Look at the links below and think about how guns and violence have changed your lives. Then in 200 words or more answer the following questions.
Why do so many people think guns are "cool"? Are we safe? How has violence/guns affected your life? Should there be a change made to the 2nd amendment? Should there be more strict laws and punishments for those who use guns illegally?
2002 - The Beltway sniper attacks begin, extending over three weeks.
2006 - Five school girls are murdered by Charles Carl Roberts in a shooting at an Amish school in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania before Roberts commits suicide.
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution (Amendment II) is a part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the pre-existing individual right to possess and carry weapons (i.e. "keep and bear arms") in case of confrontation. Codification of the right to keep and bear arms into the Bill of Rights was influenced by a fear that the federal government would disarm the people in order to impose rule through a standing army or select militia, since history had shown the way tyrants eliminated resistance to suppression of political opponents was to simply take away the people's arms and make it an offense to keep them.
Adrian Period 1
People believe guns are cool through the way that people with guns are depicted in movies and other forms of media. Wishing to emulate those people many go to guns looking for to be like that same type of character. Many others also believe that keeping a gun keeps them safe. In certain cases it has helped protect someone’s life. But in inner cities and ghettos guns are usually one’s enemy. So in many cases they hurt more than they protect. However, I do not believe that a change should be made to the second amendment. Many would most likely still hold on to their firearms and most likely a police force would have to be created to obtain the contraband. This would create too many unnecessary problems; instead I believe it should just be made harder to obtain guns. Guns have not affected my life in anyway for me to believe these statements, but they affected many others. So the facts on the hardships created by firearms are hard to ignore. Stricter laws for guns used and/or obtained illegally should be put into place, as it only seems like crimes committed by guns are only increasing.
First off, not all people think all guns are cool. That’s just people who aren’t around it a lot and don’t know about them. And the only reasons those people think that guns are cool are because of the movies and music songs. And people think that their not safe. Guns are as safe as pillows. It depends who is using the gun. They aren’t safe, not the gun. Guns have affected my life some. Two of my people got shot and died. One was hit by a stray bullet and the other was targeted. But that’s life. There’s no reason to change the second amendment. People are saved daily by guns. And on the other hand people are killed by guns daily. It’s the way it is and there no way to change it. For example, a pizza hut delivery guy was getting robbed for the pizza he was delivering. He pulled out a gun and shot the guy that was robbing him. The robber didn’t die but I bet he ain’t gonna try stealing pizza again. Guns save people to, not just kill. There no reason to make the laws even stricter. It’s strict enough. It would suffocate a lot of people it was stricter.
Suryawan Period 1
Gun is something that is considered as “cool” because of their ability to hurt somebody or to kill somebody. It has many different kinds of power and range. It is also used to protect yourself and self-defense. In the other hand, it can also be misused to offend somebody who’s innocent. United States of America, gun is legal to anybody who is old enough to hold it. Talking about safe…… I don’t think that we are safe if some maniacs are the one who’s holding the gun. Such as the tragedy in Virginia Tech, a mentally ill guy bought a gun and kills a huge number of people. Nothing is really safe if the 2nd amendment is still around. They will just have the same right as the law enforcements. It is also disadvantage the law enforcements, where their probability to get hurt much more higher than other law enforcements in other countries. You don’t need a gun to protect yourself, a baseball bat will do. Life is something precious that has been given by us from god. Yes, there should be some changes made to the punishment to those who uses guns illegally. If they kill somebody, they should be imprisoned for the rest of their life. A strict law should be made to encourage everybody not use gun illegally and carelessly.
Period 1.
I think that many people believe that guns are “cool” because of what they can do. When someone has a gun they feel in control because they feel as though no one can mess with them. When someone has a gun it makes them feel not as scared because the gun is their protection. Guns have affected me during my life. Living in the inner city a lot of incidents involves guns. Just during the summer one of my closest friends got shot at a party when he was taking a picture. Also two of my friends are locked up because they had a gun on them when they got caught by the cops. I think it is a 50/50 chance with this gun situation. You never know when someone will have one and pull it out you. I do think it is right to have a gun if you have a license because that is for your protection but it all depends on how you use it. I think that the punishment for carrying a gun without a license all depends on the situation. If someone is just caught with the gun but didn’t do anything, then I believe the 5 years in jail is enough but if it was used in a crime or something like that then 5 years isn’t enough.
In my opinion people think guns are cool because that’s all they hear. What I mean about that’s all they hear is that most of people’s surroundings consist of guns. In movies people that possess guns are considered cool. In the music these days’ singers sing or rap about guns and the hood. Most youth listen to this type of music and grow up with the mentality of gun possessions. I don’t find guns being cool, but it’s good to have it for safety issues. We are not safe with people having permission to have a gun because people don’t view the gun things as protection. People abuse the privilege and use it for dangerous things and also threatening. A lot of the killings are results of the gun shootings by people who take advantage of carrying a gun. Guns are not the safest things and I would know because some of my family members were killed by gun shootings. I think that there shouldn’t be a change because even though there are changes I’m pretty sure people are going to carry guns regardless. However, there should be more strict laws and punishments. This way the percentage of people carrying guns would reduce.
I do think gun are dangerous because it does nothing but harm. Guns does not make people look cool but make them look stupid because they are carrying it for all the wrong reasons. Guns are not cool because they are nothing but harmful weapons. We are not safe with guns because it’s a weapon that can cause damage. Guns have never infected my life but it has infected many people. Last year a boy was accidently shot in the head by his friends and in Oakland Tribune a 14 years old boy was arrested for killing a 13 year old boy. People who use and own guns are usually teenagers that I know of. They are underage and they do use it for the wrong reasons. Yes there should be changes to the 2nd amendment because in the amendment it says “….protects the pre-existing individual right to possess and carry weapons (i.e. "keep and bear arms") for confrontation”, which means that if the individual own a gun and he has the right to then he can keep it. I disagree because when a person own a gun he probably doing something bad with it. There should be stricter laws for it because I don’t think people should be allow to own guns for the safe of the state.
To me, I think that people (especially teens) think that guns are so appealing because of their role models who possess guns. If a rapper has a gun and is talking about shooting up their enemies they get the impression that they are “big and bad,” when some of them are just trying to protect themselves. I also think that guns are so appealing to people because guns cause intimidation. If someone is seen with a gun, automatically, most of their peers are intimidated by the gun and will not mess with them. If they sense a lot of intimidation, the person with the gun might flaunt it more and scare their peers. That makes them feel like they are on the top of the world and they will keep bringing their gun around until they really need to use it. Guns and violence affected my life the more than ever at the end of last summer. My uncle was shot right between the eyes over a drug that was not even worth that much, marijuana. He was selling it in the middle of the night and the guy who was receiving the drugs (and was also high on meth) shot him at his own front door and took all of the drugs and money that my uncle had on him. So when I think about gun violence, it upsets me; because of that guy who was high, my mother and aunts will never see their brother again, my grandparents will never see their son again, and my little cousin will never see his hero, his role model, his father again. I do not think that there should be changes made to the second amendment. However, I do think that in order to possess a gun, you need to have a license and in order to get that license, you need to show that you truly can handle carrying the gun with you. I also think that gun laws should be stricter so that this problem will reduce and bullets will not take away as many lives.
