In 200 words or more please answer the following questions. Remember to place your first name and period you have class on the blog posting.
What is religion? How do people use religion in their lives? Do you feel that religion is important to yourself, to the human race? What would the world be like without religion?
Suryawan Period 1
A religion is a set of tenets and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, or religious law. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and religious experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction. In another word, it is just a belief. People practice religion in their everyday lives. They have what’s called “faith” in them, they will earn it after they know what is their religion’s teaching. Yes, I do feel that religion is important for me myself. Without religion, I will be an outlaw; I will not be able to see what is right and what is wrong. It is also important to the human race. By the way, as far as I know all religion teaches good things and attitudes. The world would be messed up and had no law, due to lack of teachings. A religion is something passed down from generation to generation. All these people tried their best to improve peace and harmony for their children in the future. So basically, religion is something that they adopt and believe that it would save them from “hell”.
Period 1
Religion is a big issue everywhere in the world. Religion is a belief in something or something that you worship and you put before everything and anything. People that do have a religion believe in what they believe in because they choose to or because of their family background. Many people do religious acts everyday. I do believe that religion is important, not just to me but to everyone. I actually do believe and worship something and that is Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. I don’t like to say I have a religion or I am religious, I just like to state what I believe in and why. Everyone has a different belief and sometimes that can create problems. Some people don’t like people who are religious at all and others don’t like others of a different religion. Religion shouldn’t create problems between others but they do anyways. Religion is one of the reasons certain things in history like the Holocaust started. The world would be a different world without religion. I believe it would settle some conflicts between people and it would have changed history, but I think the world would be worst than what it is today.
Religion is a set of strongly-held personal beliefs and values that many people live by. There are many different religions people follow, but Christianity is the world’s most popular faith, based on the teaching of Jesus Christ. People use religion in their lives, because they feel grounded. Some people feel it helpful to have an anchor, faith, or a framework, from which to follow. Religion is very important to me and my family. Many people think it is insignificant because they say some religion contradict each other and even the bible! “If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.” Many people are gullible and practice any religion. So in my opinion, religion isn’t that important to many people. I know many people who would rather go to a party or stay at home and watch a movie, than go to church and read the bible. The world is already chaotic and facing calamities, so without religion people would have no foundations at all and aren’t grounded and the world would face more distress than we’re facing know!
Religion is a set of beliefs and practices often organized around supernatural and moral claims, and often codified as prayer, ritual, and religious law. Religion is something humans strongly believe and do rituals or go to church certain days and keeps it in their schedule. People use religion in many ways such as going to church. They also use this to keep them strong and believe in stuff that people might no believe in. Religion is very important to me. But I only believe in Christianity and that is important in my life style. For some reason if I didn’t believe in it I would feel empty inside. It’s important to the human race too because without religion there would be something missing and a lot of people would just end up lost. If there would be no religion, our life would be meaningless. It’s like a water jug without water. A water jug can only be useful if it’s filled in with water or any liquid substance but otherwise, it will be nothing. Same goes with us humans. Religion is where the freewill to believe is, actually there would be no imagination at all, and it would not be fun at all.
Daniel Period 1
Religion is what a person believes in and usually lives by. A real religious person would never let anyone disrespect what they believe in because if someone does they would get very defensive and start saying how much this and that is true. Faith is basically what you believe in or how much you hope for something you have. People use religion in their lives by going to church and following the rules of their religion. Also people use religion to teach others about god and other higher people that live in the heavens. They also teach about the devil (satin) so people know not to follow him because he can take you to hell. I don’t think religion is a big thing to me. I believe that there is a higher power in the heavens but no one knows his name is god so I’m not going to call him that. I don’t think it should be a big thing for the human race some just take it more serious than others. The world without religion would still be the same just billions of people believing in different things but there would be fewer churches. There wouldn’t be much of a difference because there are people without a religion these days.
Religion is something that people are or a way that people look at themselves. To religion is something people use to study and believe in god. Some people have different religions so that means that they have a different way of talking to god or a different way of believe in god. Also sometimes religion can be a part of holidays and a reason why so people don’t celebrate holidays. Some people use religion to get closer to god or to get farther away from god. Depending on what religion you are part of you could go either way. To me though, I feel that religion is not important at all and it is a waist of time. I mean as long as you talk to god does it matter what you are. Everybody doesn’t have to talk to god the same way but the fact that they do is all that matters. Having separate religions is stupid to me. Religion is not what is important. What’s important is weather or not you talk to god in general. That is what is important. Now do you understand what I am saying because I sure don’t? That is how it is and that is how it should be.
By: Andrew Period 6
Adrian Jones Period 1
Religion is a belief system which people often use as a source of hope through belief in whatever higher power they seek. In many forms throughout the life of man religion has been present and made a priority. Throughout history many have been killed in the name of religion and what we know as religion is far from what we had in the past. As said previously, many use it as a source of hope, something that allows them to survive through the day; others use it because they believe that their faith is for their salvation. I feel religion is important to me, without it I would not see the fruits of effort in school, or have the motivation to try to do whatever work I encounter with my best effort. It is imperative that religion should be important to the human race, but many still reject it. I see this as the reason why the world is in the shape it is today, and will continue in a downward slope. The world without any religion at all would be in a much more amplified version of some of the madness going on currently in the world.
