Monday, October 27, 2008

October 27, 1904

New York City Subway opens

Look at and read the links below and then answer the following questions in 200 words or more.
How has mass transit impacted our lives? Think about how you get to school everyday. What would happen if someone had to drive you to school everyday? Think about how vehicles effect traffic, pollution, the environment and your everyday life. How could we, as a society, improve transportation so that it would improve our lives?


Anonymous said...

Suryawan Period 1

Mass transit has impacted our lives greatly. It provided us transportation in many destinations; you will just have to look at the most convenient schedule so that you will not be late. It has made a great change to people who can’t afford their own car. Especially nowadays, when gas had been one of the most expenses we spent on; mass transit is a very big thing for the low and middle class people. For students too, this has been a very big advantage for their parents, they don’t have to worry about getting their kids to school on time, or may be not convenient with their work schedule. Even though vehicles have made big advantages for us, at the same time too, it has polluted our air and made global warming. It also had made traffic; it wastes more of our decreasing natural gas, petrol and oil. Having to many traffic is also not a good thing since it will made a traffic jam and those who are unlucky, will be late. If it kept increasing, we will have to expand width of the roads. We as a society should encourage them to buy a hybrid car, solar power, etc, in order to keep the beauty of our world. We should also agree to take mass transit since it will also bring a great advantage toward our health.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Period 1
Transportation has affected my life in a big way. When I lived in New York I took the bus or train at least once a day. Also it saves money on gas. If my mom drove me to school everyday these days then it would be fewer things for me to have because there would be a lot of money going into gas. Also it has been proved that using the buses and trains cause less air pollution and it’s less costly with gas prices or a rise. Researches say that riding the train or bus can help you be healthier. It could help your heart and all in all improve everyone’s health. We could and started improving the bus and train systems. Making more trains that are roomier and also less air polluting and making more bus in the same manner. Even though prices for bus and trains are going up it is less than paying for gas each week. Also the price for this transportation is worth it and gets you where you need to go as safe as possible. I like it and always will because it could take me across town or to school. People have already started getting out of their vehicles to take the bus or train so let’s keep it going!

Unknown said...

Adrian Jones Period 1

Mass transit has had a great influence in our lives. Since its inception it has been able to provide transportation for those unable to find it elsewhere, and for a fairly affordable rate. Though I do not require mass transit to get to school many do, and the impact of doing so are greater than that of the ability to get to school. In recent studies, it has been found that taking mass transit greatly reduces the environmental impact, from commuting in a private vehicle. Meaning it is a more efficient way of travel; each individual out of the road and onto a form of mass transit, saves money and reduces their carbon foot print. A study released by the Brookings Institution and American Enterprise Institute found that “For every passenger mile traveled, public transportation uses about half the fuel of private automobiles, sport-utility vehicles and light trucks.” This effect also would reduce the impact on the average person’s pocket. This study also found that “Private vehicles emit about 95 percent more carbon monoxide, 92 percent more volatile organic compounds and about twice as much carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide than public vehicles for every passenger mile traveled.
Quotes used from : Study Lists Mass Transit Benefits
By Lyndsey Layton Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 17, 2002; Page B05

Anonymous said...

Tayania PD2
The way that the mass transit impacted our lives is that it changed the way people go to places. Instead of taking there car they might take the bus or a different transportation because of the way that the gas prices are high today. If someone had to drive me to school everyday it would be very hard for them for various reasons. They would have to get up earlier then they usually would. They would not be able to do the things that they do in the morning because of the time that I have to be in school and the time that they have to be at work. In the morning and the evenings there is a lot of traffic and sometimes someone may be running late in the morning and be late for work or even school because of the traffic. In the evenings there is a lot of traffic because there are a lot of state workers that get off at the same time. The cars pollute the air because it may be something wrong with that car. That’s not good for the environment because all the pollution is bad for the air. The way that we could improve transportation is that we can do things that will better ourselves and by doing them things should and could better the communities that we live in today.

Anonymous said...

Period 2

Mass definitely impact our lives in so many ways. It polluted the air and made some of us sick. We are over weight because we don’t walk often and drive more than we should. To me the bus has helped me physically because I run to go from and to the bus stop. I get to walk around and exercise after school everyday by walking around downtown. If I had to drive to school everyday, it will be a good and bad thing. It will be good because I won’t get to wait for the bus in the cold. I can just start my car and in a couple of minutes it will be warm. It will be bad because I will pollute the air and I will gain weight because my body will be used to not running or walking. Cars affect our lives in every shape. With cars we can go anywhere we want at any time. With the bus we have to follow the bus schedule. The buses pollute less while cars pollute the air more. I think that there should be more buses so that people can walk and exercise. The buses will pollute the air less so it will improve our health and our environment.

Anonymous said...

Alissa period 2

Well I personally do get driven to school every morning. I understand the harm it does but I fear I have no choice in the matter. In my opinion a place as small as Harrisburg really should be a all bus city but because Harrisburg is sooo freaking boring and you can’t do anything with out a car people use cars. When I went to New York for a week I took the train all over New York without hardly any problems what so ever and that’s a huge city. New York is fun all over so I could actually live there by just walking around, but a place like Harrisburg where the only real entertainment kids have is the mall and movies and hanging around I am afraid people just need cars. It be ridiculous to take the pathetic bus system we have every where. For Sci-Tech students it is ok because we have passes but for everyone else it is just simply worth it. Until we expand the transit business or expand in the content of our city I am afraid I do not agree that everyone should try to use the bus. It just isn’t enough. The best I think what we should all do is carpool, but like I said cars are NEEDED in boring small Harrisburg.

Anonymous said...