Many people think guns are cool because of their functions. Guns are used in popular action movies, and adults as well as children like what the guns can do and are engrossed by the guns. Also, in popular video games like 007 or Halo, etc., the mission is to kill with weapons, and make sure to stay alive.
The “coolness” of guns starts to be embedded in a child’s mind by the time they know how to speak. A lot of infants have toy guns, or they use their hands to make a gun and say “bam.”
We are never safe with guns. I read a book and it said: “I don’t use guns; my dad always said that having a gun is an invitation to getting shot.” That is true. You don’t plan to get shot, but if you have a gun, you are more likely to get shot.
People have this mentality that they are safe if the have a gun. It actuality, you are more in danger when you have a gun. People think they are invincible when they have guns, because they think guns can protect.
Although the majority of violence are gun-related some people use guns and other weapons for a reasonable reason. For example, if you don’t live in the city, you might go hunting and need a weapon to catch your prey.
Violence/guns haven’t affected my personal life. I watch the news, and see how many people are getting in trouble with the law, because of drug and gun-related crimes.
In my opinion, the 2nd amendment shouldn’t be amended. If someone feels insecure or afraid, and the feel the need to have a gun, then they should be able to have ownership of a gun.
I don’t think guns should be illegal, because like Prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s, the change was somewhat futile. I think crime rates would reduce, but that still wouldn’t eradicate violence between gangs, and other committed crimes related to guns.
Daniel Period 1
I think people think guns are cool because of what they do and how different ones make different sounds. Also maybe because they feel more powerful when they have fire-power backing their mouth up. I don’t think we are really safe unless you have a gun or hangout with people that are know for shooting guns. Guns are around me most of the time because of the people I hang around. Even though they are there for me sometimes I still don’t feel safe. Violence has also taken a part in my life. Also because of people I choose to hangout with. I don’t think the second amendment should be change in any way. I just think we need not to be giving crazy people permits for weapons. Also I think all shot guns should need a permit. Also cops need to watch illegal gun transportation. Also I do think there should be more harsh punishments for illegal guns. Also the laws should be enforced more often. There should be a yearly evaluation for crooked cops. They could be some of the people getting civilians the weapons. Our police need to also be watched. I think ex-military and police are getting these weapons to the outside where they aren’t supposed to be. That right there is no loyalty to the force.
Period 1
People think guns are cool, because the world has made them look cool. The best way to bring something into someone’s life is when they are a child. If you go into a toy store, you will see little toy guns. If you play with guns as a child, you will think they are just fun toys. You won’t think that these are things that kill people. For most kids, the first dead body they see is on a movie. If you watch an action movie, you see the star of the movie kill hundreds of people with guns.
I don’t really think having a gun in your home makes your home safe. Every year, you hear about a little kid accidentally shooting himself or someone else. I understand how having a gun in your home could make you feel safe. If somebody breaks into your house, you will do what whatever you have to do to protect your family. However, most of the time, you won’t be able to get to your gun when someone breaks into your house. This makes having a gun in your home more dangerous than safe.
Guns have affected my life a lot. Growing up in Newark, you hear gunshots all the time. You just run in the house and make sure everybody is alright. However, not everybody gets away. My Uncle Fred got killed by a shotgun shot to the back. He was in a bar and he got drunk. He got mad about something and started yelling. The owner of the bar kicked him out, so Fred got even madder. Fred threatened to burn his bar down, so the bar owner got scared and got his shotgun. He shot my uncle in the back while he was walking away. This bar was right around the corner from my Grandma’s house. I can remember sitting on the porch and seeing somebody run up and tell us that Fred got shit.
I don’t think a change to the 2nd amendment would matter, because it isn’t used. Possessing a gun is a federal charge, which means that you can get up to 10 years.
I think that laws don’t need to be stricter. If you have a gun, you’re going to jail unless you have a license. Everybody knows that, but they will still take the chance. Some people don’t care about their own life, so they definitely don’t care about a stranger’s life.
Period 2
People today think that guns are “cool” because of all the talk about them. Also the songs and about what people say about them. In songs, they talk about all types of guns and maybe kids get into it. Wanting to be like the person they listen to. Another thing is that kids want them because they think that they have to prove something and it will keep them safe. I think that we are safe. But there are places where you go, where you are not safe. Because of the gangs and drug violence. Other then that, anywhere else is safe to go.
Gun violence has and hasn’t really changed my life. There are some friends that I know that have them. But that don’t mean that they will use it. The only reason it has change my life is because that my aunt was shot through both her legs. It jus makes me concerned about my family. Other then that it really doesn’t affect me. I think that the punishments should be a little harsher. But if it is for defense or anything like that. Then they shouldn’t punish them hard. That is what I think about the subject.
Garrett pd2
I grew up with firearms. As soon as I was old enough to hold a pistol properly, and know what not to do, my father took me to the target range and taught me to shoot. Even now, when I go to visit him, the target range is one of the things we have to do. I do not believe guns have done anything harm my life. Also, I hate when people say things like "Guns kill people." Yes, guns are dangerous, but only if you have no idea what you are doing or you become negligent. Guns cannot kill someone without someone else pulling the trigger. Even an eating utensil can be used as a weapon. Does that mean we have to get rid of all the forks in the world? I have been firing weapons since I as 5, and the only time I got hurt was when my pinky got caught in a rifle bolt because I wasn't watching what I was doing. However, I do believe we need stricter punishments for those who use firearms in crimes. But, that does not mean we need to punish the innocent people who have never used a gun against another human being.
Joseph, Period 2
Not that people think guns are cool just they like having them just in case of emergence, and to protect there self from danger. People that have guns are safe because of the danger, but most people are not safe because of some people are dangerous with them. The reason I say some people are dangerous with them is because they kill and shoot at other people. The violence with the guns affected my life because they took by best friend life and I was shot at a lot of times. Guns and violence is the same thing because to do violence most is with a gun. They should make changes in the 2nd amendment because there is a lot of danger in the cities mainly, because young kids are getting guns from the older people and they are people that were involved with crime of guns. They need to start doing back ground, I know most places do but then again there is a lot of other places that don’t do a back ground check. The people that use the guns illegally should be put in jail for life, not 20 years for life they should be. They are still getting out of jail after there time is up and go and get who ever tried to get them, it is pay back they call it. That is what I think about this date, October 2, 2002.
Bryce, Period 2
You wonder why so many people think guns are “cool?” Take a look at television and go to the movies. When you look at television, you will see people on almost every channel with a gun. They may not be using it; the gun may be holstered. But still, a gun is a gun. Possession of a gun is possession of a gun. Whether it is being used or it is put away, it is still on the character. Some people who watch shows like that would say “I should get a gun. The best person on the show has a gun, so why don’t I have one?” Some of my best movies to watch are action packed. Everyone is influenced by what they see in different ways. As far as us being safe, we are safe as long as we don’t talk too much and stay out of people’s business. Guns are cool to me when they’re in movies, but in real life situations it’s sad to hear about people being shot. I know and have heard of people being killed by guns and I’m sorry for their circumstances, but nothing needs to happen with the 2nd Amendment.