Religion is what you believe in. If you believe in God, then you believe in God. If you believe, in a Magical Wooden Stump, then you believe in a Magical Wooden Stump. If you believe in it then you have the right to live by it if you want. Nobody has the right to tell you that you have the wrong religion and that you should convert. You have the right to say that there is a God or not as long as you aren’t bashing on another religion. Me, personally, I do believe in God and Jesus. If you don’t, O.K. To me, my religion is more of a guideline. But to some people make it their whole life. You call them Hardcore (Place Religion Here). They kind of piss me off, thinking they’re perfect and making fun of anyone whose doesn’t agree. But I don’t care. I’m a going to live my life how I want to and can’t anyone tell me otherwise. But as a people, it seems that people are lacking in the religion category. They way they live is none of my business. Be a serial killer that says the God told him to kill, ima believe him. Can’t prove lying or not. A world without religion would not be to different. The only difference I can see is the fighting between religion stoping. And that the government would be somewhatish of a religion.
Period 1
Religion is something you believe in or worship. You usually chose your religion from your family background or why you think everything is created. If you believe in a higher power and how you believe everything happened. Religion is strong it can bring people together or tear people apart. Religion could be taking as a definition of who you are. Depending on your faith and how strongly you believe people will go to great lengths behind their religion. Religion is important too me because I’m a strong believer in a higher power. Religion is important to the world because most of the world is based on religion. Everything that mainly happens in the world has some sort of reason of religion. Wars and conflict can and were created behind religion. Religion gives meaning to a lot of countries so without it the world would be very different. A lot less conflict but at the same time the world would have a lot less meaning. If everything that came about we believed was all from science would be a very boring world. Religion is also shows how different people are In some countries it is individuality the freedom to believe in what you believe in. Religion also shows how people think and how they think very different. Some people don’t even have a religion.
Laquietta Braswell
Mr. O’Neal Period 1
What is religion? How do people use religion in their lives? Do you feel that religion is important to yourself, to the human race? What would the world be like without religion?
Religion is a set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader. Or it could be define as a personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. In other words religion is just something you believe in. At times I do think religion is important. At times those who separate themselves from others are because of religion. Some don’t believe in certain religions such as God. Some don’t believe in religion at all! People use religion in their everyday lives by being apart it. I know that (most) Christians use their religion by having God in their heart, mind, and soul. The opposite religion of this is those who show heathenism. Heathenism is where people who don’t believe in God. However, everyone can chose there own religion but some were raised to assimilate to different types of religion. I do think that religion is important to the human race. I say this because everyone is not the same. Not everyone thinks the same way the next person does. If the world didn’t any types of religion then the world would be ruined. There wouldn’t be much order. But it is nice to chose from different religions an what you believe in.
Religion is a faith that someone has about a certain god or gods. There are many religions around the world and there are many, many gods that people believe in as well. People use religion in many ways. They use it as a security blanket when they are scared or when they are in danger. They also look to it for wisdom whenever their lives crash in front of them or they do not know what to do about a certain situation and they need help it getting out of that rut. They also use it as the answer for everything that goes around us that we never saw happening but have theories as to why they are the way they are. A good example of this would be the making of our planet Earth. Religion is important to me because I do look to God when I need help and I do thank him for waking me up, although I do not like going to church and I am not spiritual. However, I do believe that it is important to humanity because religion is pretty much the main reason that towns, cities, and countries started. I really do not know what would happen to the world if there was not any religion because I can not imagine such a world.
Define religion? That’s sort of impossible. There is no exact answer to that question. The closest answer to that is the study and practice of your religion. But once again I am back on the question “what is religion?” religion is something that you practice due to the background and your culture. People use religion in many ways. They pray, go to church, believe in mass, or just have faith. Once again you can’t show someone or tell someone you’re religious; you have to believe within yourself. I believe that religion is very important. I have attended church since I was born. I have been baptized and attend church when I can. Just because I don’t attend church as often as I use to doesn’t mean I gave up in my religion. I still pray and thank god for the things that he does. Everything happens for a reason and the reason is something that he causes. It should be important to the human race because maybe that will cause this world to come to peace with each other. There is no need for hatred and inequality. This world without religion would cause problems. Religion kind of sets ground rules. With out ground rules people run free and do as they please. What is the point to live in a world where people have no self discipline?
Lexi Period 1
Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. People use religion in their lives in many different ways. Some use it to govern their lives, while others use it as a shield to hide behind. Religion is important in my life, it helps me with my morals and helps me guide my life to try to be a better person. To the human race, yes I think it is important to the human race. Almost, if not every single person in the world has a religion. Whether it be the many versions of Christianity, Catholicism, Deism, Hinduism or Buddhism. People use these to help them live their lives, or like I said before as shields. People use these as shields to hide behind from people who would judge them for what they believe, not who they are. Without religion, I think the world would be a worse place. No one would have morals or codes to live by, except their own. It would be like going back in time, returning to heathenism.
Tayania PD2
Religion is something that you go by. Religion is something that you believe and follow what that religion is. The way that people use religion in their lives is that they may worship a certain god. They go to some type of church or something to go with other people who believe what they believe in. People may not do some things because their religion may not allow it and then they may do different things then others religion because it is something that they do, do. Yes, I do think that religion in important to myself. Religion is important to me because it is something that I go by. I may not go by it all the time, but I do have a religion. To the human race there are many religions, but some people may not have a religion because that is something that just does not do or they grew up without having a religion. I really do not know what the world will be without religion. Maybe everybody will believe in the same things and really would not have a mind of their own because we all will be alike in some way. The people will do what ever they please and would not have to apologize to some type of god for doing wrong.
