was to run for president. When they first announced that he was running for president the first thing that happened was black’s and whites all around America knew that it was a time for change. They’re spirits lifted as soon as he was proclaimed the 44th president. This changes how people look at each other even more. It changes the thoughts of African Americans. It changes how people will pay for gas, taxes, ect. The election changed the world by letting people know that anyone can vote. That everyone has an opinion and a voice to speak out no matter what color they are. Black, White, Red. Purple, anyone can run for president, but remember this, it doesn’t matter the color of your skin but if you’re running to make a difference and not because you just want to be in charge. Obama O8….Yeah!
Milira Hill
Period: 6
It is clearly obvious that the election had a great impact on the world. It affected different people from all over the world. I thought it was only Americans that were excited by Barak Obama’s victory but I was clearly wrong. There were people in the China that were just as excited as we were and they don’t even live here. I think this election changed the world because history was made. In the United States there has never been an African American president and now that Barak Obama is the 44th president it is changed. I believe Martin Luther King’s dream is finally being fulfilled. I guess the importance of this election reached others and brought us all together in this crucial race. We all came together and those who voted and made a difference, helped change history. I think this election had a positive affect on the world. We all came together and made a difference. The amount of democrats went up from before. That shows how important this race was to people. Also some states that were red turned blue just because of Barak Obama. Now hopefully our new president will do his part and put the United States back on track. Maybe we can all come together without all the racial and equality problems.
Lance Wilson
Pd 6
The world will be changed forever. America has not had a black president ever. Its just not important to African- Americans but its important to other minorities also. Many Caucasians wanted Obama to win also. Even though Barack Obama is half white and half black he is still black so it doesn’t matter. I think it was seriously time for a change around here. Barack Obama is what we need. He says he plans to do this and that when he gets into the office. We did our part of voting him in so know he has to follow through. The world has changed because a lot of people will start believing there self more because we found out we can do anything we want. So we will see more minorities in higher places of employment. The world as we know it is becoming different in many ways. The world that we want is now coming into place all cause we voted Barack Obama into office. A lot of people voted Barack Obama in cause he was black and that was a good thing cause he is the first black president but some people voted for him cause he was a very good candidate.
ericka taylor
This is a new stepping stone for blacks across the world. It is a historical event. He is the first black ever to make presidency. I think other countries will think that we are more united because we have not only whites’ as presidents we also have a black president to. He showed us what would happen if we do not give up. If we keep trying we will have hope for anything. Now I have the confidence to think that I can do any thing. Nothing will get in the way of my dreams. Obama has not given up against the republicans so why should I give up on anything else. I think he will change things for America. We will now get along with other nations. Things will be different for a change. It will be easier for us I am so happy. A black has never ruled a nation. He will be something better for the world. He will make love not war. It is so good. When I grow up I think that I want to be just like Obama. He is something I can’t explain. He won over the white people. Thank you America for making things better.
period 6
The election has changed the world a lot. The first black president would change the world for anybody. All blacks should be happy for him because he made history. Obama has made a big change I am happy and I think lot more people are happy too. Obama is an example of saying anything is possible to happen. To anyone you can never say you can’t do something you can do what ever if you put mind to it like Obama did he believe that he can be president and look what he is now. This changes me a lot too now I know that anything is possible if you want it very bad. Obama change the world he has people in Africa and other places looking up to him because they know that if he can change united states he can change there country. They know he will bring them the same thing he is bring United States. Obama is the man everybody is looking up to him. I don’t anything can happen now that Obama is going to be president but it is possible I know that he is going to bring a good attitude and he is going to make life a lot better.
Period 6
The 2008 president election had done a lot of things to a lot of people in the whole. Back in the days, black people were treated like a piece of crap. So were Barak Obama and his mother. Obama because he looked like he was all black and his mom because she is the mother of him. We were servants for the whites a very long time and some blacks still are. During Barak Obama’s speeches he spoke saying that all the expectations for all races are going to be the same. A lot of times, when one race gets in charge of something, they like to be racist and pick their race and those phony ones for the others. The one race doing the weak jobs maybe better than the one doing the more important, but they don’t look always look at you like that. When Barak Obama who is a black person ran for president, people thought that blacks were going to vote for him because of his skin. They vote for him because they believe in what he and if he was elected their lives would change in a very good positive way. When he was elected people cried because blacks can really have freedom and peace. White people also cried because their lives were going to change by the things that’s going to happen when he is in office.