Taiwan Ferrell pd1
Well, I don’t think that people think guns are cool, it’s just that some fill more protected when having a gun in hand, or in their possession. They feel though that they can’t be touched or hurt. We are only safe if gun laws were just a little bit stricter. If illegal guns on the street were eliminated, and well controlled, if it wasn’t so easy for just anyone to go out and buy a gun. Personally, gun violence really hasn’t affected my family at all. There are people in my family that has a gun illegally, but they never really got in trouble with the law, or in the street involving guns. But, on the other hand, I do know some people that have gotten themselves in a bunch over guns, and they are now paying the price for it. No, I believe that the 2nd Amendment should stay the same. I don’t think that it be any modifications to it. I think that it should stay the rights to bare arms. The 2nd Amendment does not say any one could own a gun, it says if they have to be mentally able to have a gun. Yes, I do believe that there should be more strict laws on those who have illegal gun and those who have used illegal guns.
Period 2
People think that guns are cool because it kind of protects some people. Some people use it to be in control of others. It is a very dangerous object that can take a life. Well since lots of people have guns for protection, some of us don’t really use it for that. Some use it to kill their enemies. We are no longer safe in this world. I think in order for this place to be safe again, all the guns should be taken away. Only officers should use it when they really have to. People feel in control when they have a gun. The gun violence has really opened my eyes after my cousin was pointed a gun at right in front of me. It was so scary that I though that people with those guns were going to shoot him and me. Since that day, I look over my shoulder because you never know who can come behind you and point that dangerous object at you and probably kill you. I think that the second amendment should be change so that guns should be kept in a safe place and so that only law enforcement could use it when they have to. Yes, there should be a more strict punishment for those who use guns illegally so that other can learn from it and keep this place a better place.
Patricia Bell
Period 2
I think that many people think that guns are cool because their something that they have seen on television and just because the celebrities have carried one or has one that they are the same as those people. I also think that some people may think that guns are cool because the have an older family member or sibling that has one and they look up to that person so they think that they need to have one. I also think that people think guns are cool because they think it may make them look strong, tough, or popular when it really doesn’t. No, we are not safe there are killers all over the world and they could hurt us at any time. Violence and guns have affected my life by killing my brother and by me being in a lot of drama and fights. Yes, I think that there should be a change made in the 2nd amendment because if you are fighting with someone and they just pull out a gun and the other person didn’t have one the 2nd amendment is saying that is okay that it was self defense but I think different. I think they should just banned guns all together. I think that there shouldn’t be more strict laws and punishments for those who use guns illegally because a person that uses a gun legally nothing happens to them and the person that uses the gun illegally may be in the same predicament that the legal person was in and nothing will happen to them.
Tayania Period 2
People today think that guns are “cool” because there friends have them and they think that it is a good thing to have them. They are cool because they read and hear that the famous people that they like have then and they want to following behind them. They look up to people who have guns and since they have a good they think that they need to have them too. They think that the reason for people having a gun is that it can make them safe. No, we are not safe with all these people having guns because all they do is go around shooting at and killing each other. Every time you look on the news you will most likely hear about some type of shooting that went on. I really do not believe that violence/guns affected my life because I am never around when thinks such as shootings happen. The only way that the gun has affected my life is that there is shooting that happens around my neighborhood and not to long ago there had been a shooting around the corner from my home. I am not really sure if the 2nd should be change because it has been like that for so long and why would they try to change it now. Some people should have the right to have guns because they can have a license to have one in there home. Yes, there should be more strict laws and punishments for those who use guns illegally because then that can bring down the crime rate that should not be so high.
I don’t necessarily think that people think that guns are cool. I think it’s just a way for young people today fill safe in there neighborhoods. I think that we aren’t safe in a way because now a days anybody can have a gun. You might be better off getting a gun to protect yourself from others around you that carry a deadly weapon. Guns and Violence haven’t really affected my life. I see and hear about people my age getting killed for simple things that no one should have been worried about or mad about. People today decided to kill someone they have problems with because they live on the other side of town or because they represent a different “hood” than the one they a supposedly from. I don’t think that it will make a difference if they do change the 2nd amendment because people will still be able to get guns weather or not the law says that they can’t. I think the five years you get for carrying an illegal firearm is fair enough because they were probably carrying the gun so that they could fill protected. Although after serving the five years for the gun charges aren’t going to stop them from still carrying them even though they got caught with them before.
Tazajre,Period 2
Brianna Clark Period 1:
I don’t think that people think that guns are cool; I think that they make people feel safe. I mean for example, many people or even kids like teenagers have guns in my neighborhood. I don’t think that they carry them just for the hell of it, the gun or the power they feel from carrying one makes them feel safe, like their untouchable. No were not safe because young kids are carrying a lot more than what they think they are when they even hold them. And most kids get scared even from holding or carrying one with them. They start to get paranoid almost. And when they start shooting bullets don’t have names on them and when a kid gets a hold of something so powerful it doesn’t always end in a good way. They don’t know who their shooting or who is around all they care about is making a name for themselves. I mean it really hasn’t effected me none, yea sure guns do scare me but I’m not scared or I don’t feel scared when I’m in my own neighborhood. Yea I don’t live in the best part of town but I feel safe there, and besides I know everyone too. No, I don’t think that there should be a change of the 2nd amendment because now a days people or most people have to carry a gun to save them or help protect them, I mean it’s sad to know that it’s like that but it’s the truth. Yes, there should be more strict laws on that matter but that’s not going to stop people from getting them. I mean all someone has to do is go outside and get them, it’s not right but hey no one is stopping them, so they feel obligated to go get them.
Gun laws are for a good reason, but some people, such as my father are upset about this because it limits the number of guns they can own. He is a very… country-oriented man. He grew up learning how to hunt and fish, so he has a fine collection of guns and wishes to have more, but cannot obtain many more, because of the gun laws. As shown, the Constitution gives all citizens the right to bear arms, and now the government is trying to take those guns away, which I am sure not many people will like, and they will encounter many, many oppositions along the way of trying to get a bill removing guns from civilian homes. I believe that where they will encounter the most resistance would be from military men/women, and hunters. America is supposed to be a free country where people can be free and have certain unalienable rights. I believe that there should be a certain limit on the number of guns a person can have in a home at one time, but never a number on how many they can own. I feel as though my point of view on this topic may be a little biased, because my father can rant on this topic for hours on end talking about how the government will have a revolt on their hands if they try to take peoples guns away. I feel we need gun laws, but less restricting gun laws.
Many people think guns are cool because it gives them power over others because they know nobody wanted to die. To me, if I had a gun I would think that nobody would mess with me because I have more power which is that heat to there brain. No were not safe, nobody is safe anywhere to be honest but its good to be vey aware of your surroundings. Gun violence affected me because I lost someone very important in my life from somebody shooting him in his head. No I don’t think we should the 22nd Amendment because yes you should have a weapon for protection especially if u couldn’t fight you would want to protect yourself with a weapon just in case something would happen. But I do agree about the law changing and being more strict about the gun law they should only issue a gun to certain people no just to every body- they probably already do but they should be more aware of who they issue it to. People are crazy these days with weapon they use them like they are cell phones devices. But sometimes they don’t realize what there doing until one of there loves ones get hurt.