Bryce, Period 2
Religion is worshipping God, Allah, or whatever higher power that you believe in. It is reading the Bible, praying to that higher power, going into service on Sunday in a church, or going to service on any day. Religion keeps some people sane. Without religion, some people are stuck on being rude, inconsiderate, immoral, and anything bad. With religion, people are role models, success stories, and future leaders. Barack Obama has religion. Look where he is standing at this time. He is in position to become the United States’ first African American president. Along with religion, you have a thing called faith too. Faith coincides with religion, but your faith helps you become a better person. The guy who shot up Columbine a few years back didn’t have religion. He didn’t care about anybody, not even himself. After he killed others, he killed himself. The college student who shot up Virginia Tech and then shot himself didn’t have religion, which also means he didn’t have faith. People that have religion and faith in hard times will stick it out and become a better person from the situation. Religion is important to me. It is important to everyone, whether they think so or not. Without religion, more people would die everyday.
Religion is defined as “a body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices.” People use religion to feel better about themselves and their lives. Religion helps people to be better people and gives them hope. I do believe that religion is very important to me. I never understood religion until my mom started to take my sister and I to church. Since then I find myself becoming dependant on God. In the space of 7 years I have become a Methodist and believe very strongly in the Christian faith. I believe that religion is the only thing that keeps many people from giving in to all the cruelty around us today. Without religion I don’t think there would be a voice of reason to say, “This is wrong.” I think many of the crimes the police try to prevent would be even more rampant. The promise of life after death keeps many people from committing crimes and harming others. Without religion the world would inevitably implode upon itself.
Period 2
The definition of religion to me is a set of belief that concern the cause, nature, and the purpose of the universe. People have their own belief on politics, God and other issues. People pray in the God they believe in. People use religion to tell tails and predict what can happen in the year. Other doesn’t use religion at all. To me religion is important because I believe in ever lasting eternity. I believe in heaven and the angles and God and everything he created for the human race. I’m a catholic and I truly believe that God exist and that he is our savior. I pray not to get temped and if I am, I pray so that I don’t fall into temptation. I don’t have a problem with anyone when it comes to religion. I believe that everyone should respect others religion. Never talk down on other people religion. If religion did not exist, we will not have all these different churches that we have right now. The bible will not exist if there was no religion. We won’t be baptized and I believe that we will not go to heaven if churches and religion did not exist.
Taiwan Ferrell Pd2
What is religion? Religion is a belief people have, that prevents them from doing certain things, and that acquires them to do certain things. Some religions are against other religions. People use religions everyday, by praying and doing some observed things. That is, for some religions. I heard, that some religions allow people to kill and rape others. Also, so allow people to burn down buildings, and create hell all over the place. Some people even have religions that don’t let them celebrate certain holidays like Christmas, and certain events like Halloween. I am not sure if religion is important to me or not. I mean, I am a part of a religion, but I am not sure if it is important to me or not, I am not sure that I wouldn’t be able to live without it. Now, I do believe, that religion is important to the human race. If religion didn’t exist at all, I believe that it will be mayhem. To some people, religion is a part of life, it is their guidelines to life and without it they will go crazy. They will go out and do a whole bunch of stupid things that their religion is against. The world will be a very un-safe place if religion didn’t did not exist.
Period 2
Religion is what we believe in. A religion can be lots of things too. For example like the church religion or a sport religion or any other way. People use religion in there live, so they can know what to follow. Some people think that without religion, they would be lost. Lost by I mean, because they would not know what to do. Certain religions, people follow them differently, not all of them are the same. I think that religion is important, because without it, the world would be all screwed up. I say this because no one would listen to anything, and they would do what they want because they would think its right. Also it is important to the human race; it follows the example that was just stated. The world would be crazy to live in without it. There are some people that would make the world really hard to live in. so with religion, it kind of stops them from doing certain things. But you never know, because people can change the way they act, its all in their minds. That is what I think the world would be like without religion and how it is important.
Patricia Bell
Period 2
Religion when you believe in a God and you follow beliefs of a certain religion such as Christianity, Muslim, Buddhism, ect… Religion is also when you believe in a certain thing or person such as a God people use religion in their lives in everyday experiences. They use it to have some type of hope, faith, or beliefs. They also use religion in their lives by wanting someone loving them and them having someone to talk to. Yes, I believe that religion is important to me as well as the human race. I believe that it is important so you can sort of have an understanding of how people, places, and things were created. I also think it is important to have a religion so you have some sort of beliefs. I think that is important to have a religion so you can have someone that won’t judge you and listens and understands your thoughts and feelings. The world would probably be a disaster without religion because people wouldn’t have any beliefs and wouldn’t know how earth or any other thing was created. I also think that there would be many fights and wars and they wouldn’t know who or what to follow so they can become better people.
Period 2
Religion can be defined in many ways depending on who you ask. To me Religion is any specific belief about deity often involving rituals, a code of ethics, and a philosophy of life. People use religion many ways in their lives, such as help, support, and a way of life of to ask for forgiveness. These ways can be good and bad because they may be going to the whole “religion life” for the wrong reasons or after wrong doings. This is not necessarily bad but the person should have thought about it before they were doing the wrong. I personally believe that religion is a big part of my life and should be of everyone’s life. Although I may not be the “holiest” person alive and not always doing what god has directed for me to do I believe that he plays a big role. I don’t really know where or what I might be doing if I did not have any religion in me. I also don’t know where the world would be without any religion. I think that the crime rates and violence would hit the top of the charts. This is why I think that religion should be in everyone’s life.
