Celebs Before and After - Creating a false sense of beauty
October 17th 1919 - The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) was formed. The company became a giant in electronics, especially radios and TVs. It would later own its own TV network (NBC) and other broadcast interests.
Read this brief (it is only 3 paragraphs) article
In 200 words or more answer the following questions.
How has media influenced our lives? Think about what is popular and why is it popular? How does media affect the way we think about ourselves?
I would say that media has effected our lives in many ways. It has made us think about everything we do. It is the reason why we do some of the things we do. Media is the reason why we dress the way we do. It is the reason why we listen to the music we do. It is the reason why we watch the movies we do. Media is the reason we do a lot of things. The media tells you everything that is popular. It tells you what the new style of clothing is. It tells you what is in and what is out with your age range. The media shows you what new popular things are happening and what new things are coming to stores. The media does not really effect the way I look at myself but it does effect the way other people look at there selves. It affects the way most girls dress and some guys. I would say that most people that listen to the media are always do everything the media says and if there not caught up with what the media is on then they are disappointed and upset. Oh yeah.
By Andrew, period 6
Media has affected different types of people across the world. This is a world wide crisis that has changed the way people live. Now a days there is no such thing as any media because people depend on this since they have been adapted to this type of living. It has influenced our lives by making stereotypes of different groups of people. It has also influenced children’s lives. Its gives children the ability to feel more powerful than others and feel good about themselves in different type of ways. It’s popular because the whole world is depending on it and it moves from place to place. It has also become popular because this is what everyone sees in an every day basis. It affects the way we think about ourselves in so many ways no matter what age, youngest to oldest. It gives you the ability to change your appearance and the way you think. This happens when you let media get to you and follow others who you don’t even know such as a celebrity. You wouldn’t be representing your self image instead you are going to be something you are not. Media has taken a great part out in the world and it will reach higher standards.
The media has affected our lives tremendously. Because we act as if magazines are our Bibles, we do/try to imitate the things in the books. For example, we take those quizzes and them we compare them to our personal lives, and if our lives contrast with what the magazine says, we think something is wrong with our life and we try to make it just the like the magazine said.
The media influences style, what we drive, and how people think they should look. There are people who can’t afford to keep up with the newest fads, but we think we need it so bad just because it’s “in.”
For some reason whenever we go into a store we may think a certain type of pants is hideous. However, if we look in a magazine and see a certain person wearing that same sweater, we find ourselves actually wanting that sweater we just a moment ago had loathed.
The media affects the way we think about ourselves. Because of the influence the media has on people, some teens are actually dying to be thin. They look at some celebrities, and want to imitate that person and the way they look.
Many people are insecure because they see people admiring the way that celeb looks, and when a person compares themselves to that celeb they feel unworthy and inadequate.
Suryawan Period 1
Media has influenced us in many ways, such as fashions, advertisements, etc. At the same time too, it has provided us a great source of information. Nowadays, media has almost reached to every single house holds in the world. They can be Magazines, websites, TV, radio, and many more. Anything that is popular is also known as fashion. It is up to the designers, and media to judge what is popular. It is not a requirement for you to go along with what is fashionable, but if you don’t people will look down on you. Fashion comes from creativities, brainstorming, and intelligence of that specific group of people who are talented in that. Mostly, famous persons are the one who promotes this popularity, due to their well known self. Media has affected all of us greatly. It brings us news, what is cool and what’s not. It is also a technology created and meant by inventors to improve and makes our lives better. Media has been playing a great role in me; it provided me with thousand of information. It made my life to be in a higher standard compared to the ones in the past. Media will keep improving till this second.
The media had influenced our lives by stereotyping their consumers. Children and mostly teenagers are very vulnerable to believe what they see or hear today. When they watch television or reading a magazine they will see things that make them believe that they should act or dress the way their idols are. What is popular today is the iphone. The iphone is promoted every where. People today want to have things that are new and in style. For example, if Chris Brown was to promote the iphone then many of his fans would want to buy one just because their favorite singer is promoting it. Or when young women see that models are thin they will then try to become thin because the look is in. Media use people’s idol to get them to buy their stuff. They would do about anything even if they have to stereotype someone. People can get influence by the people that surround them. If they think your trend is in they will then try to copy. However, their trend is probably from an actress, model, or singer that they admire. The media affect the way we think of our self be making us look bad. By making us believe that we need a change.
Adrian Period 1
Media has a great influence in our lives in this day and age. With our constant exposure all types of it, it is almost impossible for no influence to be put upon consumers. Media effects the things we wear, what we listen, and also what we believe. With so many viewers trends could easily crossover they could easily become favorable by general consensus. The same could go with products, product placement is a widely used practice and it is possible that viewers that see their favorite character using or wearing a certain thing may be compelled to pick it up. Not to say that this attributed to its popularity but I noticed how that on CBS, if a character had to talk on a cell phone many times it was an iPhone. Media does have an influence on the way we think, so it could change our thoughts about ourselves just as easily. If teens see characters on certain shows look a certain way and get what they want they could have an influence on the way they make themselves appear. Or if a group is depicted in a show or magazine a certain way constantly it may create stereotypes or uphold stereotypes.
Personally, the things I look at vary on many different subjects. It can go from Saturday morning cartoons, to a presidential debate. So the media doesn’t affect me so much as in my personality. My clothes that I wear also aren’t affected by whatever I see. If I see it somewhere else on somebody else, I lose interest in wearing it right away. I am not a follower at all. I do my own thing. I’m not going to by some jeans that cost $150 just because I see it on TV or a magazine. I could by like 7 jeans that look just as good from my local bootlegger. I ‘m not going to do something like that until I check with my budget. Also because I know that some else is wearing it. Most of my clothes are hand made. I only recently had to buy clothes because the person that made my clothes died. That’s me personally. Now there are people who do have less self-esteem, or don’t have a good role model and go off what and do what they see. I feel real sorry for those people because they are going to be running after everything and are going to have nothing. First off, it’s annoying and second, they’ll go broke mad quick.