Dani - 2nd Period.
I honestly believe that guns should have never existed. The only thing that guns are good for is violence of any kind, even if you are protecting yourself, loved ones, or even protecting your country. When it comes to people having guns, there are many people that use it for protection for themselves, which sometimes ends up in the wrong direction in terms of illegally hurting or killing another person. There are also people that believe that guns are just cool to have. I believe that the only reason someone would have a gun is so that they could cause harm to someone. Even though they say it's for protection, they still buy the bullets to the gun and in any case of emergency, would cause harm to a person. I believe that by taking away guns, it wouldn't do any more good to our country. There are other weapons besides guns that people could use and hurt someone worst. I think that there SHOULD be more strict laws for guns, and more punishment for people who own illegal guns and those who use guns illegally. People that use guns illegally (to rob someone, threaten someone, hurt another person, or kill another person) are completely in the wrong for even considering such a thing. I think people should also be cross examined before getting a gun permit. For example, if someone has a record of a bad temper, then they shouldn’t legally own a gun. Gun laws need to be changed now.
Enya Baez-F. period 2
I think so many people think that guns are cool because they see it so much in the media in and pop culture. You see guns in a lot of rap music videos and other kinds of music videos. And we grow up seeing all those kinds of things and that influences us. I think the obvious thing is that guns are better in the hands of some people, but not all, because there are obviously the people out there that abuse their rights and use their guns for the wrong things and not the right things. I don’t think there should be stricter gun laws. I just think that we need to do a better job of keeping track of guns. I know that there are illegal gun sales, and we need to come up with a solution that will stop that. If you restrict the rights of people, they’re not going to happy. So I don’t think that making stricter laws are exactly the answer, we just all need to come to a compromise. So then we can all be safe and sure that no one is out there using a gun for the wrong things. The law was originally made for protection for yourself. But now it’s been switched, and we need protection from others with guns.
Enya Baez-F. period 2
I think so many people think that guns are cool because they see it so much in the media in and pop culture. You see guns in a lot of rap music videos and other kinds of music videos. And we grow up seeing all those kinds of things and that influences us. I think the obvious thing is that guns are better in the hands of some people, but not all, because there are obviously the people out there that abuse their rights and use their guns for the wrong things and not the right things. I don’t think there should be stricter gun laws. I just think that we need to do a better job of keeping track of guns. I know that there are illegal gun sales, and we need to come up with a solution that will stop that. If you restrict the rights of people, they’re not going to happy. So I don’t think that making stricter laws are exactly the answer, we just all need to come to a compromise. So then we can all be safe and sure that no one is out there using a gun for the wrong things. The law was originally made for protection for yourself. But now it’s been switched, and we need protection from others with guns.
Period Two;
Yes, I do believe that there should be some immediate changes to the second amendment. I feel as though because today the world is falling apart due to the new generation. Everyone feels that having a gun is something to be proud of and that it’s a life necessity. A gun shouldn’t be a right, but a privilege. If used the wrong way then it should be taken away. Because it is so many around, and so easy to obtain; more and more violence is taken place in the world today. The thought of knowing that there are so many guns everywhere, makes people feel unsafe. Even though many haven’t been personally affected by guns and weapons, all have been affected in some way because of someone you know was affected and it got to you. I’ve personally been affected many ways. One in particular is that a friend of mine was recently booked due to a gun charge. Although it wasn’t his, he was taking the blame for someone else he cared for. By him doing so, I was affected, his family, and many others. Some things that can be done to reduce the guns are more strict rules. Keep the second amendment, but put an age limit on guns. If anyone caught under the age of 18 with a gun or any other weapon will have to face harsh consequences. And if over the age of 18, it must be license to your name with a valid reason for having it.
I don’t really think that people think that guns are cool. I just think that people want them for the reason they do not feel like they are safe or because they need it because they are not protected in the streets. I do not believe that we are safe. Yes guns violence has affected my life. A way that guns violence has affected my life is because I can no longer go to parties that are in certain places because every time someone has to pull out a gun and start shooting over the dumbest reasons. This has affected my kids. This makes them feel like they are not longer safe and that if they go a certain place they will be hurt. I think that there should be a change in the second amendment. I believe that no one should be able to bear arms and I believe that the police should be more protective to the society. I think that if they would get all the bad people off the streets than everyone will feel safe or feel like when they walk out there door there won’t be a shooting occurring. I think that it depends on the situation of the person who’s used the gun. If they used if for protection then I believe they should not be punished. But if they don’t use it for punishment than they should have a punishment
I don’t necessarily think that people think guns are “cool”, but I definitely think it makes them feel big. Now people don’t really fight anymore and most people start confrontation when they won’t have to fight they just pull out a gun and it makes them feel like they have the upper hand. It’s like people walk around talking trash to people they wouldn’t normally mess with and they’re confident about it because they won’t have to get involved physically they’ll just use that gun. I think you’re safe as long as you’re smart about how you deal with people because you can never know what to expect from anybody because the way one person reacts to something will not be the same as the next. A couple of years ago a family member of mine was shot and it scared me because we were really close. He was okay but he had to be hospitalized and that made me worry even more. I think that the 2nd amendment should remain the same but there should definitely be more punishment for illegal gun possession because if you couldn’t get it legally then that just means you weren’t supposed to have it in the first place.
Pd 2
So many people think guns are “cool” because they believe they are in power with them. People may also think guns are “cool” because they have some type of glow like they are shiny, so this may let them look cute. I do and do not think that we are safe. I do think we are safe because there are many laws and consequences for those people who are caught with guns with and with out a license. There is also a downfall to that because not everyone is caught. Guns and violence has impacted my life tremendously. Guns and violence has impacted my life because my mom will not give me the freedom that I would like because she is scared of what may happen to me when I am not with her, but I try to tell her with or without her anything can happen. It has also impacted my life because it seems as though everyone owns a gun or is involved in some type of violence. There is a lot of people now that own guns for protection, just to protect themselves from someone who has a gun and shouldn’t. I don’t think that much should be changed to the second amendment. I do think there should be more strict laws and punishment against those who have guns illegally. If there were more strict laws and punishment against those who have guns illegally, I think the violence might decrease a little.
Pd 2
So many people think guns are “cool” because they believe they are in power with them. People may also think guns are “cool” because they have some type of glow like they are shiny, so this may let them look cute. I do and do not think that we are safe. I do think we are safe because there are many laws and consequences for those people who are caught with guns with and with out a license. There is also a downfall to that because not everyone is caught. Guns and violence has impacted my life tremendously. Guns and violence has impacted my life because my mom will not give me the freedom that I would like because she is scared of what may happen to me when I am not with her, but I try to tell her with or without her anything can happen. It has also impacted my life because it seems as though everyone owns a gun or is involved in some type of violence. There is a lot of people now that own guns for protection, just to protect themselves from someone who has a gun and shouldn’t. I don’t think that much should be changed to the second amendment. I do think there should be more strict laws and punishment against those who have guns illegally. If there were more strict laws and punishment against those who have guns illegally, I think the violence might decrease a little.