Period Two; *
Religion is a style of life practiced by an individual or group. Me, I believe that religion is very important because it makes up your character and affect you as a person. Religion should apply to the entire human race, regardless of what you are; because no one should judge. The world without would be a total wreck for many reasons. No one would have limits, boundaries, and nothing will seem wrong. Without religion, there aren’t any rules or regulations. For example, the Ten Commandments deeply explain what is wrong and what shouldn’t be done, without them; many rules wouldn’t have been set. With all the different religions of the world today, there are different boundaries according to that specific religion. As some religions would ban adultery, others encourage it. Because of the many different religions of society, we are taught not to judge others. Religion is very important because not everyone believes in something. Religion plays a role as an everyday guide to life which affects the way people think and act. Your religion lets you know what is right for you and keeps you from everything that isn’t of you or your religion. This helps you make decisions best for you and it won’t go against what you believe in and/or practice.
2nd Period
Religion is a huge complication in the world. There are so many different religions, and so many different opinions and beliefs that sometimes, it creates conflict in the world. I try not to include religion into my life so it does not create any type of conflict, because my life is complicated enough. Many people use religion as a ritual in their lives. Some use it as a guideline to life, so that their life may be in order and that they may die peacefully. Religion may be a complication in the world and my life, but it is also extremely important. Many religions have guidelines that you need to live by and stand by what you believe in what’s right. With this come people with morals, like “killing, stealing, and vanity are sins and are unrighteous.” Without a world filled with moral people, the world would be chaotic and everything would be okay. We would be in a state of ‘cavemen.’ This is why religion is so important in the world, and I’m glad that many people include it in their everyday lives and I show utmost respect for everyone because of that. I don’t include it in my life, but I still have morals. The world needs religion only because the world needs moral people.
Religion is what you believe in and a God that you believe in. It is a set of beliefs that concern your cause and the nature of life. Even though I’m not super religious I do think that religion is very important. Religion helps to shape peoples lives and morals. I think often times people use their religion to explain their actions and how they treat people. I think the world would be so much worse than it is. Religion helps people stay focused in life because everybody needs something to believe in. Without religion the world would be a lot more chaotic. People wouldn’t have anything to believe in and nothing that could guide them to do good things for themselves and others.
Enya Period 2
Religion is when people worship a higher system of beings. Often, in religions, there are rules to follow. Or a mold to fill with the actions that you take. For example, in Christianity, you live your life and try to live like Jesus did. The goal in Christianity is to be as much like Jesus as possible. People use religion in their lives almost as a guide book for how to live. For me, religion is important. I think it greatly affects the way that I live my life. I’m a Christian, and I try to follow Christian values. But I do think that religion is important to the human race. I think that we are, as humans, unable to live without having some kind of higher being. Or even person, because even if Atheists don’t believe in any kind of God, they still believe in scientists, and that is their source for wisdom for them. I think we’re truly incapable of living without having something, or someone to look up to for life advice. I think a world without religion would be…impossible. I may believe that God is real, but stepping out of that perspective and imagining a world with no religion at all, I think it’s impossible. I think religion is inevitable. If there was not religion in the world, it wouldn’t be like that for too long, because SOMEONE would make up SOMETHING. Religion is just something that exists, and always will exist. Humans have to believe in something.
Kaitlin Period 6
Religion is really important to some people. I don’t take religion serious at all though. I haven’t been to church in a bout a year or so. Don’t get me wrong I do respect god and I love him to death, it’s just that I don’t follow everything you are supposed to do and what you are not to do during life. They use religion by following special ways to eat, what to wear, and to live their everyday life. I do think it is important but not to me as much as others. I think the world would be very different and kind of bad. I think some people would act crazy and the world will not be the same at all. Everyone would be the same and it wouldn’t be fun and the world will not be interesting and you will not learn about a lot of different things and people. If I followed my religion I would be a whole different person and I would have a lot of sins. The littlest things though are sins and I don’t think I could follow some of the rules of my religion because I am so used to doing what I want to do and it would be hard for me to change.
Sydnee Pd6
What is religion? How do people use religion in their lives? Do you feel that religion is important to yourself, to the human race? What would the world be like without religion?
Religion is something you believe in, say you believe in Christianity, for teenagers since they are pressured into having sex, they will not be able to have sex until they are married. You have over 50 different religions. You have: Muslims, Christianity, Jews, Buddhism… they are so many to choose. Only you can make what you what to be. Religion is a belief to guide off of, Christianity: abstinence, Muslims: non-pork eaters, etc. they all have something different they have to obey by.
I feel like religion is important, but I’m not any religion though, because my mom is Baptist and my dad is Christian, so I’m bapt-tian. Also, I really don’t go to church to study in religion, but I know one thing I believe in God. Without religion in our beliefs the world wouldn’t have anything to guide off of, to follow, they would just be normal human beings with no true background to their names. My dad always want me and my brother to go to church to learn about God, and what had happened, but I’m not really ready to go to church yet, not quite yet.
Sasha Period 6
Religion is based on a lot of thing. It can be based on how you were brought up also what you believe in. Some people use religion in their everyday lives. They use it to get over their troubles. I feel to me that religion is important because I believe that you need it to get into heaven I believe in and after life. I believe that there is a God that you have to worship and praise him for everything that he has gave you and everything he did for you. I also think that religion keeps the world sane is some ways but also it can cause a lot of conflict. I don’t believe that anybodies religion is wrong. As long as I believe that my religion is right I’m fine. If there was no religion in the world the whole world would be chaos. Everyone would be going to war with everyone. There would be riots everyday. I would not like to like in a world with out control religion is a big part of the control in the world today. It keeps most people sane for real. It would be really crazy. Religion can be a good thing but it can also criticize at the same time.