Period 1
Media influences our lives in many different ways. We can thank media for advanced things like iPhone. This is an example of a good use of media. Media also influences our lives in negative ways. Sometimes, media makes people think things that they wouldn’t think on their on. Media tells people what is popular and the people go and get it. For example, Jordans, Nikes, and Adidas have all been extremely popular at one time. They were popular because the media told us that they were. Media didn’t necessarily tell us in magazines. Instead, they told us in song. Run-DMC had a song called “My Adidas” in the 1980’s. Immediately, there was a boost in sales of Adidas. This boost is because of Run-DMC’s advertisement of the sneaker. I’m not mad at Adidas for doing this, because they are appealing to their customers. In this case, the media didn’t tell people what to do in a negative way. The people made the shoes popular, not the media. The media can only tell people what they think is popular. The media can’t force them to buy the item.
The media has influenced our lives in many ways. Not only has it influenced us in a positive way but a negative way also. Some positive ways are getting healthy and getting back in shape. When you see commercials about getting back to a normal weight I think that is some advice you should take. The anti tobacco commercials are also good for you. It means that someone is out there researching something that could kill you. Not everyone wants to steer you wrong and take your money. Some negative ways would be all the models and publicity that is out in the open. There are scandals everywhere. This goes for children also. Kids can be watching their favorite Disney Channel movie with their favorite star (who also might be their idol) then turn on the news the next day and see that they are making sex tapes! What is up with that? Some things that I think are really popular now-a-days is fashion. At this moment in time everyone wants to be high fashion and “in”. Now that the tights, leggings, socks and skinny jeans are back in style everyone wants to be down. I know for fact that it’s popular because it is seen on TV. Some people who have low self esteem might look to the media for advice no matter how it might affect them later. Media can affect you emotionally as well. If you see something that the most popular girl in your class has then go home and see it on TV you are going to want it. It’s only human that you are envious. If we see a model on TV that is 5’6, 120 pounds and has clear skin we will wonder why we can’t be just like that. The only way we will be satisfied is if we see a person who is just like us.
Lexi Pd1
Media has influenced our lives in many ways. It shows America how troubled our young celebrities are and what clothes are in style. It shows us what cool technology is coming out and who has the nicest house and cars. A lot of the new styles are popular because it is different from what other people would wear or have. They are also popular because the person who designed it took characteristics of other styles and put them all together to make that one piece. Another reason why they are popular is because they are very useful to what people these days do on a daily basis. For example, the iPhone is so popular because not only is it an iPod and a phone, but you can also get on the internet and it has a touch screen. The media also makes the younger generation want to be skinny like the celebrities, party like the celebrities, and have money like the celebrities. Kids are doing anything to be accepted and be like their favorite celebrity, girls especially. Teenage girls are eating and then purging themselves or even starving themselves because they want to be, literally, bone-thin like the Olsen twins. They are wearing skimpy clothes so that they can get attention because that is what they see their favorite star on television doing as well. Then, they go to bars and clubs, get drunk, and let guys have their way with them like Paris Hilton. The media can also be very prejudiced because if you look in the latest cosmo magazine or any large fashion magazine, you see all white skinny girls walking down the runway or modeling in photo shoots. You do not see African American or Hispanic girls anywhere; if you do see a woman of color, she has no meat on her bones, unless you are looking at a magazine with clothes that are made for curvy women of color.
Pd. 1
How has media influenced our lives? Think about what is popular and why is it popular? How does media affect the way we think about ourselves?
The media has the influenced the lives of Americans in a lot of ways. The number one example would be the way we all think about each other. Young people today judge other people from what they have based on what the media gives off in fashion today. I know I live by the media in a many of ways because I’m very fashion influenced. I know all the new styles and try to live by them along with being myself. The latest fashions in urban clothing and prep clothing are somewhat high priced basically because they know that’s what a lot people are into. Televisions and magazines are the main sources of this influence, basically what the celebrities have on or what they proclaim is hot a lot of people are after. Lately other countries have being setting the fashion trend having a lot of people after foreign clothing. Media makes a lot of people feel like they have to look like what they see. Only because the models are all extra skinny and a lot of the models aren’t people you would see regularly walking down the street.
Daniel Period 1
The media has effected my in a lot of ways. One of those ways is by hearing about my favorite music artist and seeing how that could affect something in my life. Like the music I listen to could be effected if one of the rappers I like is doing ten years in jail. They won’t really be able to put out new music. Also what is interesting about the media is that they can just make things up about people and it will stick because you’re famous. People put out rumors and next thing you know it’s on the news. It’s also interesting because non-famous people could be recognized for what they did thoughout their communities and people all around the world can here about it. You can also here about world disaster and problems faster through the news and the radio. I think the media has made a big change in the world and in lots of people’s lives. Also the media has given lots of jobs and helps millions start their day. The weather can be found and given to you through the media. You can have a good cup of coffee while listening to the radio in the morning. The media is the worst and best thing every.
Brianna Clark Period 1:
I think that the media made our lives better, but worse at the same time. The reason why I said this is because, when the media talks about people that isn’t true it makes matters worse. But then again if the media was never made up then we wouldn’t know the truth about some people, but that doesn’t give people the right to be all up in each others business either. The media watches the famous and the famous only. They post new things about people all the time. Especially when there’s trials maybe or elections or anything like that. I think that cell phones are popular, I also think that cars are popular and a lot of other things are popular. I think that the media has a lot to do with the way that our society thinks, we are very naive if something is in the paper we believe that it is true. See I don’t think that because you can’t always believe in what the paper says because most of the time it’s a lie and they just want you to keep buying their magazines. So yes the media has affected us and what the media believes is beauty so will a lot of other people.