To tell you the truth I don’t believe guns are the problem, because before guns ever existed they still found people killing other people. The problem is not the guns the problem is these sick twisted people who are to much a coward to fight the honest way. Yes, guns do make it easier and yes guns are easy to find but does anyone really think that the killings will stop if guns were banned? Destroyed? No the would not cease, the killings would continue. I pray for those whom innocently have lost their lives to guns at the wrath of a pissed off person whom pulled the trigger. But that’s just it; it was a person that pulled that trigger it was that pissed off person whom shot that other person. The world is cold, I had a cousin get shot 11 times because her music was too loud, and another get shot in the head for looking at a guy wrong. Do I blame the gun? Hell no I blame the sick bastards that pulled that trigger, but it didn’t have to be a gun that killed them. I ve had countless family murdered in stabbings, car accidents where the driver was drunk. Fights, poisoning, it’s all the same. Guns make it easier to kill yes but they also if you really think about it are the best way to kill a person. I would rather get shot quickly then die slowly. There has also been time where guns have saved lives, where a man or woman came on intentions of harming another being. We have the right to bear arms. Yes, people take advantage of that right but in all honesty it is not their fault. It’s like the saying “peasants are not thieves and those that are cannot help themselves” it applies the same for most ignorant kids on the block. If you allow them to be poor to be exposed to violence from a young age then how can you turn your back on them when the demonstrate what you have taught them? If people have a problem with guns so badly then they should get off there butts and educate them. The government claims that guns are the cause of violence when if it wasn’t because of them children would not even know how to shoot a gun off
Isaiah period 2
I think people think guns are cool because what they see in movies, see in TV and hear in music. Movies show people that cool action movies are what it is like to carry and shoot guns. Movies can deceive people that shooting is what the celebrities do so they want to be just like them. Rappers and gangster music is another reason that people think guns are cool. Teens watch music videos and look up to rappers. Most gangster rappers talk guns and shooting people. This can lead kids to think that the rappers famous and he wants to be just like him. Guns are everywhere. It’s not just in urban neighborhoods were shooting and gun activity is high. Now rural areas have shootings and gun activity. Don’t matter where we go guns are common. Guns and violence don’t affect my life. I live in low crime rate neighborhood. But I often visit my cousin’s part of the neighborhood where shooting and fights are very often even though police station is around the corner. There shouldn’t be a change in the 2nd commandment; guns are starting to be a necessity. The laws are strict enough, and so is the punishment for illegal guns.
Lexus Period 1
I think people have the right to bear arms. I think that ways to get them should be harder. Not every one uses there gun for bad. I know it does kill people but it also saves people live. There are people like police who use it when look for a criminal. The guns help regular people. What about people who have businesses and get robbed, I they had a gun they might have help. I understand that people abuse the right to carry guns. Those people we can try to stop, but there is always some one trying to stop a good thing. I believe at the time when they wrote the constitution people weren’t as violent as they where back then. I think that why it is so high in the amendments.
ericka 1
People think they are cool because rappers rap about them. To little kids who idol them think idol the rappers they will follow in there footsteps. No we are not safe because guns have a high percentage rate of kill teens and adults. It’s not the gun its self that’s dangerous it’s more of the person who is controlling it. Guns have made me scared to sleep at night. Every time I go to sleep I hear gun shots and I don’t like that sound. More and more of my family members have died. From a gun I hate it so much. Yes I think they should change it. The people who own guns legally are not all doing the right thing some of them sell it to people on the streets to make money. Yes because I am sick and tired of hearing an innocent child has died. It so sad to see how people are so careless about the guns? There so dangerous and to think if a little kid gets a hold of a gun then they may be dead. I feel so sad to see how to society is now a days. It really makes me cry at night I can’t stand it. It feels like no ones doing any thing about it I feel not one cares what happens to every one. I do care I want to live a lot longer then others. I wish other people felt the same way I did then maybe there won’t be so many crimes and deaths from guns that’s how I feel.
Period 6
So many people think guns are safe because sometimes guns protect them. Those people do not realize the danger that they’re putting everyone else in. For if someone else finds the gun they could just start a shootout. Some people think guns are cool because they do not understand the dangers that were all in when around one of these weapons. They think they’re cool because it’s new and it’s an exciting thing. Teenagers think the gun means that you’re tough and that you run this block or something like that. They think that it’s the best thing out there to prove they’re self to other people. In my opinion we are not safe but then again we are. I say we aren’t because having a gun could go both ways. It can be used a weapon of defense and or it can be used as weapon to kill. We are not safe we have guns and when we don’t. I say this because we can have a gun and accidentally shot someone who was just passing by or we can even accidentally kill ourselves. It goes the same way if you don’t have a gun. You could be walking and out of nowhere a bullet is heading for you. Yes! Many violence/guns have affected my life. As far as my twin cousin dying and my uncle ended up in jail. Guns have caused my uncle 6 year in prison because he was found with a gun in his car near a school and a young teenage boy found it leaving my uncle in a whole lot of trouble, because the young boy wanted revenge and so he shot two other kids. My cousin was one of the kids shot and she ended up in a coma and then in the ground. All this happened because of a gun that my uncle had. Yes! And it should be “No More Guns Anywhere! Yes! There should be more strict laws and punishments for those who use guns illegally. I actually curse the person who invented guns.
P3riod 6
Why do so many people think guns are "cool"? Are we safe? How has violence/guns affected your life? Should there be a change made to the 2nd amendment? Should there be more strict laws and punishments for those who use guns illegally? People think that guns are cool because they think that they may have a higher authority or think that they may have the right to tell you every thing. Well I do not think that we are safe with any guns in anyone’s possession. I believe this because the person with the gun can turn on you at any time and they do not always use the gun for a positive outcome they use them for a negative outcome. I think that guns affected my life. They have done so when my cousin who was a twin named Shakka Kimber was killed on Valentines Day over a pager and a girlfriend. If the he would have had stopped bleeding in the lungs then he would probably be alive today. So I do not think that guns should be involved in the world. The right to bear arms is a privilege in this country many people wish that they could have this advantage in there country. But I think that everyone should not have the right to bear arm especially people that were convicted of murder. I think that if they have already done a murder that they would probably be capable of doing another murder. I think that there should be more punishments for those who use guns illegally but I can not specify what they should be.
Trinity Period 6
Why do so many people think guns are "cool"? Are we safe? How has violence/guns affected your life? Should there be a change made to the 2nd amendment? Should there be more strict laws and punishments for those who use guns illegally?