Enya- Period 2

Mass transit has changed our lives in a big way, but we don’t really notice. I myself can’t really compare to how much mass transit has changed my life because I am driven to school everyday. But regardless, I know that mass transit has greatly reduced emissions. With less cars on the road, the less CO2, and the less greenhouse gasses and such. And mass transit has also given us a healthy benefit. According to the one article, people walk more when they have access to mass transit. Especially in New York City, where everything is either a couple steps away, or just a couple subway stops away. And mass transit also makes more room on streets. With less people driving cars to work or to other places, there’s more room for things like ambulances, or fire trucks. With a new way of transportation, those types of emergency vehicles can get where they are needed faster. This could result in the saving of many, many lives. But despite all these benefits, there are still cons to mass transit. Like hygiene, for example, and the thefts that sometimes go on in subway stations. So there are still some improvements that could be made. Like the hygiene, and better protection for the passengers. And also, the system could be safer. With so many bombings of subways systems all around the world, there must be a better security system put in place. But despite all its flaws, the mass transit system is something that has changed our lives for the better, and can only be improved upon.

Anonymous said...

Mass transportation is a good idea, but we could easily make it better. It saves people from polluting the environment as much, but we are still polluting it. The government could easily enforce hybrid cars on the car dealerships. Yes, it would probably cost billions to switch all of the cars to hybrids or H2O, but it would slow pollution and help the environment. But, many people depend on mass transit because they cannot afford a car, plus if my parents or someone had to drive me to school everyday, it would cost a ton of money with gas prices being so high. Yes, gas prices lowered lately, but it still isn’t cheap. We as a society could stop being lazy and bike, walk or jog. Yes, some people have a long way to go in order to get to work, get an environmentally safe car. We as a world have been destroying the environment with absolutely no care. We’ll deal with it later, that’s what we’ve been saying. Bad idea how did Global Warming get here, why are the Polar Ice Caps melting? All because of how we have polluted the environment and destroyed the ozone layer, with our cars and waste form industrial plants. We need to be smarter as a world and try to help ourselves while we can, not continue on without a care.

Anonymous said...

Some people say that transit impacts our lives because it has people walking more. This means they are getting more exercise. This is kind of true because I take a bus to school every day and if you are not dropped off or picked up right in front of your destination you have a distant to walk to. If we had to have someone drive us to school everyday there would be a lot of chaos because it would be a lot of cars and downtown is not that big. Also it saves gas for some people. Having to take there child to school and than have to go to work if it is a big difference takes gas. This could also effect the environment because car crashes. Using transit could also help some people those who do not have a lot of money, this will put more money in there pockets and also in the house. This would especially help the elderly, poor and disable. I think that we as a society can improve the transportation is that maybe giving up riding in nice cars for riding on a buses which might be one of the best choices that you can make in life. You will never know until you try it, and riding a bus is not so bad. I know because I ride a bus everyday and they always come on time, well most of the time

Anonymous said...

Isaiah, Pd 2

The mass transit helps our lives greatly. It helps the environment. It helps the environment because it stops the nasty pollution that cars exhaust. It helps space. The space we have in our streets is very limited because of so many cars. It helps stop a lot of car accidents. If not many cars are on the streets accidents will be greatly decreased. A lot people will be saved because of mass transit. I would get to school by taking the bus. My school has adopted the mass transit way, because many students take the bus to school. If someone had to drive me to school everyday that would be very denting on their gas. The gas situation would really depend on how far they lived from the school. Driving someone to school everyday takes a lot risk. One day the driver could be rushing and get into a car crash. So much exhaust is released into the air. So much morning traffic would cause stress. Using the mass transit system would be very less stressful and less worrying.

Anonymous said...

Transportation I think is one of the biggest reasons why we have so much pollution in the U.S. If everyone took buses or trains it would greatly decrease pollution and it would be a lot less traffic. It would also be cheaper because you’re not constantly refilling your gas tank. I walk to school everyday so transportation isn’t something that doesn’t cross my mind that often except when I need to go to practice. Getting a bus cuts out a lot of wasted time waiting in traffic and it gets you there the same way any car could. If everyone walked or rode their bike to at least one of their destinations everyday I think that would also lead to having a healthier America. I definitely think we have become very dependent on cars because it’s convenient for us but if you have to walk to a bus stop you would definitely get out more often. Riding a bus, or bike, or walking could improve the environment and your health and if there’s less traffic that could lead to having less car accidents in your community. If our country could commit to doing all those things it could also decrease our country’s dependence on foreign oil.

Anonymous said...

Kaitlin Period 6

It has impacted our life greatly I think. It has because all people don’t have cars and that is bad for them because they would have to walk. With cars there is a lot of pollution in the air from the exhaust that comes out of the back. Now if it was a bus that would be ok because that is just one vehicle. Now take that one car times god knows how many more. Buses are also easier for people who work in the city because instead of parking your car in a garage or paying for it at the little things on the end of the sidewalk, you could just get dropped off. It is also better for gas prices these days. Even though gas prices went down, you could still be saving money. Its cheaper for our parents this way so they wont have to drive you everywhere, we have a free buss pass that the school provides us. This is a great opportunity. I think there should be more public transportation and it comes more often in some places would be better. I really don’t know what else we could do to make public transportation better, that’s all I can think of.

Anonymous said...

Mass transportation affects my everyday life i use it to get to school everyday and to get to band after school. If someone had to drive me to school everyday i think i would be late all the time and if they had to drive me to practice to i would be able to go because nobody is available until after 5 in the afternoon and that is when everything ends. Then if everybody had to use cars there would be traffic everywhere. It would take forever to get somewhere. The air would be much polluted because of all the pollution in the air. That would kill the trees and make it harder to breathe because it would be less oxygen in the air. Everything would start dying after awhile. Matter of fact there might not be anything on earth sike I don’t know but it would affect our world greatly. I think it should be easier for people to use mass transportation and use oils that wouldn’t pollute the air so much but actually put nutrients in it. Also it there would be less traffic and people could get places faster. Easier mass transportation could change our world for the better

Anonymous said...