Media is sweeping the nation, magazines, television, radio, and newspapers are all revolved around are my life. It influences are life in so many ways; it keeps us updated with the world, and informs us, and gives us an entertainment. It’s so popular because so many people listen, and read the newspaper – that’s how we always find our info, always its so popular, for example, Air Jordan’s there so popular because Jordan’s are in, that’s what every celeb, teenager, or grown-up has on. Out. Media to me doesn’t reflect on the way we think about ourselves, we chose to do the things we do. Media is just the various mass of communication not the mass of our lives- media does have a impact though , every since T.V, And video games started coming out it changes the whole world- so many people has a Wii- its unbelievable. One thing that really has an impact is the internet. Many people rely on the internet for everything it’s so bad that you forget- how to think on your on. Media has truly changed the world but not the way we think. If we didn’t have media the whole world wouldn’t know how to communicate.
There are so many ways that the media has influenced our lives today. There is a lot of new technology that is coming out and people want to get it because it is popular and that may be the new thing that everyone is getting. The media has influenced lives because they want to make so much money and they really want the people to buy them. They change the way people think about things because if something is new they want them to think that it is the best thing to get jus because the media says it is. The things are popular because there are people who get stars to show the things and it will get people to buy them. I think that the media has change the way people think because they want everyone to have the same thing and even look like each other when it comes to fashion. In some cases the way that the media affects the way people look at themselves changes because of the way they see the stars. If their favorite star is looking some type of way then they want to look that well as well. Whatever they see there favorite stars wearing and doing they want to do the same because they look up to them.
Tayania PD2
Garrett Pd2
Media has become a huge influence in our daily lives. Millions of people watch television and just as many read the daily newspaper. The media controls people's actions and thoughts. Thousands of women worry about fashion or blemishes simply because the television tells them to. Teens are always worrying about the newest model of cell phone or new Halo game they saw advertised. The media makes anyone who isn’t absolutely perfect (everyone) feel bad about themselves. If you feel bad about yourself, then you will be more likely to buy their products. Most companies will use any tactics they have to in order to turn a profit. Most of the video games, or cell phones, or fashions are popular simply because people believe everything they see on TV. It could be the most horrific thing that has ever been spawned, and we would still like it simply because we saw a celebrity present it one TV. It is horrible to think that we have become so brainwashed that simply seeing someone famous can make us want to do anything in order to emulate them.
Joseph Period 2
Media has influence a lot. They will change all kind of things. It can make people embarrass sometimes. There is a lot of stuff now of these days very popular. There are sneakers and a lot of cars everywhere. You see a lot of things on TV all the time. It makes some people change there own lives and some people do not care about it. I know a couple of people who changed there life after they see things of media. The media is very, very popular now and always will be very popular until there is something better out in this world. If you ever want to change your life then you pay very close attention to the media and you can change your life a whole lot. The media does not make me change myself because it is not worse it at all. By paying attention to the media can get you hurt very bad or it could end up making you very better. But I say not to ever pay attention to the media because it is not worse it all the time and if you want to be changed then watch the media and you could end up feeling very better. So that is what I think about the media.
Taiwan Period2
Well, the media has influenced people in general a whole lot. They do and say things involving famous people so that people can go out and by their product. The things that are popular today, is mostly because famous people were in the advertisement. People will go out and buy products just because a famous person’s face is on it. That is what the media will do. That is their strategy to getting people to buy their products. The media has a big part on how people feel about themselves. They make it so that thin is in and thick is out. This will take a toll on the people who do not have a lot of self-esteem. When people hear this they will most likely try and drop those extra pounds and get thin. Personally, I do not pay much attention to the media, and I do not let it affect me, or have any sort of toll on my daily life. But, everybody in the world is not like that, they will be influenced, whether it is a bad thing or not. Even adults in the world let the media get to them. But, in today’s day and time you have to be strong, and not be influenced by little things.
Patricia Bell
Period 2
The media has influenced our lives a lot. The media shows us things that are not necessarily true. The media gives us a lot of different perspectives on how things seem but that is not what they are really like. Media gives us a lot of different opinions and ideas but it is not what it seems. For example every person that is on a cover of a magazine gets photo shops they probably do this because they have very un even skin, blemishes, or acne. Something that is very popular is a cream that is said to get rid of acne which is called pro-active. This is popular because they show it on hundreds of channels, magazines, and commercials. They promote their product through celebrities and they have celebrities sit and talk about how this cream has helped them through a lot and how it changed their lives. Media affects how we think of ourselves by telling and showing that we should look and act the way that people on these T.V shows and magazines. Media also makes us think of ourselves in a negative way such as if we don’t look like those people, have what they have, or act like these people.
Period 2
The media has been a big part of my life and others. The technology has grown a lot and they really know how to do everything. But without it, I wouldn’t be who I am now. Most of the things that I have is technology, except for the clothes and shoes. But I don’t think people would be able to live without it. They depend on it so much. The media really can change someone’s life. Celebrities use the media to make their image better. So that they can become better looking or to noticed faster. I know that they use it in movies or in other places.
The media has changed lots of things. It even made people think different about them selves. I know that it has not really affected me on how I think about myself. I can care less about what other people think. I am how I am because of what I did and not the media and technology. But for other people, media may have affected them a lot. How they edit them selves on photo shop or any other place. That is how I think the media has affected the way we think about us and how it influenced our lives.
Bryce, Period 2
Media has had a good impact on my life. Without it, I might not be the kid I am today. Looking at media makes me happy. It hasn’t taken over my life, but it has kind of changed my thinking process. For example, when I look at advertisements in magazines, I think. I think about if this is the real person or if they photocopied the picture to make a fake image out of the real image. Movies are completely different for me, though. I watch all different types of movies. I know that action movies are just something I could watch at any time. I won’t let it control my mind. I’ll just watch it for entertainment. Another movie genre I could watch for entertainment is historical movies, or movies that are “based on a true story”. Instead of just watching them though, I get a message out of it.