I think that people think that guns are “cool” because they want to be on top and think that with a gun other people will respect them. A lot of people think that if they have a gun then they are protected and no one will mess with them. Some people carry a gun for safety and use them properly. With the amount of gun crime going up I do not think that we are safe. Some people do not care that they can be punished if they are caught with a gun. They only care about how the gun can help bring there stats on the street or somewhere else. Gun crime has affected me and my life because these days you can not even walk out of the door without fearing for your life or getting hit with a stray bullet. Just the other day I heard gun shots outside of my door. I was so scared the world should not have to be like this. I don’t think that they should change it but they need to say that you can not have a gun in your possession if you do not have papers for it. Some people actually have if for the right reasons. I think that people should get punished for using guns in illegal ways because if it was someone close who got hit with that stray bullet or the person that was gunned down wouldn’t you want them behind bars?
Bianca perod1
Many people in the world think guns are cool for many reasons. I only can think of two reasons why. One reason is that it is over all kinds of videos and people think well everyone one likes that person so if I act like at then maybe people think I m cool. Another reason is people think that guns can protect you and but fear in others. I do not believe in guns because it can kill others and I don’t believe nothing you do is worth taking someone’s life. Guns are one of the most dangerous things you can have I don’t think I would ever have one just because I don’t want one. I don’t really know if guns affected my life but I really don’t think so, thankfully. Yes I do think the 2nd amendment should be changed because there is other ways of settling a situation without killing someone. Yes there should be a better punishment for people use guns in the wrong way like killing someone. If they are licensed to use guns for hunting or some other purpose other than killing someone than it should be fine I think. Guns really don’t any purpose among us.
Safety in the US is one of the big issues. With guns, and violence it makes people scared of their safety, if they can handle be protected while guns are in the house. But I think the only people who can have guns are people who are hunters and policemen. Myself and guns they haven’t changed my life. The only thing they changed was my brother, since he committed suicide in mid January, this year. My whole family was devastated by the news. Violence, especially dealing with guns, can change your life. If one of your family members was involved in any kind of violence, dealing with guns, and they died, you will be crying your heart out.
Some people think guns are cool, because they see their rap artist or favorite whoever with a gun, and they think they are the stuff. But when you come close to experience a life-and-death situation then you will think otherwise. Some people are safe they use guns to protect themselves, but like I said I think people who are hunters and policemen or who have a permit/ license should have a gun. Further then that I don’t think they should have one. They people who do have one without a permit or license should be questioned and put to jail. If you have a gun to protect yourself then get a license, don’t be lazy.
Sydnee Rasberry Pd6
Kaitlin Period 6
I have no clue why people think guns are cool. I do not think they are at all because some people do not know how to act when they have them legal or illegally. I am not speaking for all people just some. I think guns only lead to trouble unless someone is trying to kill or harm you first. Guns affected my life greatly a couple times before. My older brother was just shot and killed a couple months ago and a couple of my relatives were shot and killed years ago. I think that the law should be stricter because obviously it’s not really working. People still have guns unlicensed and they use them on people, but not only in self defense. I don’t think that the punishment should be any worse though. I think it is good enough the way it is. But I do know some people without a license and they are fine, and don’t use it unless they have to. So yes, I do not think guns are cool at all, but I will get a gun when I get older. I can’t wait until I do; I want to get a cute little handgun. I would only use it for self defense though.
Vincent Pd 6
Guns are not dangerous. people are dangerous. It is not the gun that shoots people its people that shoot people. i feel that the 2 amendment should be changed but only to say that there should be a more strict policy as to who they give a gun to. I feel a background check is just not enough. There are some people that want a gun to hunt with and that is okay but then there are those stupid people that just want a gun to have one and that is the problem because a background check cant tell what someone will do with the gun once they get one. We have rights to do what we want but if it could endanger others it should no longer be allowed. You cant stop bad people from getting guns in other ways but at least we can stop the stupid people from getting guns and hurting themselves and others.
Neriah Pd 6
I think you have the right to bare arms. I think that police officers should check for criminal records. I think that every citzen in America has the right to protect themselves and their familes. I think that there are some crazy people in the world now days, and you have to be protected at all times if you want to make sure don’t nothing happen to you. As long as you don’t kill anyone purposely then I don’t feel as if you are wrong to protect yourself. If they have the right to go out and about, they should have to the right to protect themselves.
Period 6
I think that people think guns are cool because the have role models and some of their role models have guns. They want to be like them no matter so the get a gun and they think that is good. No, we are not safe because any can play with a gun and anything can make that gun go off and hurt of even kill somebody. It’s not good to fight, but it happens so when somebody is scared to fight somebody, they buy a gun. Another one is if a person loses a fight, people laugh at them and they get mad. They end up trying to shoot the people who were laughing and the person he fought. I say no because people need guns at home to protect their family. People rob people and they need those guns to keep their household safe. I do think that there should be strict laws for those people who use guns illegally. They should. Guns are serious and it ends a lot of innocent people in the United States and the rest of the country. When I get older I already know that I will have a gun and that reason will be because I want to protect my house and my family. I will never use it for any reason.
Guns and violence have changed our lives drastically. Violence is now surrounded by guns. Guns at one point were a sign of safety and patrol but now it is a sign of gang violence.
A lot of people think guns are cool because you see it every where. Guns are in movies, in videos, and in their neighborhood. Someone who looks up to someone might have a gun. Some kids have guns located in their home. I would like to say that we are safe but that would be a lie. Guns are made to keep us safe in protected but the wrong people get a hold of them. Guns and violence hasn’t really affected me directly but I know people who have been affected by it. I think there should be a change in the 2nd amendment so that it will be harder to get one. If people used the weapon in the right way, it would be okay. No they take advantage. Yes is should be more strict. Police force and law enforcement should be prepared for the violence with guns and weapons because they are basically allowing it. Don’t you think that everything would be okay and there would be less violence in the streets if it was near impossible for them to get a hold of a gun? If the 2nd amendment would change, there would be less crime and death rate. Carrying a gun isn’t for everyone so make sure the ones who get one will make good use of it.
Lexi Pd 1
Period 1
Why do so many people think guns are "cool"? Are we safe? How has violence/guns affected your life? Should there be a change made to the 2nd amendment? Should there be more strict laws and punishments for those who use guns illegally?
I think a lot of young people think guns are cool because of that’s basically what they hear in music today. A lot of gangster rap music talks about things like that. Some people think there cool for the fact that they shout things or the noise they make I personally think it’s real dumb. Now the question are we safe really depends on what exactly are asking. You never know what is going happen to each day, anything could happen. So It doesn’t really matter what you do or where you live it may be scary but it is the truth. The way things are today so many people have a gun and the hard times are country is going through a lot of people are going crazy. So It’s really not safe but you still have to live your life.
Gun violence hasn’t really affected my life no one real close to have got taken by a gun or no one close has a gun at least that I know of. I’m grateful for that hopefully no one ever does. I don’t thing the law should be changed and the punishments for guns illegally I don’t think should be more strict as long as they don’t take no ones life I don’t think it’s really a problem. It all depends on how they use it and what they need it for. The world is today the only sense of security some people have is to keep a gun for protection.