Bianca period 6

Transit impacted just about everyone’s lives. My mother has to take me to school everyday because we live outside the district so I have to be taken to school everyday by her. I would think it would be a lot easier if cat buses and things rode through different places no matter if its out of district or not. I differently think it is harder when someone has to take you to school everyday, I mean I really don’t mind it because it’s door to door service. When a lot of vehicles are out on the road it makes a lot of traffic. Also when a lot of cars are out on the road it causes a lot of pollution. If not known already, pollution is very bad and hurts our environment and really affects our everyday life. It would be very hard for everyone to come together and help the environment situation. As a society I think a solution could be to have less cars on the road and for everyone to get together and help each other out because in a long run this could affect us really bad. So as society, if we can I think we should all try to improve transportation.

Unknown said...

I feel as thought that mass transit has played a big part in many lives. It makes transportation much easier for those who don no have cars. They make the transportation business more helpful. That’s the way I get to school every morning. Without that I don not think I would get to school on time. If I had to get a ride to school every day I wouldn’t feel sure about it but at the same I wouldn’t be ok with it. I say I would feel okay about it because I wouldn’t have to wait outside for a bus to come and be cold while doing it. I would be able to eat breakfast in the morning as well. I say that I wouldn’t feel sure about it because I like to be at school at a certain time. My mom and my sister get up later than me so there is a possibility that I could be late to school. My sister doesn’t have to be in school until 8 o’clock. Also my mom’s route to work would not mix in. Well what we are doing now with the cars is pretty good, in particular the Toyota Hybrid. The car inventors are starting to make the vehicles healthier and safer to the environment. Todd Pettigrew Period 6

Anonymous said...

Period 6th

Mass transit has impacted our lives so much. It has changed the way we go to work and also changed the way we go to school. Since we have mass transit we no longer have to walk everywhere. It is easier for us to get around town and to other places. It also made us lazier. I say this because most of us can walk to school but decide to be lazy and wait for the bus to come and pick you up. I also say this because you can walk to church and to your job if its not that far away from where you live but instead we want to ride a bus or take a car. Some of us even take a bus to go to the store that is 3 blocks away. If someone had to drive me to school everyday, they would lose a lot of gas. During the week they would have to fill up they’re gas tank about twice a week when they usually have to fill it up once every week. Our vehicles also affect the way we live. Some vehicles cause our land to be polluted. They also cause the environment to become a mess. They are good to get around in, but they cause so much trouble and damage to the land. They tear up our streets and cause accidents. To improve our environment we could try walking more often then taking buses and cars. We should stop depending on our cars and buses and truck to take us to where we want to go. We should make environment safety vehicles. And we shouldn’t throw things out of the windows of our car, buses, or trucks because that too is polluting the ground around us.

Anonymous said...

Jose Ramirez Period:6 10-30-08
The bus and Cat buses have impacted our lives in many ways. For example they make it easy to get places. Also, buses are needed to get to school. In my opinion without bus my life would be very hard. I believe if every parent had to drive students to school their would be a very good possibility that pollution would increase. There is no way that so many kids and students would just walk to school. And the environment would be very effect if no buses were ever created. I believe that we would be living under water by now. Due to world warming and its polluted air and habitat. I truly would want a polluted planet for anyone in the world. In my opinion buses are kind of helping the world by having less pollution on the environment. That’s why so many people use the cat bus when going to work. I truly believe that without buses the world would be very different then it is today. I believe that very person should try to get rides from cat buses. And use more Cat Bus transportation. We should have some kind of bikes paths for people who would want to ride in bikes to their jobs and other things.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Period 1

How has mass transit impacted our lives? Think about how you get to school everyday. What would happen if someone had to drive you to school everyday? Think about how vehicles effect traffic, pollution, the environment and your everyday life. How could we, as a society, improve transportation so that it would improve our lives?

Mass transit has changed our lives positively and negatively. The positives sides to mass transit would be being able to catch something from the city if you didn’t drive or had no other way to get to where you needed to be. What if you didn’t have any gas to drive to work in the morning you have a resort. A negative way would have what the pollution that the fumes and gas is giving off its just extra. Or when you think about our cars could be extra pollution and everyone should ride the city busses and things like that. Mass transit is a good thing in my opinion because teenagers need to school and children need to get to school too. That would mess up a lot of peoples schedule to have dropped their children off. I don’t really know how to improve transit but I could improve in our lives by using a alternative oil or something. The fumes and pollution are killing the environment

Anonymous said...

Period 1

Mass transit has became a world wide known thing. It affects people everywhere in the country, especially in the major cities. I can relate to this because I ride the city bus to school everyday. I actually like riding the bus because it is a fun experience. The only thing I don’t like is how I have to go by their schedule instead of my own. I have to go by a bus schedule instead of just leaving my house whenever I feel like I am ready to go to school. If SciTech students couldn’t ride the city bus everyday to school, I think it would be some problems. Because our school is down town, there would be much more traffic and it would be a headache trying to get the kids to school everyday. There would also be much more pollution because instead of just a few buses taking kids to school, it would be hundreds of cars taking the kids to school; Although, because the buses are so big, they do create problems with the air. I’m not so sure how we could improve the transportation in our country, but I do believe that there are many ways that we could.

Anonymous said...

Mass transit has impacted our lives in various ways. When you’re in a big city there is a lot of traffic and it’s difficult to get to where you want to go and get there on time. If you have an emergency and have to get to the hospital it’s hard to get there as soon as possible because of the traffic. Some children arrive to school late when they are being taken to school because of the mass traffic. Transport generates a number of adverse environmental effects from both transport infrastructure and vehicles. The effects can be direct, indirect and cumulative. Indirect effects may have greater consequences than direct effects, but are not generally well understood. Vehicle emissions affect people’s health, and a recent study estimated that 399 people will die prematurely each year because of vehicle air pollution. Vehicles can also affect your health and your weight. We can do many things to improve your daily basis style of living and get you having a better living. One of the things you could improve is your weight. Instead of using the car everyday walk or use the train/bus. There is no need to spend so much gas and you will also improve your physical appearance. You can also reduce the use of your car and ride your bike it will improve the contamination which worsens global warming.

Anonymous said...