Very interesting comments, folks. Of course, you're very right when you talk about history being made. I think it's also interesting what a black Republican has to say about it. Colin Powell was Secretary of State in the Bush administration, so he's not likely to be excited over a Democrat winning. But, listen to how he frames the election in this interview:
While many of us can utter the words, "History was made today", not many have the perspective to REALLY know how long a battle it has been.
Keep up the great work! I enjoy reading your thoughts.
Damian R.
Period 6
Barack Obama has made a change in the world majorly. He is the first black president to be elected. Although many people might have voted for Obama because he is black he is still has good views on the world. He has showed the world of how far we have came. Martin Luther King would be proud if he was alive to see Barack. I believe that Obama has united people of all races across the world. I believe that Barack Obama will change the world in a good way. He has impacted people across the world. There are many people across the globe cheering him on and they don’t even have anything with the election. Obama knows what he is doing because when he was picking people to be in campaign he chose people that had knowledge and experience in the areas that he lacked in. I trust that Obama will change the world in a good way. Not only has Obama changed the world but also so has his family his wife given a good example of what a good wife is. His daughters are now famous to I have a feeling they will be doing something as they get older.
Period 2:
Brianna said ..
I am very glad that Barack Obama has won this election. He deserves it and it makes it a lot better that he is African American. Because it has been long over due that this day has finally come. I wish it had come sooner though. Also I wish that people or citizens from the slavery times or even eighty years ago could see this day, never have I thought that in my lifetime or not this soon would there be a back president. I am proud because I know a lot of people were waiting for this day to come and now that it’s finally here it feels very good. I think that or hope that he won’t be assassinated or anything along the lines of that because he is black and there are people even though I don’t want to admit it, don’t want to see a black man run this country. So I think it is a big change for the economy and it will be better because we have change and we haven’t had a big change like this since the beginning of all this political parties and what not and all I’m saying is that I’m happy there’s change!
Fatima Neal
Pd. 2
The 1st African American president how did it change the world. It changes the whole universe. It made the whole world realize a change is really going to come. Barack Obama just prove that you can be anything you want to be, they said it will never be a black president, well look who is president now. We are now living Martin Luther Kings Dream. One thing about the election is that Obama wasn’t about Hate even his winning speech he said, "Even the ones who didn’t vote for me I still need you by my side", that meant a lot to me I bet even McCain fans even felt some type of way when he said those words. The election has changed people’s lives; do you know how many people waited for this day to come? Who would ever think an African American would be in the White House. The world is in a big shock, and really is noticing that a change is here. It also changes the world in a bad way because a lot of people didn’t want to see Obama win, and there ready to kill someone, people are not happy he’s in the white house, we will just have to see what the future holds. OBAMA HAS MADE A CHANGE.
Joseph Period 2
The election changed a lot this time. Barack Obama is the first African American president. Some people had heart attacks and everything because of hearing Barack Obama elected as president for a change. People now are always screaming aloud Obama. There is also a major change now. People celebrated like they never did before because of how happy they are. People even started chains and everything to people trying to predict the future of what Barack Obama can do for us in the future. People even ran down streets yelling Obama, Obama, Obama, he is the president. I was very happy when Barack Obama was elected because it is time for a change.
Everyone is very happy that they are making shirts and everything. Saying my president is black and stuff like that. They even made bad shirts for Barack Obama that is very embarrassing. Barack Obama worked very hard to get into the office; it was not just given to him. That is what some people say bad about him. Barack Obama will make some more changes in the future. That is what I think changed after the election and how it is amazing. That is what I think changed and will.
Barack Obama being elected as president changes the world greatly. It makes people see that the world has come so far from what it used to be. His election shows the growth of our country. Fifty years ago we would’ve never dreamed of him being elected because of all the racism, segregation, and prejudice. Now Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream is fulfilled. Barack Obama was not elected based on his color but because he was the better candidate. Barack being the first African-American president helps the world to see that you can achieve anything as long as you work hard and be persistent and it won’t matter what color your skin is. This type of change doesn’t happen over night. Barack has now set the standards higher than they have ever been for people to be better not just themselves but as a whole. When you’ve got people supporting you all over the world and not just in this country you know that we aren’t the only ones ready for change. Barack winning has also changed the way people think. There are young politicians of every race everywhere now saying that they can be in his position one day. He’s opened the doors for so many more people to succeed in life, his election motivates me and I’m sure millions of others as well. Yes We Can and Yes We Did!