Todd PD.6
There are many ways to describe the word religion. Different people have different religions. I believe that religion means various things that you believe in. Many people have beliefs all around the United States of America. As well as around the world. People use religion in their lives to be decision makers at some point. Some people say that what other people do is not in their religion because they simply don’t believe in it. It is no in their power to do what they really don’t want to believe in. sometimes I believe that religion is important to myself because it helps me make right decisions in my life and later on in life. But at the same time I do not personally believe in some of the things. I am a Christian and the bible not to put and/or make any marks on your body. But I personally want a tattoo and my religion says not to. I do believe that religion is important in the world. But some religions just seem outrageous. Some countries have their women wear rags to cover their face and I do not approve of that. But that’s not my decision. I believe that the world would be a complete mess with out religion. Even though it already seems like it.
Anyea Period 6
Religion is a bunch of beliefs surrounding a certain person, or thing. People use religion to show who they believe in, or to show the things they believe in. People use religion sometimes to fit in, or just to have something to believe in. I feel that being in a “religious Christian” family that yes it is important. But me myself, I guess I am an atheist because I have to see things proven in my eyes to be able to believe it. So when people believe in God, I know it’s a higher being but I don’t believe in God. Religion is important to my human race because God was always thought or believed to perform miracles or get them through hard times, and many artists thank him when they are doing shows, or on their songs so without him they believe that nothing would be possible. Without the religion, the world would be just one type of racism short than what it is now. Like the Holocaust was caused because of Jewish peoples religion whites’ disapproval of them not wanting to assimilate to being Christian.
Jose Ramirez Period:6 10-31-08
In my opinion religion is what you believe in like if you believe on evil or good. There is many people that use religions by preying on their believes. There are religions that make me life the way they live like most people can’t eat pork. Their religion is that pork was a friend of their god and that they shouldn’t eat it. There is really no religion that people all agree on. But maybe some people can find religion on what they believe on. I am a person who believes religion is important to my self and everyone. This chooses of picking your religion it all is up to what religion you want to follow. I do believe that people should have a religion but I am not saying that they have to be religion. There is religion of willing and religion that forces you. I believe that religion tells people in a way how you are. For example if you believe that God is the one who created everything or if you believe that science was the cause of the everything. There is only one person who can tell if something is true and that’s you. In my opinion a world without religion would be different but in the way the same way.
Period 6
Religion! That’s just it religion is religion. Everybody has they’re own religion. Wither is be involving Jesus/God or a big fat man who used to live. Everyone has a different opinion on everybody else’s religion. Some people use religion to get away with things. In some parts of the world if you moved from one place where your religion was christen and into another place you would have to follow the religion that they have there. Religion is not required, but some people just have want or have it. There are many different types of religion. For example: you could be baptize, but not a christen or you could be a follower of Buda and still call yourself a christen. Really what religion is a gateway out of hell. If you are like christen and believe in god then you’ll go to heaven. If you’re a follower of Buda then you’ll go to Buda. Religion is just another way to split up parts of the United States and the other countries. Ummmmmm….I would have to say I do feel that religion is important. I say this because without religion people wouldn’t become saved and think about how they’re after life will be compared to they’re life now. It also expresses how they are. Religion can sometimes tell a lot about that person. It’s important to me because I like it. My religion is christen/baptize. Every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday I learn something new about my religion. If there was no religion in the world I think it would be boring and dull. That way of expressing yourself would be gone and people would have to find another way to express they’re selves. It would be less interesting and we wouldn’t know as much as we do today about it. We would actually be dumber…lol!
What is religion? How do people use religion in their lives? Do you feel that religion is important to yourself, to the human race? What would the world be like without religion? Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. People use there religion everyday. You may not know it but you’re using your religion when you pray over food, or even pray before you go to bed. I think that religion is very important because it is so what how you were brought to this earth. PLEASE DON’T SAY THAT YOU WERE BROUGHT HERE BY YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER. BUT SOMEONE HAD TO CREATE THE PEOPLE THAT HELPED MAKE YOUR PEOPLE….. GOD HELPED BRING THE PEOPLE HERE TO MAKE YOU SO WITHOUT HIM OR JESUS THERE WOULD BE NO HUMAN RACE!. I REALLY CAN NOT EXPLAIN WHAT THE WORLD WOULD BE LIKE WITHOUT ANY RELIGION. I think or know that religion was a major part that keeps this world together today. If we do not have religion I think that the world will not run as smoothly as it would if we had religion like we do today. Religion is the biggest thing in the world today that the world is living off of. IF YOU WANT A REPEAT OF THE LAST 8YEARS THEN VOTE McCain 4 PRESIDENT. IF I COULD I WOULD VOTE OBAMA 4 MY MAMA.
Trinity Period 6
What is religion? How do people use religion in their lives? Do you feel that religion is important to yourself, to the human race? What would the world be like without religion?
Religion; a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. I think that some people use to the best of there abilities, and some people oh lord they just are what I call “by the book” kind of people. Everything they do has to be in the book and if they have not read in the bible then that means that they can not do it. I think that religion is important to me. I believe in Jesus, and I think that If I did not believe in him a lot in life would have not happened for me. The world be a mess if we did not have religion. A lot of people would be running wild and acting like they do not any better. We all know that there are some people that do not believe in what I believe in and that is perfectly fine everyone has there own opinion.
Period 6
Religion is a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. It is also an institution to express belief in a divine power. People use religion in their lives in many different ways. Some people use religion by going to church and believing god and also live by his words. I do feel that religion is important to me because everybody needs god in their live because he is really he is the real reason why we are here in this world. He can make us die right now so we need to believe in him because everything you do he made with those things so you can make those accomplishments. It is important to my human race because black people need to believe in god. I say that because our ancestors used to be slaves and they needed him to get out getting out of it. They met a guy name Abraham Lincoln who was the president of America who didn’t agree with slavery so he stopped it. We have a black president running for president god id the person who helped him make it this far. That is why I feel religion is very important thing that should be everybody’s life and do positive things off of it.