I would say that mass transit has affected our lives a lot. It has because everybody uses it and it would be so much harder to get around if we didn’t have mass transit. I mean think about it, if we didn’t have the train we would be able to go to different places in the state or even to another state. If we didn’t have busses we wouldn’t be able to get to school or work and back home. I mean not everyone has a car and the trains and busses helps a lot when it comes to going places. Mass transit is a big part of life and it has made my life most definitely a lot easier. If someone had to drive me to school every day I would never make it to school on time. I would probably be walking everywhere if there weren’t busses and trains to help you out on your journey. I would think that we could improve by getting a monorail put in the city. That way it doesn’t use gas and people could get around a lot quicker. I think that a monorail would make life a lot easier on us.

By: Andrew Period 6

Anonymous said...

It gets me to school and home every school day. Plus, whenever I go to New York, it’s my main mode of transportation. Plus it also gives get the way to go where I want without my parents being around me. The bus can be very fun. But if someone had to drive me everywhere, I wouldn’t go anywhere because gas prices are just too much for my family’s budget. I would be very closed in and be alone most the time. Plus, mass transportation is environmentally friendlier than private vehicles. They are not the best possible solution, that would be to get rid of all the cars at once and go back to horse drawn carriages, but it is some what of an improvement. As a society, we could do some things. If the girls were to stop using so much hair spray and beauty products, that would help. But do we really want that, Have a whole bunch of natural looking chicks. Horrible. But seriously, we could cut down on the spraying so much and all the stuff that let off all those gases. Maybe take some of the power out of the cleaning supplies. People can live with a dirty house.

Anonymous said...

Mass transportation impacts our lives in many ways. I get to school everyday by taking the city bus and I get exercise because I have to walk from my house to the bus stop, from the bus to my school, and then from my school to the bus stop, from the bus stop to my house. The bad part about this is I freeze in the winter time. Mass transportation impacts our lives in a bad way, however, because it exposes out environment to a great amount of pollution and our cities to owe billions of dollars. Also, it affects our lives in a bad way because of all of the noise from the bus and the passengers, and our stress levels rise. If someone had to drive me to school everyday, it would make it a lot more difficult to get to school; eventually, I would probably have to change schools so that I can get to school by a regular school bus. Vehicles affect traffic because at certain times, traffic gets backed up because of how many vehicles are on the road at once. They also contribute to a great deal of the pollution that is in our air. Because of the pollution, our environment is not as clean and pure as it was before. Vehicles impact because without them, it would take up a lot more unnecessary time to get to one place to another. We as a society can come up better vehicles that do not harm our environment. That would improve our lives because without pollution, I believe that there are better chances for us to live healthier lives.

Anonymous said...

Mass transit has improved our health in some way. In order to take public transportation, you have to get to it. 9 times out of ten the only way to get there is to walk. Then when you walk there, you will most likely walk to your final destination. The drastic change from driving to walking can also help you lose weight. It helps your heart and it gives you a breath of fresh air. It can cause you less stress that driving may cause. Most days my mom drives me down the street to catch the bus. Then I ride the bus all the way downtown and walk a block where I finally get into the building. If my mom had to drive me to school, it would be a 15 minute drive. That is like adding more pollution to the air because you are adding one more car to the road. In the long run it hurts the environment because it can kill the birds and sooner or later make it harder for humans and animals to breathe. It could kill the plants (which make us oxygen) and mix dangerous chemicals into the air and water. We as a society could help improve this by not taking cars. If taking a car is really necessary carpool. There is no need for next door neighbors who work on the same block or in the same building to take separate cars. That will save everyone on gas and cuts down on air pollution. Also take the city bus, subway or walk! This will not only help the economy but it can also improve your health.
Lexi Period 1

Anonymous said...

Garrett pd2
Mass Transit has greatly impacted our lives in many ways. Public transit allows cheaper and possibly faster methods of travel for workers or students. In some ways it is more dangerous, but I believe that the benefits outweigh the risks. I ride the public bus every morning to school, and back home every afternoon. If my mom had to drive me to school everyday it would cost her too much gas money, and she would have to wake up earlier to drive me. There are already many countries and universities experimenting with aboveground transport that functions purely on magnetism. The magnetic strips pull the vehicle along the track with zero emissions or energy waste. I believe this is a great way to improve our transit systems. We have become too dependant on vehicles that are horrible for our environment. We need to find ways to travel that won’t eventually kill us.

Anonymous said...

Period 2
Mass transit impacted our lives greatly. Without it most people wouldn’t get to where they need to be. Also it has made getting to certain places easier, without having to walk there. I know that it has helped me because I use mass transit to get to school. Without it, I would have to either walk or get a ride from my parents. And they would be wasting gas. But I really wouldn’t mind anyone driving me to school everyday. But gas would be a killer for them.
Without mass transit, the pollution would be higher and the traffic would be higher. Which would stop everyone from getting to where they need to be and getting there on time. The only way I can see, that we can help improve transportation, would be giving each other rides. Like car pooling. Another thing that would add on to that, would be that it helps you get to know more people. From riding together. I think that this would help everyone in the long run. Less pollution, less cars to deal with, and less traffic to stop at. That is what I think could help and how we can make transportation better.

Patricia Bell said...

Patricia Bell
Period 2

Mass transit has impacted our lives by having us get up and get a different way of transportation. Instead of driving wasting gas and spending our money on high priced gas. Mass transit has also impacted our lives by having us get to places faster by bus or train. It has also impacted our lives by being there but sometimes making us late to places. If someone would have to drive me to school every day they would probably get sick of it they would have to wake up early and they would waste tons of gas and money. We could improve transportation by having more people getting transportation by bus or train because the more cars the more oils and smoke goes into our world and the more pollution we end up getting. If we had fewer cars it would probably stop the car accidents as well as most of the traffic which causes most of the accidents. The downfall in having fewer cars though would probably get to places late and paying probably as much money as you would towards gas. We would also have probably not enough transportation for others it would probably be a lot more money to get on buses or trains and there probably wouldn’t be enough room on these vehicles

Anonymous said...