Barack Obama Wins 44th Presidential Election.
How does this change the world?
This changes the world because Obama is president, and everybody is happy, because when Bush was in the house that was a mistake, he would rather be across seas then his own country. People know that Bush should have never been president. George Bush would have rather been at Iraq then to tend to his own people (Hurricane Katrina). The people around the world believe Barack can actually bring change to the U.S. and maybe the world. That’s why people are excited that Barack is president. Thank Goodness!
Obama is the first African- American to be president. Besides having the same president twice in 12 years, we have a person that can make change to the white house. Everybody is excited, and happy to have a different kind of president in the house. People believe that Obama can and will be change to the white house. The thing about that situation is that many people that a black person shouldn’t be president…but hey! We have a black president and the world is going to change. At first we were this close to not have a black president the first time. BUT WE DO!!!! EXCEPT IT!
Todd pd.6
The election has changed the world in many ways. It made history and will never ever be forgotten. It also shows how African Americans have gained the respect of most. It might sound funny but some countries in Africa and across the world have been celebrating the fact that an African American has won the election. Barack Obama is the 44th president in the United States and this presidency is possibly the most memorable. Barack Obama did what nobody else thought was possible. The results of the election were almost as if it lifted a weight of most African Americans. African Americans have overcome the struggles that they have faced ever since slavery. Now that the President is and African American, I believe the country can finally be united as one. I have seen plenty of videos from across the world and to see others reactions were just overwhelming. I am glad to see that the rest of the world is basically behind Barack Obama as well. I am glad to see that my grandmother and grandfather were able to see the first African American president of the United States. This election will be in my little sisters history books. As of right she does know a lot about the election but she does know who the presidential candidates were. I am glad and I believe that we can actually make a change in this Country!!!
Trinity Period 6
How has this election changed the world?
The election has changed the world in many different ways for many different people. To me this election has opened doors that have been shut for many years. I hate to say this, but doors have opened that only blacks could understand. To many people this election has brought them more freedom, rights, jobs, homes, and an overall a better life. This is so amazing to me that in a matter of two months and so odd weeks we will have a black president. I can only imagine what the atmosphere in his family must be like. I know that people have been waiting for years for an event like this to happen. It has not really hit me that the world has made history. I think that was a different any other election is that a lot of young people went out and voted. I think that the world is in for a lot of new changes. The change that I hope Barack Obama makes is education, and health care. It is so important that everyone in the world have an education. Now and days you must have some kind of degree to get a job or if you simple are trying to make a little money. Health care has always been important to the world. If everyone in the world got sick would we all be covered? Most of us probably would not be covered.
Neriah pd. 6
This election has changed the world, because way before even my grandparents times, the trend of there being a white president was started. No one, I mean absolutely no one ever believed and minorities, let alone an African-American could ever be in charge of the United States. The most amazing, and best things is that it was not just blacks, or minorities in general who made this win possible, even whites came together. The whole world threw out the race card, and joined together believing in one certain thing, and that was change! Many grand parents and senior citizen’s of America were so overwhelmed it was crazy. I fully understand why I might have been overwhelming. My grandparents have been through racism, and seen Martin Luther King make his speech on equal rights. They watched marches, and Black Panther movements. I think to go from seeing those types of things and then living to see the day that a black president it elected is very emotional. I think that they feel that it is so overwhelming because back then Barack Obama wouldn’t even be able to sit in front of the bus, but now he is able to not only sit in front of the bus, but runs the United States of America.
Sasha pd 6
This election changed the world because it gives others the hope that their voices might be heard now. When there was a white man in the white house people didn't even try to express their ideas to them because they knew they wouldn't understand. For the Iraqis this might mean the end of the war and they can began fixing their land up. Really it doesn’t matter that our president is black it just so happens that as a black person he relates to America's views. It is great that he is black though because it changes the repetition of only white men being president. Now there are no limits to what anybody can do as a person. It lets little kids see that they can be anything that they wanted to be. That is exactly what is does for me. I know now that there is no limit to what I can do and there are no more excuses. People used to make excuses that they couldn’t succeed because the white man was in the way but that is not the case anymore. I think that while he is in office he will change a lot of people’s lives drastically.