I am different than little kids though. They are greatly influenced by the media. After they watch a superhero movie, they think that they can be a superhero. There’s nothing wrong with that, unless they also thought that they could fly like the superhero they just saw in the movie. As long as kids don’t get too crazy from media, the media doesn’t need to change anything.
Isaiah period 2
The media has influenced our lives a lot. Kids want to be like everything the see on tv. All the guys want to be like the rappers. They want to have to big chains and fast cars. They want to have that gangster life style. They listen to everything the rappers say. They girls want to just like the famous singers. Everybody wants what they think is popular. They want the newest phones. They want the newest clothes and shoes don’t matter how much the cost is. They want to newest technology like computers and music players. The trends change at least 3 times a month. You get what you think is popular one week and the next week its so called out of style. Things are popular because of the magazines and t.v. Stars make things popular. The songs we listen to make things popular. The media really affects the way we think about ourselves. When we see the models and superstars we think we really have to be like them. If we don’t have that style or type of look, we think that something is wrong with us. We think this because they are the role models. We think of ourselves lower than average if we don’t look like them.
Period 2
My life has been changed a lot by media. The media show items that I’m so interested in having such as sun glasses, clothes, jewelries, shoes and many more. I always want to get the best for me so that I can look good everywhere I go. I also love shoes so every time I see something nice on TV, I want to get it. It also influences my parents’ life because my parents shop online for everything they want. When I look at magazines, I look for nice make ups and other beauty products. Cell phones, cars, laptops and everything else popular because it is used by everyone these days. Internet is also popular because everyone can use it for everything. You can chat with people around the world. You can shop and do anything you want with internet. Media affect the way we think in everyway. Such as body looks. Teens want to be nice and look hot like the celebrities. We tend to dress like our favorite actor or actress. We want to be skinny like the models we see on TV and on magazines. We tend to not like our self image because we think that we don’t look good and have a low self esteem.
Enya Period 2
I think the media has influenced our lives to the point where it IS our lives. The styles we wear, the things we buy, it’s all media. When you go out and buy clothes, we have no CHOICE but to buy the styles in the store, because the clothing in stores will be the style of that month or year or whatever. And the category “media” covers a pretty big category. It covers the internet, music, clothes, just about everything that is pop culture in our lives. And our lives are pretty ruled by popular culture. And the media, being so present in our lives, certainly does affect the way we feel, and think of ourselves. Being skinny, and toned and muscular is what is considered as pretty, or beautiful, or handsome these days. And since that’s the case, then any people who aren’t skinny or toned or muscular or all of those things, then think lesser of themselves. And not only that, but society thinks lesser of them as well. And then those people have lowered self esteem, and they’re sad and depressed and those are the people who kill either themselves or other people because they just aren’t accepted by society, so they lash out against. Some reactions aren’t as violent, but it’s known that serial killers always had some type of form of rejection when they where young. I think it’s safe to say that part of that rejection might be because of the media of whatever days that certain person grew up in.
Everyday the media puts out a new outlook of what a person should be. Media definitely affects the way people think of themselves and others. Whenever you open a magazine or turn on your TV you see a different look every time and fashions always change. I think media tries to mold society into who they think people should be, and how they should dress. Media is the reason why so many people are insecure with who they are because they always advertise a “look” and people feel like if they don’t look like that they’re not good enough. Media really affects the way people shop, any name brand products that are widely advertised like Apple, Nike, Jordan, is what people look for now because according to the media that’s what is the best and they’ve convinced us that that’s what we need to have to have the best. Media affects people self-image, I mean what about the people who can’t afford the name brand things that media advertises, they end up having lower self- esteem because they can’t afford the “look.” The only reason that the media has so much power is because we let them, we allow the media to affect the way we feel about ourselves.
Media is a very important factor in my life. Even the radio has an impact on my life/mood. The news doesn’t really affect me, maybe the weather, but I mainly listen to the radio for music. Also, the TV isn’t that important in my life. I used to watch for about 3 hours daily, but now I hardly watch any TV at all. I either read or get on the computer and play games. Also, I don’t usually ride in the car anywhere that takes more than 1hr to get there. So, the radio and TV don’t really affect me that much, but the internet does. It could affect me on how I feel sometimes. It also affects “our” lives on how we should look. If people aren’t beautiful, (toned, or extremely gorgeous) they are ugly. It’s the sad truth. The media may not affect me a lot, even though it does affect me and some of my choices, lots of people basically let it rule their lives. These are the people who have to beautiful, or they freak out. I feel bad for these people, because they should just try to be themselves, the way most of my friends are.
Media has influenced our lives in many ways. The Media has influenced our lives both positively and negatively. The positive effect is especially with the televisions and the advertisements with things to help students. The Negative effects can also be with the televisions and bad commercials with cigarettes and alcohol. These are very bad because they mostly target the young kids with cartoons and vibrant colors. There are many things that are popular due to media, such as cell phones, Mp3 and Mp4 players, iPods, and jewelry. These things are so popular because there are always commercials coming on and sometimes the same commercial every so often; like they say repetition implies importance, so I guess that is what they are going for. Media can affect the way we think about ourselves, because a person who is bigger than the person shown on TV may try everything to try to look like that which can be very dangerous. The media can also affect citizens because there can be an alcohol ad with people binge drinking and a student can see that and think that is the way to go or that is cool and then they decide to try it. Media doesn’t always have a negative effect it can also have good effects, such as medicines, hygiene products, etc.