Period Two; *

Mass transit has impacted our lives tremendously. For some, it may be a daily necessity, while others may experience it every once in a while. For example, with gas prices rising on the high, many have put the car keys down and switched over to mass transit. They are many reasons why all should do the same. For example, studies show that many individuals who have traded in their vehicles for the subways and/or buses have lost weight. By walking from station to station, and up subway steps; weight lose is a benefit for many. It’s much different from getting a ride in a convenient vehicle all the time, day-to-day where you’re always sitting and hardly ever physically active. Switching to the metros also helps the environment because less cars = less carbon monoxide. Studies prove that private vehicles emit 95% more carbon monoxide in the air causing pollution all over. As a society, we can help our environment, bodies, families, etc. by becoming less dependent on vehicles. Not necessarily meaning you have to switch to the metro, but don’t use so much of cars; which reduces many harmful substances to the air and most importantly our selves. It helps not only us, but our rising generations.

Anonymous said...

Period 2
Mass transit is something that has sky rocketed since the gas prices were raised. Mass transit has become a big part to a lot of citizen’s lives. It has impacted both its users and people around it. It has impacted the users because some of the prices have raised and more of the buses have more people on them now so the buses may be crowed. This may lead people to having to stand up or wait for the next one to come. Mass transit has impacted the people around it whom do not use it because since the buses may be big so they may cause more traffic and also since they can’t go too fast. Personally, mass Transit has impacted my life a lot, since I don’t take a school bus and I take the city bus I depend on it to get me to school and back. Mass Transit is good but it pollutes the air a lot. But until there is something found to help them become more earth friendly it will be polluting for a while, beyond our reach. We could do many things to help improve our lives but everyone may not be willing to do it. One thing that we might be able to do is take it more often this can help us get a little exercise with walking to and from the stations of stops.

Anonymous said...

Bryce, Period 2
It is great to have more than just cars to drive in. If you take the bus, you will have to walk home or walk to the bus. Walking is good for you. It will keep you looking and feeling healthy. If people only used cars, they would get less walking in each day. They would park as close to the store or building that they’re going in. They will start to get lazy and won’t exercise. Mass transit has had a big impact on our lives. Without it, travel would be much longer. You can’t take a car with you everywhere you go, unless you take the auto-train. I had a family reunion in Florida. My family and I drove from Pennsylvania to Virginia. When we got to Virginia, we waited at the train station. I thought at first that we were going take a different train to Florida, and then our cars would be on another train. To my surprise, I was wrong. I looked at where the train was and saw that it was first loading the cars in the back and then we were able to get on. To this day, I love auto trains. The ride was great, the train was great, and we arrived in Florida at less time than if we would have drove from Pennsylvania to Florida. Nothing needs to happen with transportation or mass transit. It is not a problem, it is an asset.

pandal0ved said...

2nd Period

I never before thought about how huge mass transit is in America and in the world and the big impact it has on my life and millions of other people's lives. Traffic and pollution are two things in everyday life that we all must deal with and I believe that mass transit, for example, subways and buses, make everyday life a ton more easier to live. By using mass transit, we can reduce all of the pollution and all of the traffic in the major cities of America. Reducing such things as those could improve the health of the environment, the earth, and people. If mass transit were to not exist, the world wouldn’t be in the state it is in now. It would be more chaotic and have tons of traffic, and global warming probably would have taken place already because pollution would have been way over the normal level. It would be very difficult if I wasn’t able to take the bus to school everyday, and instead, had to drive. Mass transit is needed by the world, and the world would not be able to survive without it, therefore, the world must have mass transit or else (=

Anonymous said...

Period 6

The mass transit impacted our lives a lot in our life. It affected me because I would have to walk everywhere I go and I will be tired. The mass transit gives me rides to school, home, around the town, state, country, and world. If we had to walk everywhere, it would take us forever to get there and some might even make it there. To get to school, I ride the city bus and I am very glad that I have that privilege. People have to pay for a ride on the city and all I have to do is show a pass and I get on free. If somebody had to drive me to school everyday, I will be late sometimes because people do wake up late and they make late school. They are everywhere with the vehicles and if people did not have transportation except of their feet, they would be hours late to work. We, as a society improve transportation so that it would improve our live because we need them in live because if we didn’t, we could do the things that we do now. A lot of older people would have been hurt because they might have bad knees and they will have to walk every and they wont be able to go anywhere because of their legs.

Anonymous said...

Trinity Period 6
How has mass transit impacted our lives? Think about how you get to school everyday. What would happen if someone had to drive you to school everyday? Think about how vehicles affect traffic, pollution, the environment and your everyday life. How could we, as a society, improve transportation so that it would improve our lives?

Mass transit has impacted our lives in a big way. The transportation that we have at the present time is horrible. Personally I think that the bus system is messed up; buses are either too early or entirely late. If I did not have to ride the bus to school I would walk. If someone had to drive me to school each day I think that would make life harder, because that would mean that they would have to waster there gas to drive a few miles. It would also cause other people trying to get somewhere late. In reality everyone loses, there is always going to be someone who is trying to go somewhere. To improve the environment I think that people could start walking. If you know that you only to go down the street walk! It will not hurt you. I also think that in the summer people turn their air conditioners off when they leave the house. With each day the price of everything is going up and down, some for good and some for bad. Everyday as I am riding on the city bus to go to school I look at the gas prices. Each day they go down. One day I noticed that one day it did not go down. I realized that the one down the street cost more then the one I had just passed. I personally think that we are in a recession.

Anonymous said...

Anyea Period 6

Mass transit has affected our lives because it has made getting from one place to another easier than having to walk, bike, skate, or go by horse and buggy. If someone had to drive me to school everyday, it would be more convenient for me because it would keep me form rushing in the morning and make sure I have everything I need before I need. Also it would cost the person driving me there a lot of gas money because the gas prices are continually getting higher. We could make transportation faster and less gas dependent. Because needing to get more gas means invading more country and that’s more pollution killing us. And making it faster would be better because it’s already slow as it is and sometimes people miss out on opportunities because of things going slow.