Bianca Period 6
Religion sometimes is the most important thing to someone. Me and family don’t take religion that seriously but we do understand it. Me personally don’t really take seriously at all. I like to be my own person and live the way I want. Church is somewhere I have not been in a very long time, even though sometimes we talk about it in school. I do believe in God very much and I know all the commandments and try my best to follow them to the best of my ability. They use religion by following special ways to eat, what to wear, and to live their everyday life. So really it is important but I don’t take it as seriously as other. I think the world would be very different and strange and bad. I think some people would act crazy and everything would change, the world would fall apart. Everyone would be the same and it wouldn’t be fun and the world will not be interesting it would be very boring. You wouldn’t learn anything new. If I followed my religion I would be a different person and you wouldn’t be able to know who I am. I wouldn’t be able to be myself at all. To change would be very hard for me, because I have always wanted to express myself in my own way. I have never thought about changing and I don’t think I will ever.
Religion is something that people from different cultures practice. In my opinion religion a way of living for different cultures around the world. Many people believe in a type of god in which they worship in their religion. They have faith and their god because they believe that only god things can come from him if you believe in him and yourself. People use religion in their lives to help them get through their rough times and to help they live a better or more honest innocent life. I don’t particularly practice an certain religion. I do pray to god but I don’t go to church or pray with a group of others. I don’t know if religion is important cause in someway I don’t think that people need to practice a certain religion. Some people can go to church every Sunday or participate in church functions and can still be the most evil person. I don’t think that many people in America value religion they just see it in a way for god to wash away all the bad they have done throughout their life time. I think religion is very important to different cultures. I think they appreciate religion because they are born into it and have been taught that way of living from their ruler. Many Americans aren’t born into a certain religion, many blacks are Christians because of their slave masters were and just never change their believes. I don’t know what the world would be like if we didn’t have religion.
Tazjare Period 2
Period 2:
Brianna said ..
I think that religion is some type of form that mainly has to do with worshiping God. Now not all people believe in worshiping God some people believe in worshiping Satin but as for me I believe in worshiping God. People try to abide by the rules that are believed sent from God in their everyday lives. They try not to sin or do anything else that God wouldn’t want them to do. But for the most part everybody sins it is almost unbearable not to sin with the type of time period or environment we are living in today. I think that religion is very important to me, I mean yes a lot of people are becoming uninterested in what God has in store for them. I mean I’m not saying that I am perfect because I’m not in anyway or form. But I do try, I mean yes it is hard and yes I do make mistakes but I always try and learn from them so I don’t make the same mistake two times around. The world would I think have no type of rules or expectations as to what they’re supposed to do in life or as a person themselves.
Fatima Neal
Period 1
That’s what I want to know? What is religion? I think it’s when you believe in a type of god but there’s only one god so I don’t understand that. People based there life on there religion, what there god say they can and can not do. That’s how they live there life based on there religion. No I don’t think it’s important for religion but I think that’s its good that you do believe in god, and he is still alive. I think the world would be ok without religion I mean, as long as you just believe in god that’s ok. I mean you do have Jewish and Christian people but I don’t think there any different from each other. I really don’t see the big deal with religion and all that! I mean going to church will help you out sometimes when your going through things but it’s a time were you know were god is taken place. I wouldn’t say that I don’t believe in a religion but I don’t get all that religion stuff at all, maybe if somebody sit me down and tell me what’s going on and explain to me the fundamentals of religion I might get a better understanding.
Joseph Period 2
Religion is something that some people pay attention to a lot. Some people really don’t care about there religion. But religion means you have to do something that is said in your religion. Religion is also something that is how people act. For example people that are christen and stuff, they then listen and behave very well. Religion is against me, but I really do not pay attention to it. Even know I should pay attention to it even know I don’t. The world would even be worst then it is now. There would be more killing and drug dealing. The people that are Christians would do more. There would be people doing more crime that there religion is holding back them from doing it. Religion is something that is pretty major in my family but it not that important to me. Because I can’t have nothing holding me back from doing anything. If I want to get into trouble that it will be my fault. That is what I have to say about all the people that do worry about there religion and things like that. This is also what I think about all the religion things that are going on.
I think religion is a ways you worship a higher power I think it is important to practice what you want. I think that if someone takes your right away to worship who you want. I think that is should be a person opinion to do as they please. Some people use religion guides them in there every day lives. They use there higher power to help them through tough times. I think voting is important to me. I do believe there is a god or a higher power. God is mention many times in U.S. culture and is a very important part. There are things in the world like the Pledge of Allegiance. It is mention in the constitution and other place that have to do with the government. I think the world would be full of hate if there was no religion. I think people who fell they have nothing to stay around for. I think that most people live better lives in when they believe in something
To me religion is faith, when u strongly belief in something. I think that religion is very important in many peoples life. People use religion in their live when they attend church or when they are in a situation where they don’t think something is right, they make their decision base on there religion weather or not the believe what is going on is right or wrong. Religion can bring conflict between people of different religion. I think that religion is very important in my life even though sometimes I go against the word of my god. I think that religion is what makes everyone their own person. Sometimes knowing people of different religion can teach you things. It can teach you what you friends or peers around you believe in and what they don’t believe in. I do believe that religion is human race. I think that without religion in the world it would make a different in a lot of things. I think that not being able to have your own belief would make the world boring. No one would have there own opinion. There would be no other side of the story. So without religion in the world it would make a big difference.