Lance Wilson Pd6
Many people like guns for various reasons. Mostly the youth community is so fascinated by them. Guns is what is killing the people today. Its mostly black on black violence and same race killing same race. The people who need to be role models are not doing there job. The football and other sports players get caught with guns and drugs accompanied by others things that influence people to do it. I do not think the 2nd amendment should be change it should just be modified. Anyone should still be able to carry a gun just the consequences and threats should be bigger. For example if you carry a gun and commit a crime it should automatically be taking and there should be a community service consequence. Laws are meant to be broken. The law punishment should include sufficient jail time. People use guns for protection and I understand that but some people get guns to shoot people because they are board. There should be some type of test to allow you to get a gun license. People they guns are cool because the way they look. I think music and movies influence’s people to get guns also.
Tyenne Pd.6
People think that guns are cool because of the media. They could also think guns are cool if their father is an avid hunter. Everywhere you go, someone has a gun. They might even show it off. I know many people that have guns that are not supposed to. That is how so many of these crimes are happening. We are not safe anywhere. Like, you see we have security at the airport but the terrorists somehow got weapons on the plane. We have security guards at school but somehow people still bring guns to school. There are so many school killings these days. People have so much hatred for one another. Even places like Chuck E. Cheese, people could bring guns to the same place you think your kids are safe. I do not think the government should change the Constitution but they should make it harder for people to get a gun. They need to restrict how many guns someone can have, and process a background check. Even though I am against hunting, I do understand that hunters need guns. I do not like laws against illegal guns but I do think that more time should be given to murderers
Fatima Neal
Period 1
If there wasn’t no internet, I think the world would go crazy, that’s what we live off today technology. That’s how we keep updated with info. From faraway relatives, and friends or just keep up-dated with the world, but I also think that they should banned some things from the internet – like un-supervised chat rooms, and live TV- because its men out there, or should I say perverted men that’s out to get young girls- and that’s how they get all there information from the internet. With technology period this world will have a big downgrade, that’s all people use today is cell phones, internet, videogames, and etc. The internet is my life especially when I need to cheat for my homework (Just Playing). But personally to me I couldn’t live without technology at all, that’s my life and everybody else’s life revolves around it to. My grandmother can’t even live without it, her TV. Technology has changed the world and how we communicate-and trying to take it away will make life a little harder for people to live. So I say don’t think about taking the internet away because people will be out to kill someone.
Laquietta period 1
Why do so many people think guns are "cool"? Are we safe? How has violence/guns affected your life? Should there be a change made to the 2nd amendment? Should there be more strict laws and punishments for those who use guns illegally?
People think guns are cool for various reasons. It could be that they are fascinated by them; they could think that they are special; some might think that guns aren’t that dangerous and other stuff as well. It seems that gun violence is ruining the world and the people in it. Individuals that use gun violence to solve there problems isn’t the way to handle things. There is always a better solution rather then shooting and possibly killing someone. We are not safe even when the “government” wants us to think that. Anything can happen to me, you, or anyone else. To be honest anyone is able to get in hold of a gun. There has to thousands of under aged kids that is able to have or hold a gun. This keeps the generation going because if a minor gets hold of a gun then anyone can. It takes only one to get it and one to spread it. However not all adults are responsible. At times you are always hearing that someone had a drive by, or some man/women killed there significant other. That just proves that no one is safe. I don’t think the second amendment should be changed because it actually states that no one under a certain age should be carrying a gun. But then again that amendment cannot stop anyone form doing so. People don’t follow the rules because they know they won’t get caught or that they jus don’t care.
Sydnee R.
Safety in the US is one of the big issues. With guns, and violence it makes people scared of their safety, if they can handle be protected while guns are in the house. But I think the only people who can have guns are people who are hunters and policemen. Myself and guns they haven’t changed my life. The only thing they changed was my brother, since he committed suicide in mid January, this year. My whole family was devastated by the news. Violence, especially dealing with guns, can change your life. If one of your family members was involved in any kind of violence, dealing with guns, and they died, you will be crying your heart out.
Some people think guns are cool, because they see their rap artist or favorite whoever with a gun, and they think they are the stuff. But when you come close to experience a life-and-death situation then you will think otherwise. Some people are safe they use guns to protect themselves, but like I said I think people who are hunters and policemen or who have a permit/ license should have a gun. Further then that I don’t think they should have one. They people who do have one without a permit or license should be questioned and put to jail. If you have a gun to protect yourself then get a license, don’t be lazy.
Jose Ramirez Period:6 10-20-08
In my opinion people think that guns are cool because of it way of killing people. For example like guns do the killing for you if you just pull the trigger. In my opinion we are not safe because you never know who might have a gun. Also, guns are a very day part of urban communities. I believe if guns were not invented people who are safe. But at the same time unsafe. For example if you use a gun to protected your self and family their safe. But if someone just uses guns to rob people and steal their money. Then you can say that guns are unsafe. I believe that being on the right side can make a gun seem safe and unsafe. Guns has in fact change my life because ones in my neighborhood my uncle had a pistol and was cached with it by cops. And know I can’t really see the world as safe because of conflict and violence because it can come to you without warning. I believe that the 2nd amendment should not be change because guns can help you and kill you. I believe that people who use guns the wrong way should be punished stricter like more years behind bars. Really guns can be view as good and bad it depends on what side your in.
In my opinion people believe to think guns are so called “cool” by the ability and can do to peoples and what they hear. For me I don’t think its cool I mean like you can use it to protect yourself. But people these days don’t use the guns to protect themselves they use it because they think it’s cool just to hold one. I don’t think guns are safe once you have it in your hands the tensions of it feel as though you got that power. When I go to bed all I hear is shooting and the violence I see everyday out of school. I never feel safe unless I’m at home. I do not think that there should be changes made to the second amendment. However, I do think that in order to possess a gun, you need to have a license and in order to get that license; you need to show that you truly can handle carrying the gun with you. If someone feels insecure or afraid, and the feel the need to have a gun, then they should be able to have ownership of a gun. There should be strict laws that you can not use any weapon under age. For those that use guns illegally should be punishments for the wrong doing of it.
Tuyen Period 6
Milira: period 6
I believe guns are something that shouldn’t be played with. I believe the only reason why people think guns are cool today is because of all the hype that the media puts out. Just like smoking, if others see others using guns then they will too. If someone says its cool then instantly it is. Some people are pushed to the point were they believe that type of violence is the answer. That’s when the problem of bringing guns to school comes up. I don’t thing the guns are to blame it’s just that person and that persons issues. Guns are merely the object used. There are plenty of other weapons, its just that guns are the most common. I believe that 2nd amendment is right, we should have the right to bear arms in case of confrontation, and you need protection. I don’t think if you went to jail for killing someone randomly for no apparent reason you should be allowed to bear arms. They should also be more careful about who they sell guns to because some how kids underage are getting access to weapons. There should be more strict laws and punishment for those who use guns illegally.