Anonymous said...


period 6

Transit has impacted our live because everybody relies on it. If every car was taken away people would have to use it because that would be do only thing taking people places. Kids and other people would have a hard time trying to get to school, work and other places because everybody don’t have cars to drive people around or they don’t have the gas to take some to a place that they are not going to. If someone had to drive me to school because of transit was not able to it would be very hard for me to find a ride to school or anywhere because most place are a little far from my house like my school. The smoke from the car it effects the pollution it flows all in the air and that smoke does not smell good. I am not sure what we could do but having the hybrid cars are a good thing to do because they don’t have smoke blowing out of it. I would by one of those cars so life could be a little better.

Anonymous said...

The transit system has impacted our lives in many different ways. In my own personal opinion I think that it has all positive effects none negative. It has given us ways to travel to places that would take a long time for people to get to the places they need to if they didn’t have the transit system. My mom does drive me to school every morning so I know how it is to be able to have someone to bring me to school rather than have to wake up and go to the bus stop to wait for the bus. I think we as a society could improve global warming effect from the gases from the cars and other transportation options by limiting how much were use them. During the warmer months many people that live close near the work sites could walk or ride bikes to work. By doing this it could also help the obesity rates in America. This could help a couple different problems that the American people face because of the way we live. We could also get scientist to come up with a solution that would make the gases less effective to the global warming.

Tazjare Period 2

Anonymous said...

Period 1:
Brianna said ..
Mass transportation has affected the country in a lot of ways because it made it better and it also made it worse. The reason why I say this is because it made it a lot easier for us to get around. Because in the old times we had to travel by foot or by horseback. But it made it worse because it has made us very lazy and now no one is in shape anymore we have become very obese and don’t or can’t even walk around the corner. How I get to school is the bus, if someone had to take me to school, like my mom I think it would be better actually because I could sleep in and not have to worry about standing out in the cold and waking up extra early to go to school. So, yes now maybe if I had to walk to school which I used to do it would be better because I would be in shape and I wouldn’t be as lazy as I am now. And then if someone started taking me it would be worse. I think that cars or vehicles have affected the environment in a big way because it has polluted the air and is putting more carbon dioxide and other nasty chemicals into the air as well. I think that making cuter and less expensive hybrid cars would be a step toward making vehicles safer for the environment.

Anonymous said...

We can improve transportation by doing a lot of things differently. For example wasting gas, people can stat carpooling with each other instead of going to the same place rather than riding alone. Other than that we can stop traveling places with a car, instead plan a trip for people to tag along and they can all ride along and not waste gas. If someone had to drive me to school everyday I would be happy instead of driving in my car and wasting my gas, so I wouldn’t mind driving to school with someone. Gas has some what polluted the air a little so we have to do something about that. The community can make a big difference by stop abusing cars and just selling them to any and everybody. Plus people need to know what type of gas to but in there car, gas leakage also affects our community with spills in the middle of the streets that affects some peoples breathing. We all can start doing things a lot different to make a change in transportation.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Period 2

Mass Transit impacted our lives a lot from along time ago to now. Some people can be right around the corner from something and will just go drive around to that place. Just getting into a car can mess up your health by not having exercise and them vehicles with there gas mess up the air and everything else. People are way over weight now of these days because they will not walk no where, they just jump in there car mess up there self and hurt everyone else by the gas. Some kids will even try to skip school if they have to walk back and forth to school because they are too lazy. Just like how stopping kids from riding buses back and forth to John Harris, but so many kids skip school because no ride back and forth to school. I would not have a problem walking back and forth to school because walking and getting exercise is just helping me a lot. So that is what I say about the Mass Transit of impacting onto my life and more. That just has to destroy other people all the time. That is all I have to say.

Anonymous said...

Laquietta Braswell
Mr. O’Neal Period 1

Mass transit as impacted or lives so much. We need transportation wherever we go. Whether its using cars, buses, trains, our feet and legs, and others as well. I know I use gas a lot when I need to get around. I have free transportation everyday. I use the bus to go to school, to go home, or wherever I go. If everyone needed for someone to drive them somewhere then I suggest that no one every goes outside of there homes. No one would be on time since there would be so much traffic. Have you ever heard about 5 o’ clock traffic? Well the ones who experienced it knows that its not a pretty place to be in. If that type of traffic is bad, it would be 4 times as worse if we had everyone driving. Having millions of vehicles out on the road would ruin the air and the environment. With all those cars, trains, and buses, there would be so much gas and fumes in the air. It would be hard fro anyone to breath. Millions of people would die from this sickly change. The environment would be destroyed from the pollution being tampered with. In conclusion this wouldn’t be a good thing and it is something to consider.

Anonymous said...

I believe that mass transit has influenced our lives deeply. I believe that because the more you use a vehicle the more air becomes polluted and the more money would be waste on gas. It is hard for Americans not to depend on cars, bus, or even planes because some people need to get to work, hospital or even across the country in an instance. If my dad would have to drive me to school every day then he would kill the air we need and also waste a lot of money on gas. Vehicles are improving as the years come; people manage to build cars that are good for the environment. However, not many customers are paying those cars. Vehicles are affecting our lives because everyday a new vehicle is built and that vehicle has to depend on gas to run. It also affects our daily lives because it dirties the air we breathe in and make us waste our money on gas. If we want to make our environment clean and save money we have to make more cars that run on something rather then gas. Something that would be safe for the environment and something that would mot cost so much. I understand people are trying to find that something but I think they need to try a little bit harder and a little earlier before the pollution get worst.

Anonymous said...

I think mass transit has affected my life greatly. I think we depend on it a lot. I get to school by my mom or the bus. I think it has helped us a lot... I think buses and cares help us a lot. I believe life would be different with out transportation. My mom does drive me to school. She takes me just about every where I want to go. If everyone mom at SciTech drove those to school thing would be crazy in the morning. There would be a massive traffic jam. I think the gas for each person would be crazy. I think that we should work on pollution and global warming would be at and all time high. I think that if you take the bus it is better because there is less traffic and pollution. We as a society could depend less on cars and bus to get where we need to go. We have gotten lazy and we need to return to walking where we need to go.