Period Two; *
The media has affected my life in many ways. For example, my sense of fashion is often influenced by the media because I may see something I want on a model or in a catalogue. It has also affected my life mentally. A lot of things that I often think about are mostly involved with the media. From television to radio, to magazines; it gets to me. I read magazines everywhere I go, and the Sunday paper is on of my personal favorites. Located in the Sunday paper are the weekly circular for the grocery stores, the local entertainment stores, the movies, clothing store, and whatever else you can think of. When I look through them, I see things that I want and/or need; and have the urge to go out and get it. The media also affects what I want to do in my life. With the information given to us by the media, it helps you set a guide for you future according to the goods and bad of the economy. The media also influences the decisions most of us make because of what others think. It is very popular because it helps everyone with almost anything. I keep up with the media for many reasons. It can help you strike up great conversation, have the latest things, and know what’s going on in the world. It is a great need for my daily life.
2nd Period
I only began to realize how much technology and the media influenced people’s lives when I saw a commercial that showed little girls having to deal with beauty and flawlessness all around them in the media, magazines, billboards, and television. It made me think about how much pressure girls have, and even some boys have, to become beautiful because they feel that they will be accepted by the world like most beautiful celebrities. So many girls in the world today become depressed because they feel pressure to become like celebrities and be as beautiful as every fake picture in the media. I think media is a part of our everyday lives. We see magazines, and we see television and we feel pressured to become the best that we can, physically. Even guys feel pressured to work out and be sexier for girls to like them. There is so much technology that is popular, for example, the iPhone, Blackberry, iPod, HD television and so forth. I can't imagine how the world would be without technology.. it would be way too unadvanced. Media and technology has affected the minds of today's generation.
Claudia Fajardo/ Period 2
I think that the media has influenced our lives by giving us the image of the famous good looking person and that’s why we want to look like famous people and we are not satisfied with ourselves or with the way we look so we rely on things to make us have a different outside appearance. We want the latest stuff and the most expensive stuff even if we can’t afford it and we want all that because someone famous or someone very popular has it or advertises it. The media affects the way that we think of ourselves because it gives us a bad message in order for us to spend our money and our time in all of that stuff that doesn’t make sense but makes us dependent of it. Things that are popular right now are cell phones and iPods they are popular because of the way they look and the way they are shown in commercials and on the internet. Fashion influences the way that we think of ourselves and of who wears the latest clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. The media makes us selfish and it makes us believe that we can be better than others in the appearance sense.
Every day in life you are looking at something that the media has done. One television, in school one the streets, everywhere. The media has influence life by making things look different then they are. Also making you look different than you are. Make you think you skin is nice, sofe but its not. They change the way you look to impress others. But this isn’t always a good thing because some things that are advertised on the TV always don’t look the same. They make stuff look different some make it sound better than it is, but when you get it, it nothing you thought it would. But this is only with some things. Some things that the media advertise are good. Like clothes and shoes. They change the style that some of use where, making us look nice for different occasions that we have to attend. Coming with all the different type of name brand Nike, apple bottom, ency, ect….
I think media has influenced our lives a lot. I think it has influenced us because people that read many magazines on style, celebrities’ people want to be like what they see in the magazines. Many young girls see things that they read in the magazines and want the same things they seen their favorites stars wearing. I don’t think that many adults are obsess with the things that they read about the star and what they are wearing. I think at the moment many adults are interested in the political media. They are more worried about who the next president will be and the gossip they pull out on each others back round. One thing that I know is popular are new cell phones. Many new cell phones are popular to teenagers because they are endorsed by stars’ that are popular on television. I think sometimes media make people feel really down and low. I would say this because it shows you what is out and new and some people cant afford the things that they see. Many people read these magazines for tips and ways to live their lives. Many young girls look up to the stars they see and see them as role models.
Tazjare Period2
The media has influenced my life in many ways from my addictive habits to my crazy ways! I am totally in love with my phone to the fullest. I mean I know it’s addictive and all that but grr I cant help it I really love my phone I love being in contact with all my lovelies! I love having everyone at my fingertips and being able to call text anyone with out problems! Plus have you ever tried to have a personal convo with someone one a land line? DOES NOT WORK PEOPLE ARE NOISY AS HECK. Man then the fact that the phone is MINE I just love that fact. Where would without technology lol? Would freaking die! I mean gosh you know how it is you’re a computer teacher! The internet connects you to people all over the world and lets you communicate openly towards others in a fun way. I love the feeling of being able to talk to people no matter how far away they are. And lets be real mail is kinda slow lol. It is true some media is bad influence on others sometimes but it can also be fun safe and entertaining.
Lance pd6
The media has influence on everyone’s life no matter if your in it or not. It usually tears people down or makes them look bad but it can also make people good. The media just think they can butt in to other people lives and exploit them. For example the media tries to look at people who are popular. For example if someone gets out of a car and who can tell that they don’t have underpants on they want to take pictures and embarrass them in front of the world so everyone can have something to talk about. The media effects everything we do. It effects how we dress talk or think. If the media doesn’t think something we wear looks good then they we go on T.V. and talk about but the people who wore the clothes wont wear them again because the media said they were ugly. If someone says you look fat or anorexic then they will try to lose or gain weight to the media’s approval. I don’t understand why people do that cause how can you have fun making fun of other people. Put on there shoes and see how it feels for you to be talked about.
Sydnee Rasberry
Children put down other kids because they feel powerful and in control, but they don’t realize what it does to the victims. Kids use names of their race or family name or something to make fun of them. The kids who are the victims are embarrassed or scared to tell their parents or guardians. They think that they will embarrass them in front of their school.
The most important reason why they tease people is because they have a low self-esteem of themselves and they feel as though nobody is going to find out, so they pick on kids who are less fortunate then them. Like in the movies with the popular girls, and the loser girls, you see in the end the loser girls always come out first not last. The people who tease the kids, the kids sometimes have problems to themselves. They don't realize what harm they do to them.
This song I listen by Kelly Rowland called "Stole" is basically about this nerdy boy who killed himself because nobody talked to him, he had no friends, when he went to this party everybody made fun of him; when he died all his fellow classmates was saying they didn't talk to him, and if they knew if he would of killed himself then they would of talked him out of doing that act.