Isaiah, pd 2
Religion is something people believe in. It’s their way of life. It’s their faith. It’s the god they believe in. The higher power they pray to. Or religion is how someone lives their life. People use they religion in their life all day every day. They practice their beliefs which come with the religion they choose to take after. Not all religions are the same. Some religions pray many times a day. Other religions practice not swearing. Some religions don’t even believe in a god. They think that we evolved from animals into the humans we are today. Religion is important. Without religion some people may not know how to focus. Religions guide people with their life. People need something to believe in. To me religion is important also. Without religion the world wouldn’t be how it is today. People lives will be in shambles. They wouldn’t have anything to believe. They couldn’t go on with their lives. They couldn’t be able to focus on what is important. Because they wouldn’t think anything is important without their religions.
EECCK religion is the stress of every household. As if the world wasn’t complicated enough people have to go and make it more difficult. Religion is good in some ways like to give people morals and scare them into being good. There are however a lot of complications with it because if people are scared into having morals and being truthful then it is not in reality what lies in their souls. Don’t get me wrong I believe in God and I’ve went to church and sat and listened to the priest carry on and on. The problem is that as I sat there and saw all the people smile and “praise the lord” and couldn’t help but think these people were such hypocrites. These were the same people whom cussed as soon as their feet were outside the same people who gossiped who raped innocent people. If you are going to be religious be true to your self and don’t try to act holy when your not. In my opinion there are all types of religion but the most important values are that you be real and live your life without sin. When I say sin I don’t mean to imply that there are certain rules and standard to what is wrong. I mean that if you know for yourself what is right and what is wrong then you have the choice to say what feels right for you and realize that you must deal with the consequences later. Religion is spiritual you should be able to claim your own religion because once you do whether you realize it you have to follow it throughout your life; you build your life around it. People don’t realize that the religion you were introduced to as a child will impact your life but it wont defy you unless you are sure it the religion for you. I myself have not chosen the religion I plan to follow for the rest of my life. So I am living my life slow hoping it will all come to percetive in the near future.
period 6
Religion is Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. People use religion so they can believe in god and other things. Religion is important because you need to believe in god to make it through life that is what it think. It is important to believe in god because he changes your life around. God can make your day good you never know what can happen to you but if you believe in god he can help you out a lot. I think the world would be crazy without religion because people would not know what to do when they are in a bad situation. People would not know what to with out god because everybody needs to pray. Everybody is not religion I don’t know how they get through life with out believing in god I’m not saying you have to be one but one day in life you will have to look up to god. When you lose some one its good for you to pray because it can help you out.
ericka taylor pd 6
Religion is like a faith. It is something you believe in. for each religion there is certain yours and regulation you have to follow. If you believe in it that much you will follow. It would depend on what your religion. Certain religions will have you live different life styles. For instants in some religion you can only be called a man if you are thirteen years old and you have a special sermon. No at this point age not so much for me. I don not believe in religion that much it is really pint less to me. I don’t really care at all maybe in the future though. To the human race yes it is important. To me humans have to have a reason for every thing and some cultures will use there religion to explain them. That is how I think it happens with most people. It be kind of chaos. The humans will not have any one to explain the unexplained. It is the only way they can live. That is what it seems like to me though. As a child I see a lot of things so you could say I know things. It’s the way they can live now a days.
Milira Hill
Period: 6
Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. It usually involves devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. It other words it is a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons. There are different types of religions such as Christian religion, Buddhist religion, and Muslim religion. Religion plays a big part of how people live their lives. Some people don’t do certain things if it interferes with their religion. For example Christians try to refrain from using profanity. To me however religion isn’t that big. I do believe in God and I worship him from the comfort of my own home. I do not go to church. I feel as though you don’t have to go to church to worship god or be loyal to him. You can do that whenever and wherever. I consider myself a Christian. Religion is an important to the human race. There were rights created so that we can practice our own religion. Honestly I can not say how the world would be without religion. It is very important to some people so I really cannot say.
Religion is something you believe in. Religion has different group of beliefs such as Buddha, Christian, Muslim, etc. People use religion in their daily life by following the tradition that is passing down from their generation. For example, if you’re a Christian you have to be baptize when you are born. Religion could be very strict or very freely, depending on what religion you are. To me, I don’t think religion is very important because I don’t believe in rituals or customs. I also think that there is only one god and not one for every religion. However, to other people, religion is a big deal because they probably think that there is different gods and that there is different way to handle things. Some religion has rules that you have to follow. For example, some religion does not accept homosexual because their religion don’t believe in it and some religion accept homosexual. I think the world would be lost without religions because if there is no religion in the world then there is no god. Religions keep people in their place and keep them sane. On the other hand, if the world doesn’t have religion then people could be free to do what they want.
Neriah Pd 6
Religion is a set of tenets and practices. I don't think that it is something that is that serious to the human race because of the simple fact that not everyone believes in it. There are many different beliefs that are followed. One of the biggest one is Christianity. A lot of people use there faith to get through certain situations. They also use it to just have something to believe in. You can be Jewish, Christian, Johav's Witness, and many more. I’m not sure how the world would be without religion. Religion plays a certain role, and means something different to each individual. Some people’s lives are centered on religion. Some people don’t even give it the second thought. It would change everyone’s life differently. Religion is passed on down from generation to generation.
Damian R.