Anonymous said...

Milira Hill
Period: 6

Mass transit has made the lives of people easier. The elderly who don’t like to drive anymore can take the bus. They can get on for free and get exercise by walking to and from their bus stops. If you go to school at Sci Tech you have the choice to take the CAT bus. It gives you a chance to observe how other people live their lives and instead of cars they use buses. Buses are better for the environment instead of cars. They also said buses have a positive affect on you and your health. You could lose weight, look better, improve your heart rate, circulation, and overall health just by getting out your car and hoping on a bus or train. One bus can carry 10 times the amount cars can. Vehicles however pollute our environment. They can also increase biosecurity risks. Noise and vibration can affect the people who live or work near busy roads. Transport is also responsible for some of the extensive heavy metal contamination of some harbours and estuarine areas. We can all do our part as a society and take the bus once and a while. We could also give our vehicles a rest and walk to places near by instead of walking.

Anonymous said...

Neriah Period 6

I think that it has impacted our lives a great deal. People act as if they can’t go anywhere because there cars broke down. People will drive to the store instead of walking when it’s right down the street. I personally do get taken to school everyday. I like it because I’m in charge of what time I leave instead of waiting for a bus. I think getting dropped of makes life easier. City buses can both help, and annoy our lives. Buses take up a lot of traffic in big cities. It’s hard to get around them a lot of times. They also pollute the air a great deal. We could make buses not make as much polluted air in the world. I think that by decreasing the amount of gas and smoke the better off we will be. Also, many people should just start taking the bus. It is cheaper than filling up the tank. You also will save money because you don’t have to pay for auto insurance.

Anonymous said...


How has mass transit impacted our lives? Think about how you get to school everyday. What would happen if someone had to drive you to school everyday? Think about how vehicles effect traffic, pollution, the environment and your everyday life. How could we, as a society, improve transportation so that it would improve our lives?

The mass transit impacts our lives because we rely on them, to give us transportation to places that we want to go to. Some kids take the city bus or taxi to school, the mall, etc. I even take the bus to school, because I would not want to walk to school. That’s an advantage having to go to SciTech. I would not care if somebody drove me to school, but then I would be rushed probably, and I would be worried about gas. The vehicles affect our environment due to the gas, because the gas pollutes the environment. The gas makes our people sometimes sick to our stomachs because of the gas smell. Some people believe that we should use diesel oil for gas, one because it is better, and two its better for the environment. I personally would want to use diesel because of what it does not do to the environment.

Anonymous said...

ericka taylor pd 1
It is our main source of transportation. It is our main source because it saves gas. If every one road the bus we would not have to worry about polluting they would so much. My parents would be broke. It cost so much for gas. If I were to catch the bus I would not have pay for anything at all. It’s so much easier to use the bus more. We should try to find a less polluted way to get around. I think more people should use the bus more. They should start to find a way to use trash or electricity to get the cars moving with out pollution. Thing would be so much easier if the economy did not have to by gas. Gas is such a problem it’s to much money. That is why they should find a way to not have put money in the bus too. The bus is every thing. I think the community should get together and work out ways to ride the bus more it is so much better this way. That is really a hard thing to do but it is the best thing to do. That is all I have to say on the manner

Anonymous said...

Period 1

Mass transit has impacted our lives in many ways. Not everybody can afford cars, so they use public transportation, like buses, trains, and cabs. Without mass transit, I wouldn’t be able to get to school every morning. In the morning, I take the CAT bus to get to school. I also use the bus to go home. Without mass transit, I would have to get a ride from my mom or dad every morning. If my parents had to drive me to school every morning, they would have to spend a lot of money on gas. It would also be more pollution because more people would have to drive their cars and cars’ exhaust pollutes the air. As a society, we could improve our lives by having less transportation. Cars and buses pollute the air. When the air is polluted, the Earth starts to die. By lessening the amount of cars driven, we could make the Earth a better place. People could start walking and riding bikes to get where they need to go. This would make Americans healthier because they are exercising more. In conclusion, fewer cars and more walking and riding bikes will make Earth and Americans healthier.

Anonymous said...

Damian R.
Period 6

If someone brought me to school everyday then they would be paying a lot of money for gas. Also there would be pollution in there air from the car. We are saving the environment by riding the bus every day. I watched on the Internet the making of the new Mac book. The said that since they made it smaller then the boxes will be smaller. They would be able to fit more boxes on the plane that would call for less planes which would result in less gas. As a society we could start riding the bus more to fix the problem of pollution. If they started to make bigger bus then they could more people. That would call for fewer buses on the road and less gas. If more people would start to buy eco friendly cars instead of regular cars that endanger are our health. For packages that are being shipped the boxes need to be as small as they can be. If they do that then there will not be a need for as many trucks, planes, ships, and trains. I think that the gas usage will fall but that the results will not be huge at first you would see the change maybe in a couple of years.

Unknown said...

How has mass transit impacted our lives? Think about how you get to school everyday. What would happen if someone had to drive you to school everyday? Think about how vehicles affect traffic, pollution, the environment and your everyday life. How could we, as a society, improve transportation so that it would improve our lives? Mass transit impacted our lives a lot. Many people rely on the mass transit and they also invest in the mass transit. I come to school everyday on a city bus which is a huge part of the mass transit. I think that it would be a LOT of traffic and drama because people would not get to work on time because they are dropping there child (ren) off at school everyday. Vehicles effect traffic everyday, they give the world horrible pollutions and the environment will get worse than it already is. If we do not fix the way that our cars a made today then we will all be in deep trouble. You know how Barack Obama has become president the 1st black we will not have any one to continue this legacy. People do not realize that we are making history and no one will be here to continue it if the earth is not in the best shape.

Anonymous said...