Trinity Period 6
How has media influenced our lives? Think about what is popular and why is it popular? How does media affect the way we think about ourselves?
I think that the media has a great influence on our lives. Many people look to all types of media to get the scoop on the things that are happening in the entertainment, and things that are happening period in the world. All media is not good media. Some media may be focusing on topic that some people do not believe in, or the topic maybe about someone in the world. This person could have be having a bad day, might have not looked to the standards of the so called “fashion world.” I think that the media see’s things and uses them to there advantage some of the things are good and some are bad. I know that if the tables were turned they would not want there personal life all in public eyes. You can not really blame some people, because they want to be in the light and not for the right things. Some of the things on TV and things that people are promoting are not always good things that should be even talked about. The media also has and effect of how the children of the world act. They see how the so “famous” people live and kind of attention they get. What they really don’t know is that the stars have to pay millions just to keep there private business out of public eye and that may not always work. The media also may make us think that what we do in our everyday is a bad thing. I think that the media is bad and I would not prefer that people don’t feed into what they say.
Milira Hill: Period 6
I think what people see on TV or other media they think that it is cool. That’s why I think people wouldn’t mind being on TV. The way the media affects the way we think about ourselves is the images of famous people. Some people think that they really look like that. Some people are so insecure because they feel as though they have to look like the people in the magazines, TV, or another media. You shouldn’t worry about physical appearance. I’m not saying it’s not important because it is but it’s not important to the certain extent that you think about getting plastic surgery. I don’t think the media should take all of the blame even though they are apart of it. Certainly TV dramas reach a much wider audience than most news programs. Beyond the size of their audience, some media scholars argue that entertainment TV's impact can be even more powerful than news in subtly shaping the public's impressions of key societal institutions. Stereotypes were around before all of this. Everywhere you go there is always someone who will have at least one negative thing to say about you. What some people need to understand is no one on this earth is perfect. Even with the media its easy to understand that.
Period 6
Media influences our lives in a lot of ways. It influenced me a lot because I need media to live my life. I always listen to music and that is an example of media. All kids have mp3 players, mp4 players, or IPods, and you have to put music on it. To do that, you will have to go to Windows Media Player, ITunes, Lime wire, or other music sources. We also have cod players and you can play music. These new phones that have the internet, cameras, and music players, those are all things that contribute to media. The word media is really made for kids on the world and also for the kids that are not here. Another media item is called the IPhone. That item is a phone with a mp3 player, camera, internet, and also the weather for any place you are. It also has the news that you want to know. That is all people need in their life to me. U don’t even need cable because you can just watch movies on you phone. It makes us feel good about ourselves because if it cost a lot, then we feel that we have a lot of money. It doesn’t change the way I act because can’t nothing change because I am what I am.
Media gives us the info on the celebrities. Basically we made it our main source of entertainment. They make things more interesting. It’s the center of all technology. It’s the news of today. Celebrity sleazes because it gives you the dirt on all of the celebrities tell you what is hot and what is not. It’s so cool to teens because they learn that everyone makes mistakes to so it’s ok. It’s May or may not make us think bad about our selves it would depend on the person they are talking about and such. Some times it makes us feel real sad that we are not like are idol celebrity. I think that media will take over our mind. That’s bad because to much of that stuff is not good for you at all.nothing good will come out of having to much media.that is a bad thing if its bigger than everything.
Period 6
Well the media influenced our lives by making it more interesting. They have made small things into big things. They made life easier for us. They made it more fun. The media turned our usual things that we do into funnier more interesting things. It kind of if you would say made our culture more powerful but with the addition of more trouble some things. Popular its self is a word used to describe something that is way up in the sky and that everyone wants to be around. A lot of things are popular here today. And everyday something new is invited and then it is popular and the thing that came out before it is history. Like for example the iphone is popular still because they have not come out with anything better then it. It is popular because it has a lot of value. Because it is new and nice and nothing like every before. Most things are popular because they are new but some things are just popular because you see a lot of other people with it. The media makes it seem like they are perfect and were not.
Anyea Perido 6
The media has influenced out lives because the media shows pictures, and shows with people who are “perfect” or are the ideal vision of perfection. For instance, all the commercials have females who are blond haired, and are skinny or very thin. This shows that people should be a certain weight, skin color to be accepted by society. Also media influences our lives by showing us things that they think that makes up America. Some people show commercials or shows against something, and they will show it on kid networks to influence the children while they are still impressionable. Popular things in the media are the internet, email, and instant messaging. They are popular because the make it easier to communicate, and by making communication easier, advertisements for the products and making people want more and making things more expensive.
marcsu baskins
period 1
Media has influences our lives because the lot of people use media to do a lot of things like the internet and other important things. I use media a lot now that I got am Iphone, I also use it to get a lot of my music. Its has an effect on people, people need it to live kids would go crazy if the media would have been taking away because that’s all kids use is the internet or they are watching the TV cartoons. The internet, Iphone, TV shows and a lot more things. That stuff is popular because that’s what is going around today there is no other invention out there for people. It affects us because we think the media is the most important thing that we need. That’s all people use is media to get everything music and info for things. Lots of jobs and schools use the internet to do lots of thing like this right now. Lots of things use the internet or other things that run of the media. I think everybody needs the media to get though life
Laquietta Braswell
Mr. O’Neal, Period 1
How has media influenced our lives? Think about what is popular and why is it popular? How does media affect the way we think about ourselves?