Period 6
Religion is a belief and a lifestyle that is on a certain line of rules. For each religion there is a certain higher power ranging from God to god to man. Religion bases some peoples lives in what they can eat or where. Muslims for instance are not allowed to eat pork. Yes religion is important in my life. I don’t consider Christianity being a religion it is a belief and a lifestyle. What would the world be like without religion? The world would be the same as it is now just a bit worse. There isn’t much religion going on now if you think about. Religion is also a factor to decision making because if something is against your religion then you will not be involved in it. The world doesn’t need more religion it just needs God and that’s it. The thing about religion is that somebody may belong to a certain religion but they may not actually live their lives according to their religion. If their religion says to live a good lifestyle they may go and shoot somebody. Even people involved with religion need religion. God is better than religion though he offers so much more for free.
tarik blount
period 6
Religion will bring you into a plethora of different things and many different facets of the word. Religion as defined by me is unrelenting belief in one deity that stems everlasting devotion to that said deity. On a more personal note I am a Christian and that "deity" is more rigidly adhered to as God and I do have unrelenting devotion to him. This principal was what our once very moral and honorable nation was founded upon. We as a country have gotten off track in our moral obligation and our once strong devotion to God. In an effort to make America "more free" we allowed other religions and beliefs to crowd, pressure and overthrow Americas Christian beginning. I believe that this has set are country on the wrong course, now if we were to allow total freedom to everyone then the country would be in total disorder. There would be human sacrifices and all kinds of paganistic heathenism running rampant. Religion and religious freedom are ultimately in the eye of the beholder. In my opinion there is only one God he has many names and you can only stand before Him blameless if you come under the covering of his son Jesus and acknowledge that he died on the cross for your sins.
Vincent PD 6
I feel that religion is something people use to answer things they can’t answer themselves. People struggle to understand the hard questions like why are we here and how did we get here. Religion is something people use to lean on and to give hope. People that fear death go to religion for peace. I do have a religion I believe in but its starting to seem that the more we learn about ourselves and the world the less religion answers. Before the big bang theory the answer was god made the universe but now people believe that the big bang caused it. Religion is very important to the human race. Even if some people don’t believe in a religion most of humanity does. If there was no religion I do know that we would have one less war in the world because the war for Jerusalem wouldn’t really exist. To me I don’t have a really strong belief in religion but I do believe that there is a god but at the same time I don’t because it’s almost impossible for me to believe that there is something out there that just created its self and then the universe. I do not know what I believe in as far as religion but I know that it is important to the human race.
Period 1
In my opinion, religion is what somebody believes in or something that somebody worships. People use religion when they are going through rough times and they need to know that there is still hope. Some people feel that they owe their lives to their god so they worship their god everyday. They devote their lives to their religion. I feel that religion is a very important part of my life. I go to church every Sunday. My uncle is a bishop, so you can say that my family is very religious. Religion is a very important part of the world as well. When you have nobody to talk to, you can talk to your god. Without religion, the world would be even worse than it is now. Without religion, people wouldn’t have any hopes. They wouldn’t have anything stable to believe in. People would commit more crimes because they wouldn’t think that there are any consequences. They wouldn’t worry about making their god angry or going to hell. The only consequence would be jail and jail doesn’t put fear in people like religion does. If it was between going to jail and going to hell, which would you choose? In conclusion, religion is a very important factor in the world.
Tyenne Pd.6
Religion is when you believe in a higher power. People believe in their religion so that they can find strength in hard times. They look to their gods to thank them for everything they do for them. I do not feel as though religion is important in my life. When I was younger, my mother would drag us to church. She was on a religion search so we went to a lot of different types of churches. We went the Hall, the Mosque, and regular churches. Back then, I thought of church of boring and useless. Now I see the importance of religion. Even though I do not believe in Christianity today, I do feel that people need some type of guidance in life. I believe in living by my own morals. I feel as though I can not believe in what I do not see. I do not see a point to pray to something I do not scientifically is there. I do believe that the human race needs religion because some people relive stress by praying. If there was no religion in the world, the world would go crazy. People would have no morals and crime would be at an all time high. I think most people who are in prison, do not have any morals or religion.
Claudia/ Period 1
Religion is something that we believe in even if we all believe something different than the other people. To me my religion is important and I try to do everything the best way possible in religion terms that way I can feel like maybe if something goes wrong I did the best I could. Faith to me means that you have your feet in the ground and that there is no doubt in what you believe and stand for. People use religion in their lives to get confidence and feel as if they are understood in one way or another. Also religion has a great impact on many people’s lives because that is one of the few things that they believe in. To the human race religion is one more reason to keep on going with life and to get our minds off of all the problems and the trouble that we are in. To me religion is one of the most important things in my life because I was born and raised in one religion and up to this day my faith is the same because I feel like when you are in a religion you need to be able to feel good with yourself and everyone else. Without religion the world would be total chaos and it would be dysfunctional.
Lance Wilson
Pd 6
Religion is something people practice or a belief that they have. People use religion in many different ways. It dictates the way the act, live, it and even the holidays they celebrate. Some people don’t even stand up during the national anthem. For an example like Jehovah witnesses they don’t celebrate birthdays or Christmas. In my case, religion is very important to me and my parents taught me to believe in god cause he brought us here so he can take us out. Religion is important to the human race because of how many different religions there are in the world. You have Buddhism, Protestant, Christian, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholic and many more. They all might believe in the same god but the way the believe is different. The most popular religion in Pennsylvania is Catholic. The was very surprising to me because I know a lot of Christian people that live in my city and that I know who are Christian. I think that the world would be totally different with religion. A lot of the war going on is about religion because Iraq wouldn’t have bomb the towers if there religion was not with it. It would be less controversy without religion in the world.
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