Lance Wilson
PD 6

Mass Transit impacted out lives in various ways. The ways of mass transit for example is the bus, subway, airplane, or even cabs. A lot of students expecially at my school everyone takes the city bus even cabs. At least 25% of students at my school get driven to school in the morning. If there was no mass transit there would be more pollution and the gas would raise up a lot. There is many good things that come from mass transit also. They are less pollution, gas would go down because there would not be a big demand for it. The good things for students are you could finish last minute notes, you would be with your friends, and they are on a time schedule where if your late its your fault. The way as a society that would could improve mass transportation is would could make it more available throughout the city. We could make it more affordable then what it already is. We could also speed it up a little and hire more employees to operate mass transit. I think one way we already improved on mass transit was the invention of the hybrid vehicle. The hybrid is more affordable plus its not a gas guzzler like all the other vehicles around.

Anonymous said...

Tarik blount

period 6

Mass transit has affected our lives in many ways. It has helped many people in a national sense sci tech on the metropolis level and me on a personal level. The average savings for a person riding the bus was 8400 dollars worth of gas money a year! I’m certain that this has helped many people who were already struggling in a starving economy. Personally I think the bus is another level of freedom and should be handled thusly. When you are under the driving age it really gives you the chance to experiencwee having the freedom to go were you want(in the city) when you want to so that your not overwhelmed when/if you get a car. It was a new adventure to me even though some of my pees saw it as a problem or a hassle I saw it as a new challenge a new world of freedom opening up to me. Though viewed upon as “unfavorable” by some parties involved I see the bus as nothing more than a new opportunity to broaden my horizons learn from my experience and stretch my wings. The bus is a tool used for professional (school) or personal (party) reasons that have impacted my life and the lives of numerous SciTech students for the better.

Anonymous said...

“The car has become a secular sanctuary for the individual, his shrine to the self, his mobile Walden Pond”. ~Edward McDonagh. Mass Transit has vastly impacted our everyday lives. In the past, the only transportation was either via horse, or by foot. Nowadays, people are so lazy and drive everywhere.
Because of vehicles, we have sedentary lifestyles. For example, people are so dependable on their vehicles; they might even drive to the corner store rather than walk.
Mass transit has been very beneficial for the environment. That means less pollution since the people on the bus aren’t driving cars.
I take the bus to school everyday because it’s more convenient for my family. If my siblings and I had to have our parents drop us off to school every day my mornings would be hectic. Everyone would have to wake up earlier than usual to make sure we leave the house on time to reach school on time. That would also cut into my bathroom time. Also, my parents would have to buy gas more often and pollution would potentially increase.
As a society, we can easily improve transportation so that it would improve our lives. We can do this by walking to places that are close enough to go without using a car. If we walk more, then there would less pollution!! We can do things ourselves without having to rely on our vehicles!

Anonymous said...

Vincent Pd 6

Mass transit is very important to people. In New York that’s the only way to get anywhere. Now massive public transportation is important for our environment. We have an environmental crisis and we just keep making it worse by using big vehicles to get where we need to go because it uses gas which burns bad harmful gas into the atmosphere. With mass transit you get many people to where they need to go but using less fuel in the process. Mass transit greatly affects me because I use the bus to get to school. With out the bus it would be horrible. Hundreds of people would have to drive longer just to drop there kids off. There would be so much gas being used that we would not only run out of fuel but we would also destroy our world and our lives. If we didn’t have mass transit we would need to do something about our fuel usage because we would run out after a while. I think if we really tried and we stopped the oil companies from butting in we could make something that runs on water or even air. I hope we make a car that runs on water.

Anonymous said...

Taiwan Period 2

Mass transit has affected y life a tremendous amount. Without mass transit, the world would be a totally different place. Mass transit is a very helpful transportation source for people who don’t have cars or there own personal source of transportation. I get to school every day by a city bus. Without mass transit, my early morning commute will be a headache and more work. Instead of waiting for the bus, and getting to school in about five minutes, I will have to walk to school and get here in about almost twenty minutes. If some one had to drive me to school every day, that would also be a headache for them. This will waste gas and that will lead to spending more money for gas a week and that will lead to a bunch of unfortunate events. There is a down fall to mass transit; traffic, pollution and the ever day environment. All these vehicles running at the same time constantly twenty four hours seven days a week, will definitely have an affect on the air, t pollutes the air which leads to health issues. As for the traffic, it is very bad, some areas worst than others. It is very hard to commute in a vehicle, when you have to wait for the car in front of you to for five minutes. As for the environment, it is just not good. We, as a society can improve mass transit, by turning green, like the hybrid.

Anonymous said...

Tyenne Pd. 6

Mass transit has impacted our lives. The best thing for our environment right now is mass transit. Mass transit examples are city buses and carpools. They save gas. You do not have to buy gas directly. You just have to buy a monthly pass for the bus. It costs a lot less than buying gas for yourself. It also helps ease traffic. I get driven to school everyday. My mother drives me. I think it is a waste of gas when I can get the bus for free. I try to be very environment-friendly. I try to tell my parents to let me get the bus but they will not listen. They are too protective but they do not want to keep buying gas. Vehicles emit harsh chemicals into the atmosphere. That is why we have a depleting ozone layer now. Now you can feel the global warming climate because there are too many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Our government needs to think of new ways to get pollution down or else we will all die. I think all businesses should have a bus that picks up all of their employees so that they will not have to drive to work themselves.

Anonymous said...

Claudia/ Period 1
Mass transportation has affected all of our lives in a great way because we all rely on it to move around and go from one place to another. I think that without mass transportation my parents would probably drive me everywhere and I would also have to walk whenever my parents couldn’t drive me. Mass transportation helps save the environment and it is fuel efficient. I think that public transportation is safer because whenever you can’t drive for any reason you can just ride a bus. There would be much more traffic on the streets and all around us because of all the cars that there would be on the street. Also there would be more contamination and less healthy. I think that as a society we can improve mass transportation by having it available more frequently through the day. Our lives would change in so many great ways if we can also help create new routes and stops around the city. Without mass transportation there would be more car accidents and less fuel efficiency. Mass transportation helps me exercise because I get to walk from one bus stop to another and I also get to run to the bus stop whenever I am running late.