The media has a lot to do with the changes that children go through. Whether if it has to deal with television shows, radios, phones, music videos and etc. I know that media plays a part of my life. I use to watch music videos non stop! But as I got older I noticed that there is no point to keep track of all the news songs and videos that come up. There are more things important than that. However, the media is very popular in today’s society. This is a fact and not an opinion. Although it doesn’t affect many lives it does give a negative and a positive affect on millions of others. It affects many people from many ways. Such as celeb’s lives, their videos and what they portray and many more. I know many kids that want to live like celebrities do. (You know the “good life”). The ones who let this affect them want to be just like the ones they see on TV and hear on their radios, CD players, phones, mp3 players, iPods, and others a s well. Instead of them following their on lives they look after people who they want to be. However, in the real world that doesn’t always happen that way.
bianca period 6
The media influences our lives very much. It really has a big impact on our lives. People have been reading, looking at and living by what the media has to say. Some people even live their life by what the media has to say is right, wrong, cool, bad, etc. Most people change their life to impress the media. What ever the media says is cool or new and hip most people try to go get it to be up to date with the media. Some people don’t really care what the media has to say or live their life by what the media says is right. On the other hand the media helps a lot of people stay cool, young, and active. Sometimes the media can be helpful but it can also make you think down about yourself. Just say one day you hear over the media that such and such is played out well that can make feel bad about yourself. So even though it can be helpful sometimes it can also make you feel old, not cool and not important. I personally think the media can be helpful but I don’t think you should live by that the media says because really sometimes the media is a big joke.
Kaitlin Period 6
Media has influenced our lives greatly. It is a very big thing in time now. We use it all of the time and it is very important to us. Its important because it educates us on things that are going on around us. Sometimes the media is false, but then sometimes it could be true. People live their life like the media, and some don’t even want to be bothered by it. I really don’t live my life by the media; I do listen to some things though. Media affects the way we think about ourselves a couple different ways. It affects children like in the article because they might be prejudice. The kids are watching TV. and they get an idea of how people are grouped and might go to school and make fun of others that are different from them. I think media plays a big role sometimes in racial things. They might not mean to, but they do. Sometimes they actually do mean to be racial because some people think stuff like that is funny. While others are laughing, some might feel uncomfortable and might not enjoy themselves while watching the show. Everyone is different and they should not be judged over media.
Neriah Pd 6
I think that the media has played a large role in America. I think we depend on a lot of electronics now more than ever. Things such as the MySpace and the iPod are running many Americans in this century. I think that MySpace is popular because it’s a way for many people who don’t see certain people every day and talk to them at anytime. I also think it’s popular because people can say certain things to people that they wouldn’t normally see, or never even met. I think that the iPod is popular because it gives people things to occupy their times while doing everyday things like, typing at school and work, jogging, or sitting alone board. At times I think that the iPod invention is great and other time I don’t think it is. I hear friends of mine talking about if they lost their iPod they’d be lost without it, and wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. This shows how much Americans get attached to material things. I at times do feel guilty of the fact that I depend so much on my iphone. I remember when my principal took it for almost two hours, and those two hours left in school were dreadful. I was so lost, and I felt like I had nothing to occupy myself. I think we create personal attachments to electronics.
Vincent pd 6
The media is almost as important as the internet to some people. The media can also be a bad thing it can ruin people’s lives and also kill people’s careers. The media is something that is made to make other people go down. The media can sometimes give good information but sometimes it is just very unnecessary. It the media also changes how people think. If one important person says something is popular then it is immediately popular to everyone else. It almost makes peoples opinions not matter. I think the media is important though. It is a combination of TV music and anything really. Music is very important to people. It is a way to express those selves and it is very influential. Almost everyone has been influenced by the media at least once or twice in there lives. A type of clothing is advertised to be cool or good by the media and hundreds of people immediately go and buy that type of clothing or shoes and are influenced by the advertisements by the media. The media will always influence the masses and will persuade people to go do things or buy stuff even though they never would have thought to do it until it was advertized.
Tarik blount
Period 6
I believe that the media has influenced are culture in many ways. From the way we dress to what we eat to how we act is directly affected by the media. The media changes are perception of what is and isn’t socially acceptable. More and more TV. shows are flooded on the screen to bludgeon are minds into mindless submission unchanging mission, make the world the same and all who are different disgrace,. And the youth of today hold tight to this commission and seize it with unremitting fervor, and the children who don’t end up feeling alone, ostracized ,and ultimately outraged at there squalid social condition. Then as these emotionally abandoned children fester in their feelings of anger and jealousy it provokes action oriented stress relief, with well noted examples as the Virginia tech incident and many other similar cases. The media creates a unforgiving culture seemingly molded after ancient Indian caste system in which all those not considered “cool” are at the bottom. The media creates problems that parent’s and authority figures are scared to address and these problems will effects into adulthood. The media has affected this generation in ways I doesn’t even know, and has created a dependence on the media to tell them who they are what they should do and who to become. This must change.
Lexus period 6
Media has influence society greatly. It can influence us in a positive or negative way. It can help us learn about new things and about thing we shouldn’t know about. It can teach our children and even help raise them. T.V. and radios are popular because they help get information out quickly and you can listen as you please. I think it was a great thing because every one uses the media. The other means of media came form the radio and the TV. Both of these items are very important to today’s society. To me media is very important. I listen to music nonstop so I use to and the radio for the newest songs. I also love to dance and it helps me learn new things. I think with out TV I would know as much as I do. I learn a lot of things from TV and the radio. I don’t know what I would do if they both weren’t invented.
Jose Ramirez Period:6 10-20-08
Media has influenced my life in many ways. For example without media people who simply wouldn’t know anything about things that are useful to some people. Also, media really keep everyone to day of what is new and what is on top. Media is just to give people a heads up on things that are out their for them that can help them and make their lives much better. I believe media gives people and tells people what is popular and new in stores. I believe that media influenced our lives cause without it we wouldn’t buy all the new things that are invented and made. For example the new play station 3 that you saw always a media about it. That was a very good example of media. And the purpose of it to inform people of what is new. Media affect the way we think because media make us think that we need it. Also, Media gives a message of you need this and buy it. It’s popular and the new thing on stores. I think that media was not invented some inventions would be like very affect. For many reason they wouldn’t sale nothing without the media. Media is like the news paper but only that it’s in TV. And it informs people for free no cost at all.