Lance Wilson
PD 6
Barack Obama being the 44th president changes the world a lot. It doesn’t just change the world for blacks but it changes for everyone else. I think we have a president who we can trust and who will tell us the truth. All the people around the united states voted for him. It was really time for a change. I do give a hand to bush also because even though we might have not agreed with everything bush did I think he tried his best to do what he had to do for this country. They compare Barack Obama to John F. Kennedy. Kennedy did a great job for this country so if he is compared to Kennedy that is a good thing. This also change the world because this means that minorities but not just minorities but all people can do anything they want to do. The President-Elect Barack Obama plains to change the way and start the united states all over again. This also changes the world because he listens to the people, and the people make the world. The people with the real problems are in Africa and Europe, Japan, and other international places that we deal with.
Anyea Period 6
This election show that African Americans can be somebody and that they can achieve things that they were told that they couldn't. This really jsut made a huge difference in many peoples' lives and they will not be inspired to be bigger and better things. Now African Americans will be able to do things that only the Caucasion race can.
Anyea Period 6
This election show that African Americans can be somebody and that they can achieve things that they were told that they couldn't. This really just made a huge difference in many peoples' lives and they will not be inspired to be bigger and better things. Now African Americans will be able to do things that only the Caucasian race can. Barack Obama is the proof that anything can be done and he is an inspiration to minorities that need a hero or someone to believe in. In the beginning, people thought that he would be a bad president because he is black and because he isn’t as experience as his opponent was. But in the end, it ended up that he was experienced enough because he was elected the first black President of the United States. This is sort of like a Renaissance for the United States because it’s a whole new beginning and the person in charge is someone who can positively turn the whole world and economy around. He debated against John McCain professionally and he never down talked him like his opponent did and made sure he surely understood the issues and made it know that he would do anything to make them come true.
Period 1
The election of Barack Obama to President of the United States of America has affected the world in many ways. The first place that the election affected is the United States of America. The United States now has a leader that is willing to make change and better the country instead of worsen. We now have a leader that is honest and won’t lie about his reasons for doing things. The election has also given hope to many young people. For years, African-American parents have told their children that they can be whatever they want to be. However, this never applied to being President of the United States. A black President seemed like a far-off dream that would never come true. On November 4th, 2008, this dream came true. Black parents can now tell their children that they can President too. The Presidential election affected other parts of the world as well. For example, the War in Iraq will soon come to an end. The end of the war will also put an end to the meaningless loss of life. No more American soldiers will have to die and no more Iraqi soldiers will have to die. In conclusion, the world has been affected greatly by the Presidential election.
Sasha Period 6
Obama’s election has changed the world drastically. It has made peoples expectations on life for their children greater than they already are. Now a lot of African Americans believe that there is not limit to what they can achieve which is true. Not only did it change African Americans views but all of the minorities. Obama is the first biracial president of the United States. I think that give minorities more equality in the system. This election has also touched many parts of the world. I think this is a great opportunity for us to become allies with more of the other countries. They might feel that they have a chance to get their views across. I don’t know about them but it’s easier for me to explain something to somebody if they relate to me. If someone has no relations to my situation it makes it harder to get good feedback and advice. I’m glad the Obama is President the world needed a change. Also its history it’s been a while since someone has made history for just being who they are. Now I think the thoughts of equality and race for young children will be much different than ours today
Tyenne Pd.6
This election has changed the world drastically. I think that this is a wonderful accomplishment but I do not think I can honestly understand why. I was not a slave or back in the segregation days. I just read and learn about them. I can understand more because my mother and grandparents are from the south and they tell me all the horrible stories of segregation and the KKK. I know my family seems to be the most hype about it. I watched my mother and aunt cry when they announced that Barack Obama won the election. On national television, Jesse Jackson and Oprah were also crying. No one ever thought that the day would come where a Black man would be the president of the United States. There is so much racism and hatred in the world. Barack Obama showed the world that if he could make it, anyone could. All races are just as wonderful as any other. No one should put each other down just because the color of their skin. This was Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream come true. Everything that the people back in the Civil Rights Movement wished for is happening. There is no doubt in my mind that racism will always be around but Barack Obama sure did over come it.
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