Anyea Period 6
In my opinion, so many people think guns are “cool” because of the media and its message that it’s alright to have a gun, and to shoot people because the media can be very influential. Also because musicians talk about guns in their songs, and accompany the song with a video or nice beat that draws your attention to the words and make you feel it. And most of the music is mainly about shooting “niggaz” or disrespecting “bitches/hoes” which makes people (mainly young) listening to it believe that it’s acceptable because they think that if it wasn’t then they wouldn’t show it on TV or play it on the radio. I doubt that we’re safe because nowadays, everyone has a gun, and nobody cares who gets hurt while they are shooting. Guns and shooting has affected my life because people I know have gotten shot or killed because of people having guns. It has also made it dangerous to go outside anymore because the possibility of getting shot is always in my mind. I feel as if I stay inside the house, I’m safe, but when a bullet came through my window, it made me realize that shooting can happen anywhere. Shooting also makes my family afraid for my brothers and my life. Everyday we leave, my grandmother always tells us to watch the company we keep, and that no bullet has a name on it, which is very different from how she used to act when we were younger and guns were scarce. Even if laws became stricter or the 2nd amendment was altered to be stricter, there still is someone out there roaming the streets with a gun, needing or wanting to sell it and going to sell it to someone who has violence in mind. Or it’s someone who is only interested in the money, searching for anyone who will buy it, never caring about the effects it will have on the buyers life and others around them.
I think people think guns are cool because they can hurt people in away people can’t/ I think that guns aren’t cool. I do think people who have guns should have them for good reason. I think some guns are safe depending who is the owner of the gun. I think that police should have guns but they should only be a last resort. I think they help them save their lives but it can also take some one else. I think that if your not using the gun for self defense should only be use. I think gun crime is at an all time high. I think you do have the right to bar arms if you go by the right process. I think there should be changes made to the 2nd amendment. I think there should be harder was to obtain a gun.
Tarik David Blount
Perion 6
Info of tech
Guns like all other things are tools, tools that can be used for the protection of an individual or the demise of an individual. Taking away the freedom of an individual is wrong in all cases. Though it made be used for the wrong reasons most everything can be abused and taking away something that can be positive for the simple fact that in can be misused would be a critical mistake. Changing the second amendment would in fact create more problems than it would solve. The people of America would feel that there freedom was being jeopardized, and it would spur rebellion similar to the flag burnings, and marches of the 70’s. This would cause unneeded dissimilation among the people. To take away guns is to take away choice to take away choice is to take away freedom and to take away freedom is to deny the very principles America was erected upon. The second amedndment was meant to give Americans the freedom to protect their families to take that away would shake America into dire straight. This is the end of my opinion. V v v v v v v
Sasha Period 6
People think guns are so cool because the media portrays them to be. Every major rapper talks about guns in their songs or about killing somebody. So all the little kids’ thing that it is right to carry around guns and that is not safe. That means that they could bring guns into school or even out on the street and try to shoot them because it sounds cool. This has effected where I live because basically everyone carries a gun. A lot of them carry guns because they look cool. Others carry guns to protect themselves the ones that think they are cool. People think that guns can take away all their drama in jus one shot but it doesn’t work that way. It jus causes more drama it makes people want to come after you with more guns its just tragic. I don’t think we should change the amendment because if we do it’s going to effect our protection. I just think that officials should be stricter on illegal gun use. If you don’t have a license to carry a gun you shouldn’t have a gun on you or in your house and they should inspect people's houses. If you use it illegal you should get a warning and then the second time should be a fine or something.
period 6
I am not sure why people think guns are cool. I think gun are only for protection but I don’t think it should be sold to anyone under the age of 35. I say that because people are stupid out here on the streets. I would not want a gun because they are too dangerous. I think some we are safe I a way but I don’t think we are safe in another way. I say that because people that have guns just use them so they can have something to brag about I don’t think people use them to protect them selves I think they use them to get at their enemies. Guns and in violence really has not effect my life but I seen it effect other peoples life’s. I say away from people how thinks gun are the thing to solve a problem because I don’t want to get hurt. I think it should be a spited change to the second amendment because everybody should not be able to get a gun it should be a very important reason to have one. I think it should be a very high law if you have a gun illegally because it’s not right.
Damian R.
Period 6
Guns have been named cool because of the media. Music and fashion has helped influence guns to be cool. The music has made it seem like guns are what you need to be cool. Guns are a symbol are power in music. But they need to need exaggerate the danger of guns. Guns are not safe in less they are being used for certain reason like going hunting or for war. Violence and guns affect are life because have to be a little cautious. We might lose a friend or family member because of guns and violence. Guns can affect you if you use one because is always a good percent of your health being in danger or you being in danger of prison. I don’t know how to answer about if there should be a strict law. There is always a time when a gun is needed for protection. There are also times when there are used unnecessarily. Laws should be softer depending on what they did. If someone used the gun to get drugs or to kill someone just because they were upset then laws should most definitely be strict. They are way to many people across the country dying from guns that’s why this is a subject that should be talked about regularly.
I would say that so many people think guns are cool because they just want to. The think they are cool because they want to fit in with the crowed and not be looked at weird for not liking a weapon of death. With guns in this world I don’t think anybody is safe. I don’t think anybody can say they are completely safe with guns out there roaming the streets with there carrier. Guns and violence has affected my life but not a lot. I say they have because I live in an area where guns are like a style that never goes out. I say they haven’t because I wouldn’t let my life be affected by a weapon. I honestly don’t know if there should be a change the 2nd amendment. I really don’t care either but I am sure I will soon. I think there should be very strict laws on guns and those who use guns illegally. I say that because guns are killing many people in this life time and ending many children’s lives that don’t need to be ended. Also the people who hold the guns are responsible for all these people’s lives being taken.
By: Andrew, Period 6.
Why do so many people think guns are "cool"? Are we safe? How has violence/guns affected your life? Should there be a change made to the 2nd amendment? Should there be more strict laws and punishments for those who use guns illegally?
So many people think guns are cool because they feel as though it is the strongest way of protection. People feel as though the gun can be their best friend because it protects them and hurts the people who they feel supposedly harm them in a harmful manner. I don’t really believe we are safe because almost anybody these days can get a gun. Kids can go into their elementary schools with guns and their teachers will never know. The only reason why I believe that we are safe is because of our armed forces. That’s our line of protection. It has affected our lives in a negative way. I say that because there are people that might have had a family member who was killed by gun violence. I do believe that the 2nd amendment should be changed. I say that because I believe that if you do not have a gun license then you should not be permitted a gun. If you do then that should be an additional fine.
Lance Wilson
Pd 2
Many people think guns are cool because of the influences they get from other things. The influences are TV, Movies, Music, and violence. Yes we are safe cause people in my opinion don’t shoot people for know reason. You cant give someone a reason to shoot at them. Guns have not affected my life accept for the fact that you cant fight anyone anymore cause they always trying get a gun to handle there problems. I know two people that was shot in the past coupe of years but not personally so it did not affect me that much. Know there should not be a change on the 2nd amendment but there should be a change in better security of the people who buy the guns. People buy guns then sell them on the streets. There should be a harder way to buy a gun. The punishment should be much harsher for people who don’t use guns legally. The jail sentence should be harsher for any type of murder. I think if Obama gets elected he would change the law hopefully. The new rule would be that you have to have a clean record, good Samaritan and you have to take a test to see if you have a gun.
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