The media has affected our lives in many ways. First off it has a process to it. With our constant exposure all types of it, it is almost impossible not influence to be put upon consumers. Media effects the things we wear, what we listen, and also what we believe. With so many viewers trends could easily crossover they could easily become favorable by general consensus. Our everyday experiences affect on that. The media changes are perception of what is and isn’t socially acceptable. More and more TV. Shows are flooded on the screen to bludgeon are minds into mindless submission unchanging mission, make the world the same and all who are different disgrace. The media can sometimes give good information but sometimes it is just very unnecessary. It the media also changes how people think. If one important person says something is popular then it is immediately popular to everyone else. It almost makes peoples opinions not matter. People live their life like the media, and some don’t even want to be bothered by it. I really don’t live my life by the media; I do listen to some things though. Media affects the way we think about ourselves a couple different ways. It affects children like in the article because they might be prejudice.
Tuyen Period 6
Period 1.
Media affects many people around the world. Television, radio, they all are media. Many people watch T.V. every single day and many listen to the radio, although television is more popular than the radio. On T.V. there are so many different kinds of shows. I believe the most popular kind of show there is are reality shows. They have so many of them and many young kids will watch them. Another thing that is very popular on television is all of the kids of music videos. Kids will get influenced be those types of shoes and the videos. When they see someone that is very pretty or very skinny, that makes them feel as though they have to look like them and be built like them to feel pretty. Many girls feel this way when they watch T.V. and that can lower their self-esteem and make them feel bad. Television has a big influence on young people everywhere. Another show that will influence young girls are the shows like America’s Next Top Model. Many girls try out to be on that show and many don’t make it because of how they look or their size. When girls watch this they will feel a type of way if they are on the “thick” side or if they are not as pretty as the next girl. Media affects young kids around the world and its not always in a good way.
Joseph Period 2
Media has influence a lot. They will change all kind of things. It can make people embarrass sometimes. There is a lot of stuff now of these days very popular. There are sneakers and a lot of cars everywhere. You see a lot of things on TV all the time. It makes some people change there own lives and some people do not care about it. I know a couple of people who changed there life after they see things of media. The media is very, very popular now and always will be very popular until there is something better out in this world. If you ever want to change your life then you pay very close attention to the media and you can change your life a whole lot. The media does not make me change myself because it is not worse it at all. By paying attention to the media can get you hurt very bad or it could end up making you very better. But I say not to ever pay attention to the media because it is not worse it all the time and if you want to be changed then watch the media and you could end up feeling very better. So that is what I think about the media.
Todd pd.6
I would say that media has effected our lives in many ways. If we see a star on television we believe we can be just like that. When you see commercials about getting back to your regular weight I think that is a suggestion you should consider. People that believe that they want to be like a movie star, actor and/or actress, television star, etcetera. You know where I’m going with this. People want to be just like the people that they see on the television. They also want to be like the people they see in the newspapers and magazines. But the media doesn’t always have to deal with people and their appearance. The media is also all about selling products. The iPhone™ is possibly the main conversation all throughout television and newspapers. Almost all the people you see in the Hollywood business have one. There are two iPhone’s™I that have came out. The newest one is much faster. It is a hand held computer basically. That product is very popular in the media and that is the main reason why every body is buying the product. The media always had an impacted on our lives and I believe that it always will have an impact in our lives. I believe nothing will change that.
Damian Rexroth Period 6
The media has taken over in the way as in we decide what to purchase or what to wear by what the media says is hot. The media is a big influence on our decision now. The media is one biggest thing in life now. If a big name celeb wears a certain pair watch or drinks a certain drink we usually try to do like them. A pair of shades with no lens just plastic lines going across is popular because Kanye West is a big name and he made them big with him. Apple MacBook laptops are popular also because Apple is a big name. To make something popular it depends on what is sponsoring it. Sometimes you are able make something popular even if you don’t have a big name. You just have to stay consistent in using the product. Media has made us look at people and judge in a certain way. Usually if someone is not wearing name brand clothes they are called poor. They might just budget their money though in a different way. The media has made us judge people very quickly for no reason. It affects us because we dress and act in a way that we think the media would approve of.
Tyenne Pd.6
The media is all around us at all times of the day. It is the news, the television shows, the movies, even the music. What we see in the media is how we express ourselves. We dress, talk, and eat like the celebrities. We change our schedule just to see the newest celebrity reality show. It is like we try to be the star. The things that we call popular are the things that the stars do. If Lil Wayne wears some Red Money Jeans, the young people that listen to him will go out and buy the jeans. If Mary Kate and Ashley become anorexic, the people who admire them might become anorexic also. As you can see, this can be positive or negative. A lot of times, the people who follow the celebrities are the kids who have a low self-esteem. Even adults sometimes try to act like celebrities. My mother owns a hair salon and I see clients come in asking for hair styles like a certain star. I however have my own style so I do not feel the need to act like a star. I feel like a star with my own style. I do not think that I will ever change from being myself. I’m comfortable in my own shoes.
Period 6
How has media influenced our lives? Think about what is popular and why is it popular? How does the media affect the way we think about ourselves?
The media today has caused a lot of hurt in people. The media some what destroys the life of celebrity. I think that the media always looks for the negative. They cover the negative things but never want to cover the positive things that happen in the communities. Some popular things in the media are Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, john McCain, Sarah Plain,
Iphones, Weight loss, Cancer, The death of Catherine Baker-Knoll and many more other things or topics. The media is known to bring people down. The media lower some people’s self-esteem in the world. The media does inform people on something’s but it really depends on what the topic is. Having the media destroy your reputation is something else. The media is known for doing things like hurting people, making them loose money, loosing family or spouses, loosing jobs, and even having scholarships taken away from you. People like Paris Hilton love being in the media. Some times peoples lives even depend on what is being said in the media even though things are not always true and the do not make sense.
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